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National Day is coming. We Chinese will have a31 vacation. Lin Yan from Beijing heard that Hainan is very nice, so she is 32 a trip to Hainan with her parents for their vacation. She just finished 33 the Internet and got some information about Hainan. Hainan is really a good place to34, because there are many famous places, 35Tianya Haijiao and Wanquan River. There are also beautiful 36 to walk down and seas to swim in. And the weather there is not too 37 and not too cold. Her parents 38 her. They are flying to Hainan and staying there 39 five days. She hopes she will have a great time and forget all her problems. I think Li Yan is going to have a(n) 40 vacation!
A.seven dayB.seven-dayC.seven-daysD.seven day’s
A.have funB.go shoppingC.exerciseD.study
A.agreed toB.decided onC.decidedD.agreed with

小题2:D词义辨析。A完成B送给C离开D计划 根据上下文,这里指林燕计划去海南
小题3:C 固定搭配。surf the Internet为固定搭配 上网浏览 指她上网寻找关于海南的信息
小题4:A短语辨析。A 玩乐 B购物C锻炼D学习  根据上下文,海南有很多著名的地方,这里指去海南玩
小题5:B介词辨析。上文提到有许多著名的地方,此处开始举例。Like 比如。。
小题6:C词义辨析A 商店 B 树木 C海滩D 湖根据下文提到“海”说明此处应填“海滩”
小题7:B 词义辨析。A 温暖B 炎热C 凉爽D 下雨的 根据上下文可知应与“cold”相反,这里指天气不冷也不热
小题8:D 短语辨析A agree to +sth 同意某事B 决定。。。C决定D agree with+sb 同意某人  根据上下文他们去了海南,这里应指她的父母同意了她
小题10:D词义辨析。A激动的,修饰人 B 无聊的,修饰事C疲惫的,修饰人D激动人心的,修饰事 这里指她的假期很棒

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

 the U.S.A.
Gao Ming
小题1:. The manager is from _____________.
小题2:__________   is a teacher.
小题3:. The teacher’s phone number is _________.
小题4:. _______________are not from England.
小题5: If(如果) you are ill(生病), you can call(打电话给) _________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When July comes, children know they’ll have the final exams and the school year will end soon. Boys and girls will have a nearly two months’ holiday, and they’ll leave school by train or by car to return home to see their fathers and mothers.
The summer holiday is the best time of the year for most students. The weather is good, so they can spend most of their time playing outside .If one lives in the country, he can go on a trip into the woods or in the fields. If one lives in a big city, he can go to a park to play.
The best place for a summer holiday is the seaside. Some children are lucky enough to live near the sea. But for the others who do not, if they have the chance to stay at one of the big seaside towns for a week or two, they will talk about it all the following school year.
Now, what makes children like the seaside so much? I think it is the sand, the sea and the sun, not anything else. Of course, there are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat and interesting things to do. But the feeling of the sand under their feet, the salt water on their skin, and the warm sun on their backs make them happier.
小题1: Every year, school children have the final exams in ____, and the exam means the school year will end.
小题2:According to the passage, if a child comes from a big city, he can often ____ in the summer holidays.
A.stay at homeB.go on a trip to the woods
C.go on a trip in the fieldsD.go to a park to play
小题3:It’s the best way for children to go to the ____ to spend their summer holidays.
小题4: ____ make children like the seaside so much?
A.The beautiful parksB.The new things
C.The sand, the sea and the sunD.The people near the sea
小题5:Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
A.After the final exams ,school children will stay at school for extra classes.
B.The summer holidays is a good time to go out for a trip.
C.The children from the countryside can have a good time in the woods in the summer holiday.
D.If some children go on a trip to the seaside, they will have many things to talk about.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Look at this,  please.  It's __1___ my  family. ___2___  man and the  woman  ___3___  the  middle  is  my  father  and  mother.  On  the  left(左边)  is  my   ___4___ Mike. And the girl on the right(右边) is  me. You  can  see  it's  a  family ___5___  five  people. This is  my  bedroom.  There   ___6___ a  clock  on  my  desk,  and  a  computer is on  the  desk, ___7___ .  My ___8___ bedroom is  over  there.  You can also  see a  desk, ___9___ it's  not  big.  There are ___10___ flowers  and  books  on  it.
A.a map ofB.a picture C.a photo ofD.a photo
A.The B.AC.AnD.One
A.for B.ofC.inD.at
A.are B.isC.beD.am
A.alsoB.thenC.too D.but
A.brother'sB.brothers' C.brother D.brothers'
A.and B.butC.orD.so


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What does a policeman usually do? It is not an easy job to describe. After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in one. A policeman often has to control (控制) traffic, either on foot in the center of a town, or in a police car on the roads. In Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend most of his time driving up and down main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving and help when there is an accident.
  A policeman has to keep peace, too. If there is a fight or some other disturbance, the police can come and restore order. And they often have to deal with situation at great risk(冒险) to their own safety.
  We expect the police to solve crime, of course, so an ordinary policeman, even if he is not a detective (侦探), will have to help look for the criminals at times.
  And who do we call when there is an emergency (紧急情况)---an crash, a fire, a road accident, or a robbery? We call the police. So a policeman has to be prepared to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the modern world.
The police do an necessary job, they do it very well and I support them, but I do not think that I could ever do the job of a policeman.
Different Roles of the Police
Different situations
◆ An ordinary policeman needs to do several____76____.
About traffic
◆ A policeman has to ____77____ or drive around the whole city to watch the traffic on the roads. For example, a ___78____ policeman spends most time___79___ on the road.
About order
◆ The police are ___80____ to restore order to try to make the public even ____81____ although they may be in danger.
About crime
◆ ____82____, a policeman will act as a detective to search for the criminal.
About ___83____
◆ In case of a fire, a crash or an accident, ____84____the police to deal with them becomes people’s first choice.
Final comments
◆ The police do lots of small things we think in our daily life, but we should thank them. We may meet a lot of trouble ____85____ them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Bruce and his other two friends, Bruno and Dick lived in the same city in England. They were free in their summer holiday. So they came to a village by a large lake. They liked fishing very much. Then the next day after they got there, they got to a boat and went fishing in the lake. They boated farther and farther. They came to an out-of-way place. They were very happy because there were a lot of fish. When it was time for them to go home, Bruce said to his friends: “We’d better make a mark(标记) here so that we will easily find the place tomorrow.”
“You’re right.” Bruno said happily .“Let me do that.”
“How foolish,” said Bruce. “If it rains tonight, the rain water will wash the line(线) off, and how can we find the mark tomorrow. You must cut a line with your knife.”
Dick came up to them and said angrily. “ Neither(两者都不) of you is clever. How can we find the place if we have another boat tomorrow? We should not go back tonight.”
小题1:The three boys _______.
A.were all too young to go to school .
B. came from the city
C.were from the workers families
D. liked eating fish very much
小题2:The boys wanted to go to the place again tomorrow because ______
A. it was a good place
B. there were a lot of fish
C. there was a mark on the side of the boat
D. they were good at fishing
小题3:They should make a mark ______
A.thicker and color it redB.on the fish
C.in the lakeD.on every boat


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

London Time, July 7, 1992
Mountaineer Jean-Marc came back to London yesterday. He was welcomed by all the people in the city. But the 28-year-old Frenchman was very modest. “I’m not a hero,” he said in London Guild Hall, “It was something I wanted to do, so I did it.”
Jean-Marc climbed the world’s highest mountain, K2 in the Himlayas, with English Climbing Team one month ago. He was the only one who climbed up. He was the first Frenchman to reach the peak(山顶). When he got to the peak, his tears fell. He was so glad.
Yesterday his wife went to London to meet him. These years she always helping him to do his job. Jean-Marc said, “Because my wife gave me so much help, I won. I love her very much. And now we’ll have a month’s holiday in America.”
小题1:________________climbed up the peak.
A. English Climbing TeamB. Jean-Marc
C. Jean-Marc and his wife D. K2 in the Himlayas
小题2:On the afternoon of July 6, 1992, Jean-Marc was in ____________.
A.AmericaB.the HimlayasC.LondonD.France


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello, I'm Tom. I'm a middle school student. It's nice to meet you here. First, let me tell you 46  about my family. There are five people in my 47 .They are my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and I.
My father is a worker. My mother is an English teacher. My sister is eighteen and my brother is sixteen. I'm fourteen. We  48  go to the same school. We all enjoy 49  football games.
My 50  is in West Street. There is a big tree and some small trees around my house. The big one is a pear tree and the small ones are apple  51 .  52 there 53 any pears or apples on them now.  54  a photo of my house. In the photo, you can see three cats in my house. They are all black and white. We  55 them very much.
A.anythingB.something C.thingD.anyone
A.seeingB.looking atC.watching D.looking
A.He'sB.Here'sC.It'sD.There are
A.are liking B.likesC.likeD.is liking


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mobile phones and the Internet have improved our life in many ways. However, along with improvements, they also brought a number of worrying problems.
Many car accidents are caused by mobile phones. You can use many new mobile phones to get on the Internet .This can be very convenient, but some drivers get on the Internet while driving. Driving needs all our attention. By looking at their mobile phones and not at the road, these insensitive(不专注的) drivers are a danger to us all.
Many of the dangers of the Internet are well known. Children who visit websites without their parents’ permission sometimes talk to older people they don’t know and put themselves in great danger. People with blogs(博客) sometimes post(张贴) embarrassing photographs of people they don’t know on their websites without permission. There are also people who use the Internet to get personal information that we do not want them to have.
Mobile Phones and Internet Safety Tips
l If you need to use a mobile phone when you drive, use a “hand –free” phone.
l In difficult driving situation such as rain or snow, don’t use your phone at all.
l Do not make very important phone calls while driving. They take your attention off the road.
l Tell your children not to talk with anyone they do not know on the Internet.
l In an embarrassing situation, pay attention to people around you. People will be shy about taking your picture if they know you’re paying attention.
l Refuse to give out any personal information on the Internet.
小题1:Which of these dangers of mobile phones or the Internet is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. You can have a car accident
B. Someone can post your photograph on the Internet
C. Someone you do not know can call you
小题2:Children should ______ on the Internet.
A. give out their important personal information
B. talk to older people they don’t know
C. ask for their parents’ permission sometimes to visit some websites
小题3:A “hand-free” mobile phone is probably a mobile phone that _____.
A. is free to use
B. can be used without your hands
C. can be used with only one hand
小题4:What advice is given in the passage to stop someone from taking an embarrassing picture of you?
A. Pay attention to the people around you
B. Don’t give out your personal information
C. Use a “hands-free” mobile phone
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A. Internet Problems
B. Mobile Phone and Internet Dangerous
C. The Development of Mobile Phone and Internet

