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 Not all people like to work,but everyone likes to play. All over the 1       men and women,boys and girls enjoy sports. They often call their friends together to 2       hours,even days in playing games.

  3       help people to live happily. They help to keep people healthy and feeling 4       . When they are playing games,people 5       a lot. This is good for their health.

  In 6       sports,people are closer to nature (大自然) and can breathe (呼吸) fresh air. The beauty (美RIO) of nature will keep 7        clearheaded (头脑清醒) .

  8       is your favorite sport? If the weather is hot,9       may be your favorite sport. Boys and girls inChinalove to swim in 10       . There are wonderful beaches (沙滩) and beautiful rivers and lakes across the country.

(   ) 1. A. country   B. city   C. school   D. world

(   ) 2. A. take   B. spend   C. cost   D. keep

(   ) 3. A. Sports   B. Vegetables

   C. Fruit   D. Friendship

(   ) 4. A. good   B. busy   C. tired   D. difficult

(   ) 5. A. run   B. race   C. move   D. work

(   ) 6. A. indoors   B. ball   C. water   D. outdoors

(   ) 7. A. them   B. him   C. us   D. you

(   ) 8. A. When   B. What    G. Who   D. How

(   ) 9. A. traveling   B. cycling   C. running   D. swimming

(   ) 10. A. spring   B. summer   C. autumn   D. winter


2. B spend time in doing sth.意为"花时间做某事"。

3. A根据下文可知是运动使人们生活更快乐。

4. A

5. C玩游戏时人们要运动,但不一定要"跑"。

6. D室外运动使人们更贴近大自然,呼吸新鲜空气。

7. A 

8. B

9. D 天气热时的运动是游泳。

10. B

题目来源:2015仁爱英语同步练测考八年级英语上册 > Topic 1 What's your hobby?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 While Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside (海边) ,they enjoyed 1        the seagulls (海鹃) . They 2       a lot about these lovely (可爱的) birds.

  The seagulls often come close to you when you are eating something. If you 3        bread to them,they will catch it at once.

  Seagulls swim 4      ,but they don't often dive (俯冲) for fish. They are also good at 5        with their wings (翅膀) .When a seagull is in the sky,he puts his legs 6        his body. Tom often watched them 7        to the ground. 8       he liked the way they beat the air with their wings and brought down their feet before they 9        the ground. Mary liked to see them gliding (滑翔) over the water because they often did it 10        moving their wings. But she        said she didn't like the noise they made.

(   ) 1. A. watch   B. watched

   C. watching   D. to watch

(   ) 2. A. saw   B. learned

   C. studied   D. thought

(   ) 3. A. throw   B. take   C. leave   D. bring

(   ) 4. A. good   B. badly   C. better   D. well

(   ) 5. A. swimming   B. flying

   C. running   D. walking

(   ) 6. A. under   B. with   C. on   D. in

(   ) 7. A. come   B. to come

   C. go   D. to go

(   ) 8. A. But now   B. Because

   C. But   D. So

(   ) 9. A. stood   B. arrived

   C. got   D. got to

(   ) 10. A. before   B. out of   C. with   D. without


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. ―Why not go to Lao She Tea house tonight?

    ―        (2013 •天津)

   A. It doesn't matter. B. Thank you! 

    C. Sorry to hear that. D. Sounds great!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. ―Could you        some money        me?

      ―Sorry,I can't.

   A. lend;for   B. borrow; to

   C. lend; to   D. borrow; from


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. ―I feel really tired.

      ―        (2013 •广州)

   A. Lucky you!

   B. You'd better work harder.

   C. Congratulations!

   D. Why not go and have a rest?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. —You don't have to        so much time playing with me. I can enjoy         .

―But I have to,mom.

   A. spend;myself   B. take;myself

   C. spend;oneself   D. cost;oneself


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


5. ―Jenny,the floor is        (肮脏的) .Could you please help me clean it? ―Sure. I'd be glad to.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  My phone rings a lot,but most of the time it's not for me. It's for my cat,Stoop!Well,the caller (打电话的人) doesn't want to talk to my cat. He wants to talk about him.

  My cat likes walking around. I wanted to make sure that Stoop could always come home. I bought a little collar (项圈) with a tag (牌子) .The tag said,"I have home. If I look lost,phone Fred Sparks 86689889."

  And then my phone began to ring. One call was from a taxi driver. He said ," I find a cat in my car. A cat with a phone number!Where does he want to go? "I told him and had to gave him $ 2. 5 for the help.

  Another time,the phone rang late at night. A woman shouted at me ," Come and get your cat. He is making a mess ( 一团糟) of my room. He is running after my cat". I tried to quiet her. She told me her name was Helen Burns,and gave me her address (地址) .She lived in the next street. I went over to get Stoop. "I'm sorry" ,1 said. Helen didn't want to listen to me. She closed the door at once.

  Two days later,Stoop did it again. But this time I took a box of candy for Helen and a doll for her cat. Helen liked that,and we went out to dinner together.

Now when the phone rings,I think , " Maybe it's for me ! ”Because sometimes Helen calls. And when she does,she doesn's want to talk about my cat. She wants to talk about us.

(   ) 1. Why does the writer has so many phone calls?

   A. Because the callers want to talk to Stoop.

   B. Because the callers want Fred Sparks for help.

   C. Because the callers want to talk with him about Stoop.

   D. Because the callers ring wrong number.

(   ) 2. Why did the writer tie (系) a collar around the cat's neck?

   A. Because he wanted to make sure his cat could always come home.

   B. Because his cat liked walking around.

   C. Because he wanted others to know his cat.

   D. Because he wanted others to call him.

(   ) 3. How much did the writer give to the taxi driver? 

  A. ¥2. 5   B. $ 25   C. $ 2. 5   D. ¥25

(   ) 4. What did Stoop do at Helen's home?

   A. He ate all the food for Helen's cat.

   B. He played with Helen's cat.

   C. He broke some things at Helen's home.

   D. He did nothing but stayed at Helen's home.

(   ) 5. What does Helen want to talk about on the phone at last?

   A. About Fred Spark's cat.

   B. About Helen's cat.

   C. About their cats.

   D. About themselves.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. ―Do you enjoy seeing movies or watching TV plays?


   A. It's hard to say. B. I'm OK.

   C. Yes,I do. D. No,I don't.

