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Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same  1  ?

A new   2  —Hi, Ke'ai is on at Beijing Children's Art Theatre. It tells the story of a boy called Ke'ai. His parents would like him to become a painter or a   3  one day. They teach him to   4  and to play the violin, but Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these activities. Then one day Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang win a gold   5  at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to be a sportsman.

"   6  do they want me to be someone else?" Ke'ai asks and says, "I only want to be

   7  ."

The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to   8  their children. It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.

Young audiences(观众)enjoy the story, and also the   9  in the play. There are two songs in the play. One of them, "Ke'ai's Song" is very   10  to learn, so the audiences can sing the song on their way home after the play!

1.                A.jobs           B.dreams         C.habits    D.hobbies


2.                A.song           B.film            C.play D.opera


3.                A.writer          B.teacher         C.sportsman D.musician


4.                A.paint           B.write           C.run  D.drive


5.                A.match          B.ring            C.medal    D.race


6.                A.How           B.Why           C.When    D.Where


7.                A.myself         B.different        C.alone D.great


8.                A.encourage      B.understand      C.criticize   D.inspire


9.                A.light           B.clothes         C.skill  D.music


10.               A.easy           B.difficult         C.important  D.necessary
















1.A.jobs 工作    B.dreams梦想     C.habits 习惯   D.hobbies爱好 根据句意:许多家长都希望孩子将来有一天出名,但是孩子们有相同的梦想吗?故选B

2.A.song歌曲   B.film 电影     C.play剧本   D.opera歌剧 根据文章倒数第二段可知,这里是一个新的话剧。故选C

3.A.writer作者    B.teacher老师  C.sportsman 运动员   D.musician音乐家 根据后文提到的拉小提琴,可知,他的爸爸妈妈希望他成为一个画家或者音乐家。故选D

4.A.paint 绘画   B.write 写作      C.run 跑步     D.drive开车 根据前文可知,他的爸爸妈妈教他画画和拉小提琴。故选A

5.A.match比赛   B.ring铃声    C.medal 奖章    D.race比赛 根据文章:一天,可爱的父母看见刘翔在雅典奥运会上赢得了一枚金牌。故选C

6.A.How如何     B.Why 为什么   C.When 何时    D.Where哪里 根据句意:为什么他们想让我成为别人。故选B

7.A.myself我自己   B.different不同的  C.alone独自的       D.great伟大的 根据句意:可爱说他只想做他自己。故选A

8.A.encourage鼓励   B.understand 理解 C.criticize 批评    D.inspire激发,鼓舞 根据句意:这个剧本向我们展示了家长们学习着去理解孩子是有好处的。故选B

9.A.light 灯光   B.clothes 衣服  C.skill 技能   D.music音乐  根据后文可知,年轻的观众也喜欢这部剧里的音乐。故选D

10.A.easy容易  B.difficult困难    C.important重要   D.nece颈 根据后文可知,这首歌非常容易学会。故选A





科目:初中英语 来源:2013届云南省建水县建民中学九年级11月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same  1  ?
A new   2  —Hi, Ke'ai is on at Beijing Children's Art Theatre. It tells the story of a boy called Ke'ai. His parents would like him to become a painter or a   3  one day. They teach him to   4  and to play the violin, but Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these activities. Then one day Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang win a gold   5  at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to be a sportsman.
"   6  do they want me to be someone else?" Ke'ai asks and says, "I only want to be
   7  ."
The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to   8  their children. It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.
Young audiences(观众)enjoy the story, and also the   9  in the play. There are two songs in the play. One of them, "Ke'ai's Song" is very   10  to learn, so the audiences can sing the song on their way home after the play!

A.How B.WhyC.WhenD.Where


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省盐城市东台许河镇九年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we  1 the national flag go up.
  Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was   2 and excited! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too.
  Can I really do it?
  Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher   3 me, “I know you want to have a try. Next Monday morning, I want you to give the talk. Go and write something down.  4 for it, I’m sure you’ll do well.”
“Thank you.” I answered. It was such a great  5 for me! When I got home, I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents  6 . I wanted to make my teacher happy.
Finally Monday morning came. I began to feel  7 .
When did I last give a talk to   8 many people? Never! This was my first time. Could I really  9 it? Maybe I couldn’t finish the talk.
When I got to school, we all went out to the playground. I  10 in front of everyone. I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t say anything.
“Take it easy,” I said to  11 . “Don’t be nervous. You can do it.”
Just then, I looked down at everyone. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all looking at me ! I couldn’t  12  stand up.
I took a look at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes seemed to say, “You can do it! Come on!   13 afraid, just talk!”
I took a big breath. Then I began to talk. It wasn’t hard. It was easy.
I don’t know  14 I finished my talk, but I tried my best to do it. I felt so good that day. I showed myself  15 everyone what I can do.

A.watchB.seeC.noticeD.look at
A.spokeB.asked forC.said toD.showed
A.Look outB.Come onC.Take careD.Get ready
A.chanceB.newsC.time D.message
A.to doB.to listenC.to seeD.to play
A.meB.myselfC.my classD.my parents
A.be able toB.hardlyC.neverD.even
A.Not beB.Don’t C.Don’t beD.Not


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省盐城市东台许河镇九年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we  1 the national flag go up.

  Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was   2 and excited! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too.

  Can I really do it?

  Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher   3 me, “I know you want to have a try. Next Monday morning, I want you to give the talk. Go and write something down.  4 for it, I’m sure you’ll do well.”

“Thank you.” I answered. It was such a great  5 for me! When I got home, I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents  6 . I wanted to make my teacher happy.

Finally Monday morning came. I began to feel  7 .

When did I last give a talk to   8 many people? Never! This was my first time. Could I really  9 it? Maybe I couldn’t finish the talk.

When I got to school, we all went out to the playground. I  10 in front of everyone. I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t say anything.

“Take it easy,” I said to  11 . “Don’t be nervous. You can do it.”

Just then, I looked down at everyone. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all looking at me ! I couldn’t  12  stand up.

I took a look at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes seemed to say, “You can do it! Come on!   13 afraid, just talk!”

I took a big breath. Then I began to talk. It wasn’t hard. It was easy.

I don’t know  14 I finished my talk, but I tried my best to do it. I felt so good that day. I showed myself  15 everyone what I can do.

1.                A.watch          B.see            C.notice    D.look at


2.                A.surprised       B.proud          C.bored    D.careful


3.                A.spoke          B.asked for        C.said to    D.showed


4.                A.Look out        B.Come on        C.Take care D.Get ready


5.                A.chance         B.news           C.time D.message


6.                A.to do          B.to listen         C.to see    D.to play


7.                A.excited         B.happy          C.nervous  D.surprised


8.                A.after           B.such           C.before   D.so


9.                A.do            B.speak          C.talk  D.take


10.               A.sat            B.stood          C.jumped   D.ran


11.               A.me            B.myself         C.my class   D.my parents


12.               A.be able to       B.hardly          C.never D.even


13.               A.Not be         B.Don’t         C.Don’t be D.Not


14.               A.where         B.how           C.why  D.whether


15.               A.with           B.at             C.to    D.for




科目:初中英语 来源:2012届度江西省八年级下学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:完型填空



“Keep your eye on your paper” is one of the rules that Mrs Archer has taught us. It’s a simple rule,   16   it’s not a rule everybody chooses to follow.

This morning, I felt   17   was watching me too closely during an English exam. I turned my head quickly and saw James, who sat   18   me. My eyes caught his and he   19  , “Let me see your answers!”

I gave him a   20  , not sure if he was joking or not, and returned to my test. This time I moved a little more   21   towards my paper. “I can’t see!” James said in a low voice.

 “What am I going to do?” I   22  . Cheating was wrong. I’d studied hard for the test, but James   23  . I put my arm around my paper so that he couldn’t see the   24  . I knew I did what I felt was right. Maybe it made James   25  .

When the exam ended, I stood there for a moment, wondering   26   to say. But I felt it necessary to let him know cheating was wrong. My   27   searched for the right words.

“Sorry, James, but you know me   28   to understand how I feel about cheating,” I said slowly and gently. “But maybe I can help you study before the   29  test.” “OK, Brian,” he smiled slightly, “You are right. I should study hard.”

I stood there for a moment, finally able to breathe again. I was happy that my friendship with James   30  .

1. A. but               B. so                   C. because              D. unless

2. A. nobody            B. anybody              C. everybody        D. somebody

3.A. in front of            B. behind           C. before           D. around

4. A. whispered             B. talked           C. spoke            D. answered

5. A. book                  B. note                 C. hand             D. smile

6. A. closely           B. clearly              C. mostly           D. lively

7. A. said to him       B. asked the teacher    C. thought to myself    D. talked to me

8. A. had               B. hadn’t              C. has              D. hasn’t

9.A. answers            B. name             C. pictures             D. questions

10.A. happy                 B. angry            C. excited              D. silly

11. A. why                  B. when             C. how                  D. what

12. A. eyes                 B. body             C. mind                 D. memory

13. A. well enough          B. good enough          C. hard enough          D. bad enough

14. A. first                B. last                 C. next             D. second

15. A. destroyed            B. wasn’t destroyed    C. has destroyed   D. can’t destroy



