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Do you know the game "Rock, paper or scissors"? Maybe you think it's just a simple game for children. But in fact, some adults use it to make decisions and solve their problems. It is also popular in many countries.

There are different stories about the history of the game. But many people believe the game came from Japan, and Japanese have played it for a long time. Later it came to Europe in the middle of the 18th century. In 1842, England founded the Paper Scissors Stone Club and from then on people could get together to play the game for honor (荣誉).

There is even an international club named the World Rock Paper Scissors Club in Toronto. The club makes "Rock, paper or scissors" more and more popular. It holds the world championship (锦标赛) every year. Top players from around the world take part in it and the champion (冠军) can get a lot of money and the honor of all the fans of "Rock, paper or scissors".

1.Who use the game to make decisions and solve problems according to this passage?

A. Children. B. Some adults.

C. Students. D. The old.

2.Where do many people think this game came from?

A. Europe. B. China.

C. Japan. D. The USA.

3. From when could people get together to play this game for honor?

A. 1842. B. 1841.

C. 1845. D. 1846.

4.How often does the World Rock Paper Scissors Club hold the world championship?

A. Once a year. B. Once two years.

C. Once three years. D. Once four years.

5.What will the champion of this game get?

A. A lot of money. B. The leader of this club.

C. Honor. D. A and C


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江虎林市八五零农场学校中考二模考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



● your good learning methods

● an experience that you helped your partners

● your thoughts and feelings


1. 词数:80-100,开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 可以适当发挥;

3. 语法正确,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰;

4. 结构合理,词汇准确,书写清晰规范。

My Good Learning Methods

Good learners must have good learning methods.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江大庆油田教育中心初中毕业班上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Reading is a very good hobby for all the students. You can know much about the world ①_____ the help of all kinds of books. I’m sure everyone has a favorite subject. For example, some are interested in animals, some in history, and some are interested in literature. Mine is science. I like ②___it___ because it’s fun and educational. My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days.③It was written by Jules Verne ,a French writer. Jules Verne was regarded as father of Modern Science Fiction because he devoted himself to literature and wrote several ④well–known scientific romances.The exciting story of Around the World in Eighty Days tells us about an English gentleman whose name is Mr. Phileas Fogg , He travels around the world in eighty days. From the story, we can see the writer’s love for the sea, traveling and adventure. In fact, they played an important role in his life.⑤多亏了the writer’s imagination, language skills and scientific and geographical knowledge, we can feel as if we were there when we read the story.




Jules Verne, the French writer _________ the novel Around the World in Eighty Days.




科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江大庆油田教育中心初中毕业班上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Will you please fly a kite with me in the park this afternoon?

—_______. I will visit my grandparents in my hometown.

A. I think so B. I’d like to

C. I’m afraid not D. I’m afraid so


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江大庆第三十中学九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

每个人都有爱好,你的爱好是什么?请以My hobby/hobbies.为题,写一篇关于你爱好的文章,文章中你介绍你的爱好不超过两个,写出你为什么喜欢这项爱好,喜欢此爱好多长时间了,它给你带来了什么好处。





科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江大庆第三十中学九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

It was a Monday morning. When a teacher walked into the_______, he heard a low voice: “Here is the teacher. I am_______ this boring fellow(烦人的家伙) is going to talk about putting in commas(逗号).” It was______ voice. His name was Bill. He was talking_______ the boy next to him.The teacher didn’t get angry. He said________about it , then he really began to talk about putting in commas, and then he wrote_______ the sentence: “Bill says the teacher is a boring fellow.”The class______ and Bill’s face_______ red.“Now,” said the teacher, “I’ll_______ you how important commas are.”

He put two commas in the sentence, and now read, “ ______ is a boring fellow.”

1.A. library B. school C. classroom D. office

2.A. sorry B. sure C. glad D. surprised

3.A. his B. the teacher’s C. a boy’s D. a girl’s

4.A. with B. of C. about D. at

5.A. much B. everything C. something D. nothing

6.A. on his desk B. on the blackboard C. in his book D. in Bill’s exercise book

7.A. laughed B. stopped C. looked D. read

8.A. got B. changed C. turned D. grew

9.A. answer B. show C. ask D. give

10.A. The teacher says, Bill, B. Bill, says, the teacherC. The teacher, says, Bill D. Bill, says the teacher,


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江大庆第三十中学九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Jack is _______ to look after himself.

A.enough old B.enough young

C.old enough D.young enough


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏洪泽外国语中学八年级上期末模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22, 1998. It was started to protect the environment. By now, more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a No Car Day.

The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001. Other cities, including Taipai, Shanghai and Wuhan, also support the day.

In Beijing, more and more people are joining the campaign. It asks drivers to leave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work. It also calls on Beijingers not to use cars on June 5(World Environment Day). The slogan for the day is, “If we drive for one less day, we can have one more nice day.”

So far, more than 200,000 drivers have shown their support. “We can’t control(控制) the weather, but we can choose not to drive,” said Wu Zonghua, a car club chairman. Beijing is trying to have 238 blue sky days this year. In the first quarter of 2012, Beijing only had 52 blue sky days. This was 11 days less than the number for the same period the year before. Much of the dust comes from the desert, but cars cause most of the air pollution. We must do more for No Car Day.

1.The first No Car Day fell on _______.

A. February 2nd B. June 5th

C. July 5th D. September 22nd

2._______ was the first city to have No Car Day in China.

A. Beijing B. Chengdu C. Shanghai D. Wuhan

3.What does the underlined word “slogan” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. 目的 B. 原因 C. 意义 D. 口号

4. How many blue sky days did Beijing have in the first quarter of 2011?

A. 63. B. 52. C. 41. D. 238.

5.Which of the following statements is True?

A. China is the first country to start No Car Day.

B. No Car Day is World Environment Day.

C. No Car Day has been supported by over 1,000 cities around the world so far.

D. Much of the dust in the air comes from cars.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(山东德州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the color of most growing plants.

Sometimes, the word “green” means young, fresh and growing. For example, a greenborn is someone who has no experience. In the 15 th century, a greenborn was a young cow or an ox whose borns(角)had not yet developed. A century later, a greenborn was a soldier who had no experience in war. By the 18 th century, a greenborn had the meaning it has today—a person who is new in a job.

Someone who is good at growing plants is said to have a green thumb(大拇指). The expression comes from the early 20 th century. A person with a green thumb can make plants grow quickly and well. The Green Revolution(绿色革命)is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. It was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

Green is also the color used to describe the powerful feeling. Jealousy(嫉妒). The green eyed monster is not a dangerous animal from outer space. It is an expression used about 400 years ago by the British writer William Shakespeare in his play “Othello”. It describes the unpleasant feeling when someone has something he wants.

In most places in the world, a green light is a signal(信号)to move ahead. In everyday speech, a green light means approval(赞成)to continue with a project.

1.A new solider was called a greenborn in the ____ century.

A. 15 th B. 16 th C. 18 th D. 20 th

2.A person with a green thumb____.

A. is good at growing plant

B. really has a green thumb

C. has no experience in war

D. is new in a job

3. A man may meet the green eyed monster if ____.

A. he sees a dangerous animal

B. he can’t get something

C. he reads a sad play

D. his friend gets a prize that he wants

4. This passage doesn’t mention the history of the expression “____”.

A. a green thumb B. a greenborn

C. the green eyed monster D. a green light

5.Which would be the best title of the passage?

A. Green, the color of grass and trees

B. The stories about the color “green”

C. Green, a sign of approval

D. Different meanings of “green”

