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Making a public speech is the thing that most people don’t want to do. The reason is that we are all afraid of making mistakes in front of others. The more important the speech is, the more frightened we will be. But forget it now. Public speaking is easy. It’s just a simple talking, Although I’m a shy man, I’ve been making speeches and talking on radio and television for more than 30 years. Anybody who can talk can speak in public. Here are some of the lessons I have learned:

Keep your speech simple. Your audience can’t take all of your main ideas, and they can only remember one or two of them, not ten or twenty. So you should prepare one or two of your main ideas very well. But if you can’t express what you want to say, then your speech will not be paid attention to. And if you don’t have a clear idea of what you want to say, your audience won’t, either.

Organize your speech well. No matter how long or short your speech is, you have to organize your speech—how you are going to open or begin, what main points you want to make and how you’re going to close or end. A strong close is usually very important and critical(关键的): the last thing you say is what your audience will most likely remember. If not, they will be confused.

Keep your speech not long. The standard (标准的) length of a speech is usually 12 minutes. Most people can’t put their minds in one thing for too long time, which will make them tired and lose their interest. If you pay no attention to your audience’s reaction(反应),the audience will get bored. Of course, your speech will fail.

Following these suggestions above, you can make a good speech in public, and you will be an excellent speaker, I think.

Title: How to make a 1. speech




Keep it simple

You should think about your idea well enough

2. one or two of your main ideas well.

If you have a 3. idea of what you want to say, your audience will have, too.

Organize it well.

You should get your speech well 4.

Know very well about the

5. ,main points and ending of the speech

If you don’t, the 6. will be confused.

Keep it 7.

Your speech should be short enough to attract your audience’s attention and 8. .

Make your speech as short as 9. .

If you don’t, the audience will feel 10. .


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2016-2017学年八年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

We were on a visit to Monkey Island. Jim thought we should try water skiing(滑水).

We can get a boat and ski at Monkey Island.

Don’t go water skiing near Monkey Island today,” said the woman standing near the

boats. “There might be sharks(鲨鱼) in the water.”

“I don’t think so.” said Jim who thought he knew everything.

“I wouldn’t go water skiing in the sea near Monkey Island today,” said the man with the

woman. “They saw sharks in the water yesterday.”

“The sharks won’t hurt me,” said Jim with a big smile on his face.

Another man getting out of a boat said, “I’m sure we just saw a shark in the water a few minutes ago.”

“Don’t worry about me,” said Jim. “I don’t worry about sharks.”

Jim and his two friends, Bill and Bruce pushed the boat into the water. Jim was driving the

boat. He drove very fast and sprayed water on everyone standing near the boat.

Jim drove the boat to the middle of the sea near Monkey Island. Everyone could see him and the boat. He

wanted to show everyone how well he could water ski.

“You drive the boat, Bill,” Jim said. “Bruce, you watch me and the rope while I water ski.”

“What about the sharks?” asked Bill.

“Forget about the sharks,” said Jim. “I’m not afraid of sharks.”

Jim got into the water. He was putting his feet in the water skis. Then Jim felt something large and hard touch

his leg as it swam past him. Suddenly, a brown fin(鳍) moved through the water towards Jim.

Later, when Bill and Bruce stopped laughing, they said, “We never saw anyone move so fast! You were

running on top of the water to get back in the boat! You even left the water skis in the water.

“There it is again! Shark! Shark!” cried Jim.

Everyone laughed----even the people standing on shore.

The dolphin(海豚) came to surface again, took a deep breath, smiled at Jim and went back down into the deep water.

1.How many people told Jim there might be sharks in the water?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three D. Four.

2.What did Jim saw in the water in fact?

A. A shark. B. A dolphin. C. A whale D. Nothing.

3.According to the passage, what is TRUE with Jim?

A. He was a brave young man.

B. He was a young man loving animals.

C. He was not afraid of a shark but afraid of a dolphin.

D. He was a young man who wouldn’t take others’ advice.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省常熟市2016–2017学年第二学期初二英语期末考试试卷及答案 题型:任务型阅读

In the past, words were the only way for people to express their ideas and feelings. Now people have a new way to share their life with their friends on We Chat Moments(微信朋友圈).

To make We Chat Moments,people can use pictures, sounds, videos and their words to express what they want to say. Some people don't write anything. They share what they are eating, drinking, listening to, buying and fun time by sharing pictures.

Someone says that We Chat Moments are like personal TV stations. People don't have to spend money putting them on the Internet, so it is easy for people to make them and watch them on their phones. Only the friends on the users' list can watch the Moments. Some We Chat businessmen even put the advertisements of their products(产品)on the We Chat Moments for their friends to choose and buy. We Chat Moments are becoming more popular among people,when we post(发表)something on it, we must be sure that the information should be healthy for people to read and watch.


1.How could people express their ideas and feelings in the past?


2.What kind of information is suitable(合适的)for We Chat Moments?


3.Do you use We Chat Moments? Why or why not?



科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省常熟市2016–2017学年第二学期初二英语期末考试试卷及答案 题型:单项填空

I play cards with you here?

—Yes. But you talk loudly. Your father is sleeping now.

A. Must; can't B. May; must

C. Can; mustn't D. can't; can


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省常熟市2016–2017学年第二学期初二英语期末考试试卷及答案 题型:单项填空

I had much fun watching the match, I was not lucky enough to take a photo with my favourite player.

A. and B. but C. so D. or


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2017届九年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The American book Who Moved My Cheese has been a best seller all over the world. It teaches people how to face changes in their lives. It is just for teens. The book tells us that when facing change in our life, like a new school or new friends, don’t be afraid. Use this change to make a better life.

The book gives an example of a change at school. A school is changing from having two terms to three terms because there are too many students. Several teens are talking about this. Most of them are unhappy and worried. But Chris is not. He laughs and tells a story about two mice, two“little people”and some cheese.

The four are in a maze(迷宫)looking for The cheese. Here, cheese means some thing important in life. But they find the cheese is gone. The mice realize that they can’t change what has happened and have to find more cheese. This means finding different dreams. The little people can’t do this. They are afraid of change so they find no cheese.

After Chris finishes the story, the friends understand one thing:to get more cheese, move in a new direction quickly. His friends understand how this can be used in the changes all teens face, such as doing well at school or feeling good about yourself.

1.The book Who Moved My Cheese wants to teach us_______.

A. how to find the cheese   B. how to face changes

C. how to make a better life   D. how to do well in our study

2.From the story, we can know that finding more cheese means_______.

A. finding more food   B. finding more friends

C. finding different dreams   D. feeling good about ourselves

3.Why does Chris tell the story to his friends?

A. He wants to help his friends out.    B. He likes telling stories.

C. His friends like listening to stories. D. His teacher asks him to do so.


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2017届九年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

If you see the comedy, you will ______ laugh.

A. make B. make to C. be made D. be made to


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2016-2017学年七年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There are lots of animals on the earth. What is the biggest animal of all? The whale (鲸) is. A blue whale weighs more than a hundred tons(吨). Whales live in the sea, but they are not fish. They are mammals(哺乳动物) and must have air to breathe(呼吸). The babies drink milk from the mother’s body. Every spring, groups of whales swim hundreds of kilometers to warm places.

Each group goes to the same place every year. The mothers take very good care of their babies. Whales are a gentle kind of giant(温顺的庞然大物). They always live together and help each other. They “talk” to each other in the water with high noise that sounds like singing.

Yet people kill over a hundred whales a day. They kill them to make many things. The whale dies very slowly an in great pain(疼痛). Some ships kill every whale they can find, even mother whales and babies. If things go on like this, there will be no young whales growing up and no mother whales having more young whales (产下幼仔).

1.________ are the biggest animals on the earth.

A. Elephants B. Lions C. Whales D. I don’t know

2.When whales “talk”, it sounds like ________.

A. crying B. calling C. shouting D. singing

3.Some people kill ________.

A. the mother whales B. the baby whales

C. the old whales D. A, B and C


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省岳阳地区2017年中考二模英语试卷 题型:书面表达

对于许多中学生来说,每天大部分的时间都在学校度过。请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇题为“Should we have more free time?” 的小短文,谈一谈你对这个问题的看法。80词左右。








Should we have more free time?

As a middle school student,I am always very busy every day. _________________________________


