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—Why is your brother so ________ in class this morning?

—He stayed up late and watched a football game last night.

A. hungry B. thirsty C. excited D. sleepy


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标九上英语试卷 Unit14 Remember meeting all of you in Grade7 单元测试(无答案) 题型:多任务混合问题

任务型阅读: 阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。

There is a Chinese saying: Time and tidy wait for no man. Have too many things to do in too little time? Well, 31. if you make a good plan, everything will be in order. This chart will certainly help. If you can do all this, every your single day will be productive(高效率的).

●Make a list

It all begins with listing. If you don’t have a list, create one.

● Work first

We often have one thing on the list, which is hanging over our heads and makes us worried. Work on it first and make the rest of your day easier.

●Just do it

Those small thing are easier to deal with. Complete them and cross them off the list.

●Make things enjoyable

Have small breaks, enjoy music, or even a snack when you are tired. Life is short. Enjoy your work.

●Pack times

Which part of your time is most productive? When this time comes around, close your door so that it is just you and your work.


a. Sometimes you will not complete everything on your list. This is okay. Add them to tomorrow’s list with a star so that you will know they should be done first the next day.

b.32.到一天结束的时候为止,你将会对明天要做的事情有一个粗略(rough)的打算.Go ahead and list them. Tomorrow when you start fresh, you will not forget to do 33.them.


2.请将划线句子翻译成英语。 ___________________________________________

3.划线them指代什么? ______________________________________________

4.What should you do if you can not finish today’s work? _______________________________

5.Give a title(标题)in the passage. ____________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋人教版(山西专版)九年级上学期英语单元测试试卷:Unit 3综合能力测试 题型:单选题

—Have you got any idea what we are going to do tomorrow?

—Yes, I ________ a tour of Disneyland. It will be great.

A. hate B. suggest C. warn


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋九年级英语上册(山西):Unit 1综合能力测试 题型:单选题

—Would you mind telling the meaning of the word?

—Sorry, I don't know, either. Why not ______ the word online?

A. cut up B. look up C. pick up


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标九年级英语全册 Unit 8单元测试卷 题型:多任务混合问题

If you have a chance to visit London, one place you should not miss is Tower Bridge. London's Tower Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. Its Victorian style comes from a law that forced the designers to create a building that would be in harmony(协调) with the nearby Tower of London. Plans for the Tower Bridge were made around 1876 when the east of London became crowded and a bridge across the Thames in that area of the city seemed a necessity. (A)It_took_another_eight_years_and_lots_of_discussions_about_the_design_before_the_government_started_to_build_the_bridge.

The bridge was completed in 1894 and nearly 450 workers worked for this 265?meter?long bridge. It took 11,000 tons of steel to build the bridge. The bridge became one of London's most famous symbols. Tower Bridge is close to the harbor and it is in the direction of the sea, which requires the bridge to allow the passage of large ships. (B)开启大桥的秘密隐藏在两座塔里。 It used to open almost 50 times a day but nowadays it is only raised about 1,000 times a year.

(C)Taking_photographs_of_Tower_Bridge_is_a_favorite_London_tourist_activity,_but you can also go inside the bridge, where you'll have a great view over London from the walkway between the two bridge towers. Inside the bridge is a showing area that is around the walkway and the two famous towers where you can visit the Victorian engine room. Visitors can learn about the history of the bridge through photos and films.


1.What style does the Tower Bridge have?


2.Why did the government decide to build the bridge?







________ ________ a favorite London tourist activity ________ ________ photographs of Tower Bridge.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标九年级英语全册 Unit 8单元测试卷 题型:单选题

I guess there must be someone ________ outside the house. Let's stop to listen.

A. speaks B. speaking C. speak D. spoke


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋冀教版九年级上学期英语单元测试试卷:Unit 4 综合测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to steal his neighbour's door bell. However, he knew clearly that the bell would ring and catch other people's attention as long as he touched the bell.

He thought hard and suddenly hit on a “clever” idea. He plugged his ears with something, thinking that everything would go well when he stole the bell.

To his disappointment, the bell still rang loudly and he was caught on the spot as a thief. This story tells us not to deceive ourselves.

1.What did the man want to do?

A. The man wanted to steal his neighbour's door bell.

B. The man wanted to steal his neighbour's dog.

C. The man wanted to steal his neighbour's apples.

D. The man wanted to steal his neighbour's tree.

2.What was the man's idea?

A. He plugged his ears with something.

B. He plugged his eyes with something.

C. He plugged his mouth with something.

D. He plugged his nose with something.

3.Did the door bell ring?

A. Yes, it was. B. Yes, it did.

C. No, it wasn't. D. No, it didn't.

4.Who is the man?

A. A teacher. B. A policeman.

C. A thief. D. A businessman.

5.What's the best title of the article?

A. The door bell B. A thief

C. A man and a bell D. A thief stole a door bell


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标七年级上册英语Unit3单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Lost & Found


My school ID card.

Its number is 200-7712.

My name is Mary Brown.

Please call 695-6385.

Found: Backpack.

Is this your backpack?

It’s black and white.

My name is Tony Green.

Phone #236-0731.


Your red notebook is in the lost and found case. Mike


Your red notebook is in the lost and found case. Mike

1.Mary’s school ID card number is ____.

A. 236-0731 B. 695-6385 C. 200-7712 D. 659-8635

2.The backpack is ________.

A. green B. white C. red D. black and white

3.Mary’s phone number is ________.

A. 695-6385 B. 2007712 C. 236-0731 D. 659-6385

4.Tony’s last name is ________.

A. Brown B. Green C. Mike D. Cindy

5.Cindy’s ________ is in the lost and found case.

A. school ID card B. backpack C. notebook D. baseball


科目:初中英语 来源:2018牛津牛津译林版 7上 Unit 3Welcome to our school!单元测试 题型:阅读单选

Nick is my classmate. He doesn't study well and he is shy(害羞). He doesn't have many friends. Today is Tuesday. I am wrltln9 1n the classroom.

“Hi, Tom, my birthday party is on this Sunday. I'd like to ask you to my party. I think it must be cool,” Nick says.

I really want to be at the party, but I don't want my friends to 1augh at me.

"No," I answer coldly, "If you study well, I will go."

“Oh…oh…OK. Cool, ”Nick says. With his head down, Nick goes away.

In the afternoon, I know most of my classmates will go to the party. They say they want to be Nick's friends. My face turns red.1 want to say sorry to Nick tomorrow.

1.When is Nick's birthday party?

A. Tuesday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday. D. Wednesday.

2.What's the meaning of the underlined(划线的)phrase“laugh at”?

A. 嘲笑 B. 佩服 C. 鼓励 D. 威胁

3.How does Nick feel when he hears Tom's words?

A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Shy. D. Cool..

4.Why does Tom say no to Nick?

A. He has another party。

B. He doesn't want to be at the party.

C. He has some homework to do.

D. He thinks his friends wil1 1augh at him.

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Nick studies well but shy.

B. Tom feels sorry for his words.

C. No one wants to go to the party.

D. Nick doesn't want Tom to go to his party.

