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A: Hi, Tom.
B: Hi, Mary.
A: _______82_________
B: I’m doing my homework.
A: Do you want to come to my house after school? ________83________
B: That sounds great!  ________84________
A: It’s on Long Street. It’s a quiet street.
B: ________85________ There is a school on it.
A: Yes, and my house is across from it. ________86________
B: OK! I’m sure to see you.
A. Where is your house?
B. It’s easy to find it.
C. What are you doing?
D. We can watch a DVD at my home.
E.  I know the street.



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A:     1      
B: I’m not feeling well.
A: You’ve been like this since you got here, haven’t you?
B:     2     
A: Do you know why?
B:      3   It’s awful. One day it’s hot, but the next day it’s rainy. No matter what I wear, I’m never dressed properly.
A: You haven’t learned to predict the weather here. I’ve been here for eight years, and I never get sick .
B:    4     
A: Well, there’s a weather hotline. Every morning you can call it to find out what the weather will be like during the day.
B: I know that hotline, but I’ve never called it. I’ve heard it’s expensive.
A. What’s the matter?
B: What should I do then?
C: Yes, for about four weeks.
D: The weather in this city changes so often.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?
B:                                    ( 1)  .
A: Sorry to hear that.  __________________________( 2)?
B: Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel week.
A:                                     ( 3)?
B: Yes, I did . I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.
A:                                       (4)       ?
B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I will be left behind.
A:Don’tworry.Take good care of yourself.                                          ( 5) .
B: Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A.This way,please.
B.What can I do for you?
C.Do you live here?
D.5 yuan each.
E.What time is the last one?
F.It's my pleasure.
G.It takes forty minutes.
A: Excuse me, sir?
B: Yes?   1 
A: I want to go to the train station, but I don't know how to get the ticket from the TVM  (自动售票机).
B:   2  Well, just press here.
A: How much is the ticket?
B:   3  
A: All right. By the way, how often do the trains come?
B: About every six minutes.
A:   4  
B: At 11:00 pm.
A: OK. Got it. Thanks for your help.
B:    5
A: Goodbye!
B: Bye- bye !


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Mike: May I use your car, Jane?
Jane: Yes, of course, __________
Mike: Just one or two hours.
Jane: OK. __________ By the way, _________
Mike: I’m going to the train station to meet a friend
of mine.
Jane: Can you do something for me?
Mike: ___________
Jane: Will you buy some apples for me on your way?
Mike: _____________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: What can I do for you?
B:  1  
A: For your daughter ?Look , the shoes are really nice . Do you like them ?
B: Yes . But I’m afraid my daughter doesn’t like the color . ___2______
A: Sure . There are different kinds of shoes over there . What color does she like ?
B: __3_____And black is her favorite .
A: What size does she need?
B: Size 9. Let me see . Um ,this pair of shoes must fit her ._4______
A: They are not expensive ,only 199 yuan .
B: That would be fine .___5______ Here is the money .Thanks very much.
A: You’re welcome.
A.I’ll take them.
B.Can you go to other shops?
C.I feel sorry about it.
D.May I have a look at other shoes?
E.How much are they?
F.I’d like a pair of shoes for my daughter.
G.She likes white and black.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

good, loud, living, pollution, easily, pollute, waste,most
Life today is much  73 . However, there are new problems. One of the biggest ones is pollution. Water   74  has made rivers dirty. It kills fish and   75  our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us speak  76  and become angry more  77 . Air pollution is the  78 serious kind of pollution. It’s bad for all  79  things in the world.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

  my       play       nine       sleep       look for      
小题1:It is her                 time to watch this movie .
小题2:William’s bike is lost. He is                 it everywhere now.
小题3:I made the kite all by                 . Do you want to fly it with me?
小题4:Davy was so tired that he fell                 as soon as he got onto the bed.
小题5:Yao Ming is one of the most famous basketball               around the world.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Good morning , Joe .
B: Good morning , Peter .
A: You look unhappy , what’s wrong ?
B: Oh, ____ 1 ____ I don’t look cool .
A: Well , maybe you should buy some clothes .
B: Yes , but ________
A: Hmm, maybe you could get a part-time job in the evenings.
B: I can’t , because my parents want me to stay at home every night .________
A: Well , you shouldn’t argue with your parents .You should talk about your problems .
B: And guess ____ 4  ____
A: What?
B: My brother plays his CDs too loud! ____ 5  ____
A: I’m sorry to hear that .
A.My hair is long.B.My clothes are out of style.
C.My job is boring.D.My parents are angry with me .
A.I don’t have time.B.I don’t have CDs.
C.I don’t have enough money.D.I have some time .
A.I argued with them about it . B.I went to see my brother.
C.I love my parents.D.My parents love me.
A.how I am?B.how my parents are?
C.what else is wrong?D.what’s wrong with my parents?
A.I like his CDs.B.I want to get some CDs.
C.He wanted to help me.D.I can’t go to sleep.

