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______ is my aunt. _____ brother is my father.

A. she; she B. Her; Her C. She; Her


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上册英语专项训练-语法 题型:单选题

—Jane, is this Tom's umbrella?

—No, it isn't __________.He didn't take one this morning.

A. him B. he C. his


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习-阅读理解 题型:阅读单选

A storm swept through two villages in the new areas, destroying (毁灭) fourteen houses. Seven others were so badly damaged(损坏) that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to hospital and a number of other people received small hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.

A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.

“I was eating with my wife and children when we heard a loud noise,” he said. “A few minutes later, our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him, safe but very frightened.”

Mrs. Woo said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She run outside at once with her children. “There was no time to take anything,” she said. “A few minutes later, the roof came down.” Soldiers came to help the people there and the welfare department (福利机构) brought them food, clothes and shelter.

1.How many houses altogether were damaged in the storm?

A. Fourteen B. Twenty-one

C. Twenty-nine D. Thirty-six

2.Where was Mr. Tan when the storm first began?

A. He was in bed

B. He was inside the house

C. He was outside the house.

D. He was on the roof

3.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

A. Terrible Storm. B. Lucky Woman.

C. Good soldiers. D. Clever people.


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习-完形填空 题型:完型填空

Once there lived two brothers. The elder was called Simon and the younger Victor. They loved each other very much, and always took care of one another. Every day they worked from morning _______night, getting as much grain(谷物) as possible from their fields.

One late autumn evening, after their work in the fields was done, Simon said to his wife, "Victor got married last month. He has many bills(账单) to pay. I think I will put a bag of rice in his barn(谷仓). “Oh, that's a good idea,” said his wife. “But please don't tell him,” said Simon, “If he knows I put the rice there, he will_________take it.”

So, late that night Simon took a bag of rice to Victor's barn. The next day, while looking at his own barn, he found something strange. “I took a bag of rice to Victor's house last night,_________ I still have the same number of bags in my barn._________ did that happen?”

Simon decided to take another bag of rice to his brother's barn that night. But the next morning, he found the_________number of bags in his barn again! “This is very strange,” he thought. That night he______again. He carried a large bag of rice on his shoulder(肩膀); and walked down the road to his younger brother's house. In the bright moonlight, he could see another person coming down the road. He was carrying something on his________, too. “Younger Brother!” Simon cried, “What are you doing?” “I was_____you, Older Brother,” said Victor, “Your family is____ than mine. I thought you needed more rice.” The two brothers quickly_______that they had been taking rice to each other. They laughed about what had happened. “It is good to have a brother like you,” they both said. And they lived happily ever after.

1.A. until B. at C. through D. with

2.A. never B. sometimes C. usually D. ever

3.A. so B. and C. but D. or

4.A. How B. What C. Why D. Where

5.A. small B. different C. big D. same

6.A. planned B. failed C. hoped D. tried

7.A. back B. shoulder C. head D. hand

8.A. proud of B. polite to C. angry with D. worried about

9.A. smaller B. richer C. larger D. happier

10.A. remembered B. knew C. believed D. hoped


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七上英语试卷-Unit2 This is my sister 同步测试 题型:单选题

______ a pen on the desk.

A. Here are B. Here is C. Here be


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七上英语试卷-Unit2 This is my sister 同步测试 题型:单选题

“Is he your father?” “______.”

A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isn’t. C. No, he is.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版英语九年级Unit1单元测试卷 题型:单选题

Lucy thinks that English movies isn’t a good way to learn English.

A. watches B. watch

C. watched D. watching


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版英语八年级下册 Module 3 单元检测题 题型:单选题

— Have you finished ______ the words yet?

— Yes, I ________.

A. copying; did B. to copy; did

C. copying; have D. to copy; have


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake 单元测试(+听力材料) 题型:单选题

--_____ yogurt do you want?

--Three cups.

A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How far

