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A. with             B. without       C. medicine
D. fight against     E. quickly
It is reported that 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble. More and more parents hope to save their children’s eyesight with   【小题1】   or by correcting the ways that children read and sit. But in fact, one should start with the exercise on one’s feet. Here are three ways to save eyes.
First, don’t tie your shoes too closely. Try wearing comfortable and soft socks or walking  【小题2】  socks and shoes at home. While you are travelling, try wearing cloth shoes in order to improve blood circulation(循环).
Second, walking on tiptoes(脚尖)is good for one’s eyesight. It can   【小题3】  eyesight trouble.
Third, rope skipping can also be good for one’s eyesight. While skipping rope, one has to move 【小题4】  , making both the brain and the eyes excited. It may also help make one grow taller.

【小题1】 C
【小题2】 B
【小题3】 D
【小题4】 E

【小题2】句意:尽量穿着舒适柔软的短袜或者在家不穿袜子和鞋走路。据句意不穿袜子(和鞋)without socks and shoes与穿着袜子能形成两个相反的状态,故填Bwithout没有。
【小题3】句意:它能对抗视力麻烦。据Second, walking on tiptoes(脚尖)is good for one’s eyesight.可知踮着脚尖走路对视力有好处,所以可以对抗视力麻烦。故填Dfight against。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

Firstly, it is important to report new events. TV stations can report news much faster than newspapers. Yet, newspapers give  【小题1】 about the same story. They may also look at the story in another way, or they may print totally different stories to those on TV.
Secondly, a news story has to be interesting and   【小题2】  . People don’t want to read stories about everyday life. As a result, many stories are about some kind of danger and seem to be “bad’ news. For example, newspapers  【小题3】  tell stories about planes landing safely,   【小题4】  , they tell stories about plane crashes. In addition, many people are interested in news in foreign countries while others prefer to read stories about people, places and events in their own country. So the stories on the front page in Chinese newspapers are usually very different from the ones in British, French and American newspapers.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

A.reader      B.used to      C.sitting         D.who         E.reporter
A young woman got on a bus,carrying her three-year-old baby.The conductor hurried to give her a warm welcome and then kindly asked the other passengers to make room for the woman and her child.On seeing this,people began to talk.
"You know this conductor     【小题1】   be very rude. Now Suddenly he has changed his bad behavior," said a middle-aged man.
"Yes. He should be praised and we must write a letter to the company," said a second passenger. "That's right." another lady said, "If a newspaper     【小题2】    is here so that more people could learn from him. "
Just then a gentleman     【小题3】    looked like a teacher turned to the conductor and said, "Excuse me, but can I know your name, please? Your excellent service should be praised…"
Before he could open his mouth, the three-year old child   【小题4】       on the young woman's lap interrupted. "I know his name. I call him Dad."


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


【小题1】Yesterday Jim decided to         the bus to work because his bike didn’t work .
【小题2】We went to the cinema         Linda last Sunday because she had to stay at home and take care of her sick mother .
【小题3】The boy likes collecting         very much . He has collected many of them .
【小题4】December is the         month of the year .
【小题5】It was a/an         trip. It was raining all day and we had to stay in the hotel all day .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


【小题1】The pink hair clip on the desk belongs to         .
【小题2】We are all looking forward to          from you soon.
【小题3】 You should eat healthily and exercise more to lose your         .
【小题4】 Simon will be back on Sunday, the       of July.
【小题5】If you learn more, you can get a much__________ result.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he  【小题1】out with his brushes(刷子), and painted from morning to evening. And then when it got  【小题2】 , he went back to the farm and had a good dinner   【小题3】 he went to bed. At the end of his holiday, he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I don’t want【小题4】  . Please give me one of your 【小题5】 . In a week the money will be used up, but your picture will 【小题6】be here.” The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind of things   【小题7】 his pictures. The farmer smiled and  【小题8】 again, “It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to  【小题9】an artist. When he comes home next month, I’ll show  【小题10】your picture. Then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


quickly, while , clear, meter, walk, across,both,careful, wait, understand
Many people die from accidents every year. Nowadays road accidents happen very often. People are often killed   66  crossing the road. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they usually cannot see or hear very well. Children are often killed because they are not   67 .
A car, a truck or a bus cannot stop very   68 . If it’s running very fast, it will travel many meters before it stops. People don’t always   69  this. They think a car can stop in a few   70 . The faster a car traveling, the longer it takes to stop.
The only safe way to cross the road is to look   71  ways, right and left. Then if the road is   72
it is safe to cross. The right way to cross is to   73   quickly. It’s dangerous to run. If people run   74
the road, they may fall down.
Besides, we can’t cross the road when the traffic light is red. We must   75  till the light is green. If old people have trouble in crossing the road, young ones should try their best to help them.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

Of all the seasons of the year, I think that spring is the loveliest and most  【小题1】 season. In the bitter cold winter, we long for the spring when the weather is   【小题2】 hot nor cold. Everything seems to be fresh and wakening. It is a time  【小题3】  going on picnics. It is also the time  【小题4】   we Chinese have the  【小题5】   festival ----the Spring Festival, according to our country’s custom.
In spring, there are all    【小题6】  of flowers blooming in gardens and parks. Grass and trees turn   【小题7】    . Birds sing in the woods. The climate is mild and the air is invigorating. Poets describe spring as a season   【小题8】    of hope, as the “year’s king”.
Spring is a splendid picture in our life. Spring  【小题9】   to us and we should make good use of it. We should study and work   【小题10】   .

