精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  Yesterday I was shopping for a few items(物品).With nothing to do at home, my son, who just left university, was ready to go together with me.

  As I pushed the basket towards the register(收银机),I checked my items to see how many I had, thinking I might go to the Express Line(快速通道)where the sign said “Ten items or less”.

  I started to go to that line and my son said, “Mon, you have twelve items!” I said, “You know, but they're close.” He said, “Why are you in such a hurry to get home? You should go to the Regular Line because you have over ten items.”

  Knowing he was right.I agreed and then pushed the basket to the next line.So I was waiting for my turn there and I was just removing my items from the basket to pay for them when a young man came up behind me in line with two items.

  I just left the Express Line because I had too many and now I really wanted to get finished.Again, my son came up.“Mom, he has only two items and the Express Line is very long now.Won't you just let him go first?”I agreed, and the young man smiled widely and thanked me several times.

  It felt good to be with my son and have him remind me not to live a hurried life.Do what's right and also be kind.I really take pride in him.


The writer _________ when she was pushing the basket towards the register.

[  ]


lost something she liked best


found her favourite item


checked her handbag


counted the items she had


The writer went to the Regular Line because _________.

[  ]


she had 2 items


she had 12 items


she was in a hurry to get home


she wanted to wait for her son


Of the following, which order is right according to the story?

①prepare to remove the items from the basket

②let the young man behind go first

③walk towards the Express Line

④return to the Regular Line

[  ]










If you pay for your items at the Express Line, _________.

[  ]


you need to help others


you must wait for a long time


you can get finished more quickly


you should buy more than ten items


What did the writer learn from her son that day?

[  ]


Enjoy your life and be kind.


Don't buy too many at a time.


Try to be friendly to your family.


Never waste time waiting in line.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  London is a famous city.It has a long history.Many people visit it every year.When youvisit London,you must see these beautiful places.

  Buckingham Palace

  Do you know who lives there? Of course,the queen(女王) lives there.It was built forthe Duke(公爵) of Buckingham in 1703.After that,many buildings were built there.In thePalace,there are a lot of art works.The Palace is opened to pubfic(公众) for two months eachsummer.

  Big Ben

  It is a very famous clock in London.It is on a tower(塔).The tower is 316 feet high,andthe clock is 23 feet wide.The minute hands are 14 feet long.It was built in 1859.

  Tower Bridge

  It is London's most famous place.Inside the twin towers,you can see the stories of thebridge.

  London Zoo

  Children must be interested in it! It was opened in 1828.It is the most famous Zoo in theworld.You can see about 650 kinds of animals in the Zoo.


How many beautiful places are in this article?

  A.Five.  B.Four.  C.Three.

[  ]


Which place do children love?

  A.Big Ben.  B.Tower Bridge.  C.London Zoo.

[  ]


Which place does the queen live in?

  A.Buckingham Palace. B.London city.  C.London town.

[  ]


Do many people come to see the beautiful places every year?

  A.Yes,they do.  B.No,they don't.  C.Maybe.

[  ]


When do people visit the Palace?

  A.In winter.  B.In spring.  C.In summer.

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  The shopping list

  Quantity (数量) pace{50} Item (项目) pace{50}    Price (价格)

  1pace{150} Magazine (杂志) pace{50} ¥3.75

  3pace{150} Penpace{130} ¥1.50 each

  1pace{150} Tapepace{120} ¥1.25

  1pace{150} Pencil Bagpace{80} ¥2.50

  1pace{150} Notebookpace{100} ¥1.00

  Subtotal(小计)pace{220} ¥13.00

  Tax (税)pace{270} ¥0.50

  Total (总额)pace{250} ¥13.50

  (A:cashier 出纳员  B:customer 顾客)

  A:The total is $13.50.How will you pay?

  B:Do you take credit cards (信用卡)?

  A:Sorry,we don't.Cash (现金) only.

  B:OK.Here is $20.OO.

  A:Thanks a lot.Here is the change (找的零钱) for you.Do you need a bag?


  A:Here you are.

  B:Thank you very much.

  A:Thank you,too.


The customer wants ______.

  A.to get a discount (折扣)  

B.to use a credit card

  C.one bag for each item  

D.to pay with a check (支票)

[  ]


How much does the cashier give the customer?

  A.¥20.00. B.¥10.50.  C.¥10.00. D.¥6.50.

[  ]


The tax is ______.

  A.less than a dollar  

B.10% of the total

  C.fifty dollars    

D.more than a price of a notebook

[  ]


“Here you are.” is the same as“______”.

  A.This is for me.  

B.Please leave.

  C.This is your bag.

D.The door is over there.

[  ]


Which of these sentences is true?

  A.The store doesn't have any bags.

B.A tape costs more than a pen.

  C.The person buys six things.  

D.The store doesn't take credit cards.

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


Once there was a bookseller.He didn't like paying for anything.One day he hurt one of his feet because a big box of books fell on it.

  “You'd better go and see the doctor.”said his wife.

  “No,”he said,“I'll wait until the doctor comes into my shop next time.Then I'll ask him about my foot.If I go to see him,I shall have to pay him some money.”

  The next day a doctor came into the shop.The bookseller told him about his bad foot.The doctor looked at it.

  “Yes.”said the doctor.“You must put that foot in hot water every night.Then you must put something on it.”

  He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it.“Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night,”he said.

  “Thank you.”said the bookseller.“And now, sir,here are your books.”

  “How much are they?”asked the doctor.

  “Two pounds.”

  “Good.”said the doctor,“I shall not have to pay you anything.”

  “Why?”asked the bookseller.

  “I told you about your foot.I want two pounds for that.If people come to my house,I ask them for one pound for my advice.But when I go to their house.I want them to pay two pounds.And I came here,didn't I? Goodbye.”


What did the doctor ask the bookseller to put on his foot?

  A.Some hot water.

  B.Some books.

  C.Some medicine.

  D.Some big boxes.

[  ]


Why didn't the bookseller go to see the doctor?

  A.Because he had no money.

  B.Because the doctor wasn't a good one.

  C.Because the doctor said he would come to see him the next morning.

  D.Because he didn't want to pay the doctor any money.

[  ]


How much did he need to pay if a sick person went to the doctor's house?

  A.One pound. B.Two pounds.

  C.Three pounds.D.Nothing.

[  ]


Why did the doctor go to the bookshop?

  A.Because he wanted to get the two pounds.

  B.Because the bookseller asked him to go there.

  C.Because he wanted to see the bookseller's bad foot.

  D.Because he wanted to buy some books.

[  ]


How much did the bookseller pay the doctor at last?

  A.He paid him nothing.

  B.He paid him one pound.

  C.He paid him two pounds.

  D.He didn't pay him any money but some books.

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  You will have a lot of reading to do in this grade this year.You can do more of it in less time if you learn to read rapidly.

  Perhaps you have been told about some habits (习惯) which keep a person from reading fast and have been strongly asked to break those habits which you might have.

  Do you still have any of these bad habits?Check yourself by answering“yes”or“no”to these questions.

  (1) Do you move your lips (嘴唇) when reading silently?

  (2) Do you point to words with your finger as you read?

  (3)Do you move your head from side to side as you read?

  (4)Do you read one word at a time?

  If you answer“yes”to any of these questions,start at once to break the habit.If you move your tips,hold your fingers over them,or hold a piece of paper be-tween your lips while you are reading.Then if your lips move,your will know it and can stop them.

  If you point to words,hold the two sides of your book,one side with your left hand,the other side with your right hand.Then you won't have a free finger to use in pointing while reading.If you move your head,place your chin (下巴) in one hand and hold your head still (静止不动的).

  If you read no more than one or two or three words at a time,you need to work very hard in learning to take in (吸收) more words at each glance (一瞥) as your eyes travel across the lines of words.

  Even if you do rather fast now,you can learn to read even faster.As you probably have been told,the secret of fast reading is to take in whole groups of words as each glance.Read in through groups and force (迫使) your eyes along the lines of words as fast as you can to make them go.Anyone who practices doing these things will he able to read faster.


You may hold your fingers over your lips while reading so as ______.

  A.to tell others to be silent

  B.to feel whether your lips move or not

  C.to hold a piece of paper between them

  D.to keep yourself from talking to others

[  ]


When you read,______.

  A.don't keep your head still

  B.don't hold your books with your hands

  C.don't stand up near a desk

  D.don't use your finger to point to words

[  ]


If you learn to read fast,______.

  A.you can read more in less time

  B.you can write faster

  C.you can understand better

  D.you can read less in more time

[  ]


You must _______ those habits that we are talking about in this reading.

  A.remember  B.have C.get rid of D.keep

[  ]


This reading is mainly about ______.

  A.the way of reading fast

  B.the importance of fast reading

  C.the bad habits in reading

  D.how to speak quickly

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

  Linda and David have travelled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. Linda has promised (答应) her
mother that she will ring her to let her know that they have arrived safely. This is something she had done
ever since she was a child. David thinks it is not a good idea to ring so far, to spend too much, and to say so
     "If there were an accident." He says, they'd know soon enough. Bad news travels fast."   
     But Linda has promised that she would ring. "However," she says, "it doesn't cost much when you just
think that it's the other side of the world. It's only six pence per second (每秒六便士)."   
     "If you're on that telephone for less than one minute, I'll eat my hat,' David says,"And one minute's nearly
four pounds (英镑)."   
     "That's no more than you'd pay for a new hat," Linda answers.   
     She has asked the man at the hotel (旅馆) desk to get her the number. The telephone rings. Linda picks it
      "Hello, Mum. Is that you?" She says.   
     "Six pence per second,"David reminds (提醒) her.   
    ''Hello., love." It is Mrs Lee, Linda's mother, speaking from London."I can hear you very clearly just like
you are in the next room. It's a better line than when you called me from your office. Do you remember? I
shouted at that time, and still you couldn't hear me sometimes."   
    "Yes, Mum." Linda puts in.."I just wanted to ring to ……."   
    "I remember how you rang when you went to Betty's house to eat, when you were a little girl. And then
when you …" Mrs Lee is a great talker   
    "Nearly four pounds." says David.   
    Linda tries to tell her mother that it is time to say goodbye.   
     "Yes, all right," says Mrs Lee, "But you will write, won't you, as you did when you were at work …"   
     Once again, Mrs Lee talks about the pass. and there is no stopping her. "Four pounds fifty, 'says David.   At last, Linda cuts her mother short, promises to write, and rings off.   
     "There! That wasn't long, was it?"   
     "Four pounds, ninety pence." David answers. "And you didn't even say that we've arrived."
1. Linda is telephoning home to ________.   
A. tell her mother some bad news   
B. say that she and David have arrived safely   
C. report an accident to her mother   
D. say that she and David have left London
2. Linda does not think it expensive to ring, because _______.   
A. it only costs four pounds and ninety pence   
B. it is even more expensive to buy a new hat   
C. she had telephoned home since she was a child   
D. she will speak from one side of the word to the other
3. David says, "Nearly four pounds," because _______.   
A. he wants to remind Linda of the cost of the cost of the call   
B. he wants to buy himself a new hat   
C. Linda has not told her mother they have arrived   
D. he wants Mrs Lee to know how much the call costs
4. Mrs Lee goes on talking for so long because _______.   
A. she likes to hear all about the past.   
B. she likes talking   
C. Linda had not told her that she has arrived   
D. she is going to pay for the telephone call
5. Linda tries to stop her mother by ________.   
A. telling her how much the call is costing   
B. writing a letter as she has promised to do   
C. telling her that they have arrived safely   
D. promising to write, and ringing off

