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Fashion isn’t very environmentally-friendly because it makes people buy things they don’t need, just because they’re new. We want to take care of the environment, we don’t want to pol­lute the air and we don’t want to waste energy and resources. But we also want to be fashiona­ble. How can we buy fashionable clothes and protect the environment?
Old styles are fashionable again, so one way is to buy second-hand clothes — recycled clothes. Another way is to buy’ fair trade clothes. These clothes are either recycled or made in a ’ way that protects the environment. They also protect the people who make the clothes.
Surprisingly, white cotton is one of the least environmentally-friendly crops of all. To pro­tect the cotton, the growers use chemicals that pollute water, make farm workers ill and kill wildlife. New materials, such as hemp and bamboo, grow quickly and are more environmental­ly-friendly. These materials are very soft, and look fantastic. The best materials are coloured using natural dyes, made from plants.
Environmentally-friendly clothes are practical but until now they were often dull. Now fashion-designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well. So now we can buy fashionable clothes that are also environmentally-friendly.
小题1:Why do people often buy things they don’t need? Because_.
A.new things can be more comfortable
B.everyone wants to be fashionable
C.people are richer than before now
D.people care about the environment
小题2:What’s the topic for paragraph 2?
A.Recycled fashion.B.The problem with fashion.
C.Fashion doesn’t have to pollute.D.New materials.
小题3:Which of the following is more environmentally-friendly?
A.Materials soft and looking fantastic.
B.Any materials coloured using natural dyes.
C.Hemp and bamboo.
D.White cotton.
小题4:Why are environmentally -friendly clothes more fashionable now? Because______.
A.people pay more attention to our environment
B.environmentally-friendly clothes are practical
C.all old styles become fashionable again
D.fashion-designers are working to make them beautiful
小题5:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Cotton or Hemp and Bamboo?
B.Environmentally-friendly Clothes
C.Old Style, New Fashion Again
D.Fashion and the Environment


小题1:根据第一段Fashion isn’t very environmentally-friendly because it makes people buy things they don’t need, just because they’re new. 描述,可知选B。
小题1:根据第二段Old styles are fashionable again, so one way is to buy second-hand clothes — recycled clothes.及本段描述,可知选A,回收潮流。
小题1:根据最后一段Now fashion-designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well. So now we can buy fashionable clothes that are also environmentally-friendly.描述,可知选D。
小题1:根据第一段How can we buy fashionable clothes and protect the environment?及下文描述,可知这篇短文主要讲述了时尚和环境的关系,故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

#117: Some people like to have friends who are different from them. Others like to have friends who are similar to them. What kind of friends do you want for yourself?
Join Date: March, 2010
Location: the United Kingdom
I like to have friends who are like me. Both my best friend Vades and I like traveling. We went to Italy last month and stayed there for a week. Next month we want to go to Paris. However, Vades is more athletic than me. 
Join Date: April, 2010
Location: Canada 
I like to have friends who are like me. It can be very helpful. I’m a little quiet and my good friend Libby is quiet, too. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with my problems and she can tell me what I should do, because she knows about me better than people who are different from me.
Join Date: May, 2010
Hi, everyone! I had a cold last week and just got here. In my opinion, it is important to have both kinds of friends. That makes your life more interesting.
6. Where is Kate going next month?
A. To the USA.         B. To the UK.        C. To Italy.            D. To France.
7. What’s Libby like?
A. She’s as beautiful as Ditlady.          B. She’s more outgoing than Ditlady.
C. She’s as quiet as Ditlady.             D. She’s more athletic than Ditlady.
8. What was the matter with Harbinger last week?
A. He had a cold.                       B. He had a headache.
C. He had a fever.                       D. He had a toothache.
9. What kind of friends does Harbinger like to have?
A. Those who are different from him.        B. Those who are the same as him.
C. He doesn’t like to make friends.          D. He likes to have different kinds of friends.
10. What does the underlined word “similar” mean?
A. 一致的          B. 相似的          C. 友好的           D. 简单的


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Bill,
How are you? It’s very nice   36   you to write to me. Let me   37   something about my life in China. I think you   38  to know it. I live in Li Lei’s home. He is my   39. His father and mother are both teachers. Their house isn’t big.   40  of them are very friendly   41  me.  They teach me Chinese   42   I teach them English. Now I   43  with them in Chinese. But I can’t   44  very well. Chinese is very   45  to learn, I think. Mrs Li often teaches me how to   46  Chinese food. Hmm! How much I like Chinese food!
My school is not far. I go to school by bike. I   47  six classes every day.   48  I play games with my classmates. I have a good   49   here. Don’t you want to come? Please write  50  soon.
Love from Jim.
A.speakB.talkC.say youD.tell you
A.am speakingB.am talking C.am sayingD.can talk
A.In classB.After schoolC.In the roomD.School over
A.backB.to backC.for meD.letter


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Estelle,                                                 Saturday, 5th June
I hope you’ re well and not working too hard! I’ ve been revising for my exams now for the last two weeks. That’ s why I haven’ t written for such a long time.
Since the beginning of this year we’ ve been doing a project called ’ World Class’. Have you heard of it.’? Not everyone in the class could take part, but luckily I could. The school chooses a ’twin school’ (姊妹学校) in a different area of the world. Our head teacher chose a school in Uganda. They gave us someone to write to from that school. For three months, I’ve written to a girl called Louisa, who is the same age as me.
It’ s been more interesting to hear about her life. She’ s told me all about her school and described her daily (日常的) life. I can’ t believe that her School doesn’ t. have any electricity. She goes to ’school from eight o’ clock in the morning until six. O’clock. in the evening. I can’ t believe how lucky we are here! She’ s also told me that she often can’ t go to school because she has to look after her baby brother and sister. She’s tried to teach me some of her language and it’ s really difficult.
I love it because it’ s the first time I’ ve thought about what life must be like somewhere else. I can’ t believe people miss classes here when everything is so easy for us. I think more people should help out with projects like this. At the weekend we’ re going to have a sports day to help raise money to send to the school. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to go to Uganda and meet Louisa myself--who knows?
Lots of 1ove,
小题1: Suzanne hasn’ t written to Estelle for long because she is          
A.travelling in UgandaB.getting ready for her exams
C.busy doing a projectD., choosing a ’ twin school’
小题2:Suzanne felt_______ to take part in the project ’World Class’.
小题3: Which of the following is TRUE about Louisa’ s school?
A.It is a world class.B.The school day starts at six o’ clock.
C.It has no electricity.D.It is smaller than Susanne’ school.
小题4:From the passage we know that              
A.Louisa lives a poor lifeB.Louisa has stopped going to school
C.Louisa is older than SusanneD.Louisa and Suzanne have the same interests
小题5: By doing the project ’ World Class’, Susanne learns to          
A.communicate with othersB.write in a foreign language
C.treasure what she hasD.know the importance of friendship


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Disasters happen all the time somewhere in the world. Are you ready if one hits your neighborhood next week? Find out what you need to do now before it is too late. Let’s take an earthquake for example.
During an earthquake, get under a strong object like the kitchen table. Don’t leave the building during the shaking, or you might be hurt by falling objects from the outside of the building.
When you are in bed during the night and an earthquake happens,simply roll off the bed. There will be a safe void around the bed.
If you are watching TV and you cannot easily run away by getting out through the door or window, then lie down and curl up(蜷伏) next to a sofa, or a large chair.
Never go to the stairs. The stairs are likely part of the building to be broken. Even if the stairs are not destroyed by the earthquake,they may fall down later when people run down.
Try to get into an open area away from trees,buildings,walls,advertisement boards and power lines if you are outdoors.
If you are driving when an earthquake suddenly happens,just stay in your car until the shaking ends. However, if the footbridge falls and breaks your car,get out of it and sit or lie next to it. All the broken cars have voids 3 feet high next to it.
小题1: What should you do if you are in a building when an earthquake happens?
A.Rush out quicklyB.Sit in the kitchen
C.Stay below strong objectsD.Go down the stairs
小题2:The underlined word “void” in Paragraph 3 means“_______”.
小题3: When you are outdoors during an earthquake,you should go to _______.

小题4: If you are inside a car when there is a sudden earthquake,you should _______.
A.get out of itB.keep inside itC.move away fastD.stay under the footbridge


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Farmer Ed Rawlings smiles as he looks at his orange trees. The young oranges are growing well in Florida’s weather. Warm sunshine and gentle rains, along with Ed Rawlings’ expert care, will produce a good crop(收成)of oranges this year.
However, Ed has to guard against Florida’s changeable winter weather. In January and February, temperatures can destroy Ed’s entire orange crop. Having farmed in Florida for the past 35 years, Ed is prepared for the frost(霜). When temperatures drop below freezing, Ed tries to save his crop by watering his orange trees. The water freezes and forms a thin layer(层) of ice around the trees. Strange as it may sound, this thin layer of ice actually keeps the fruit warm.
What happens is simple. When the trees are watered, the water loses heat and becomes ice. The warmth of the heat it loses is taken in by the fruit and keeps its temperature at a safe level. Ed has effectively used this method to save many orange crops.
But Ed still faces difficulties. The trees must be watered at the exact moment the temperature drops to the freezing point. Also, just the right quantity(数量)of water must be used. Too much water can form a thicker layer of ice that will break the tree’s branches(树枝). Another difficulty is that wind blows away the heat, so Ed has to worry about not only when but also how often his trees should be watered, and how much water should be used.
Computer technology may help Ed with some of these worries. With equipment(设备), air and soil temperatures and wind speed can be measured. The information is fed into a computer which can calculate(计算) when the temperature will drop below freezing. The computer can correctly decide the quantity of water to be used and how frequently(  ) the trees should be watered. Ed finds looking after his orange trees a lot easier with the help of a computer, and, his customers will have the benefits(利益) of computer—age oranges. 
小题1:The passage is mainly about______.
A.a farmer expert cares for his orange trees
B.the different uses of computers
C.growing oranges in Florida’s changeable weather
D.different ways of frost protection
小题2:Ed tries to protect his crop by______.
A.using a wind machine to drive away the cold air
B.equipping his orange trees with a computer
C.watering it at the proper time
D.picking his fruit at the first sign of frost
小题3: According to the passage, the computer technology______.
A.removes the need for frost protection
B.prevents temperature from dropping
C.tells farmers why outdoor temperatures change
D.helps the farmer get a better harvest


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Look at the girl, she is eleven. Her name is Wang Fang. I am eleven, too. My name is Kate.Wang Fang and I are good friends. She is in Class One, Grade One. She is Number 8 in Row 5. I am in Class One, Grade One, I am Number 9 in Row 6. We are at school today.
小题1:How old is Wang Fang?
A. She is eleven.   B. She is twelve.   C. She is ten.
小题2:Wang Fang and I are____________ .
A. girls   B. boys   C. teachers
小题3:What grade are Wang Fang and I in?
A. Grade One.  B. Grade Two.  C. Grade Three.
小题4:Wang Fang is my____________ .
A. good teacher  B. good friend   C. brother
小题5:Where are Wang Fang and I today?
At school.  B. At home.  C. Here.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A big earthquake happened in Japan a few months ago. It was a 9.0 on the Richter scale(里氏).It caused a tsunami(海啸) and a nuclear leak(核泄露).Thousands of people died and millions of Japanese lost their homes.
However, the disaster didn’t cause panic(恐慌) among Japanese people. When the earthquake happened, people left dangerous places in an orderly way. After the shock, they waited in line for food and water. There was no robbing or stampeding(惊逃).
The Japanese are ready for an earthquake at any time. Almost every family has a survival kit(救生包),which has a flashlight, a radio, water and enough food for several days. It can keep people alive after an earthquake.
Many earthquakes happen in China, too. Are you ready for too next earthquake?
When an earthquake happens, protect yourself first. The life is the most important because where there is a life there is hope. Don’t go back to get your money or computers. When an earthquake has ended, be careful because aftershocks(余震) may still happen. Make sure you wear shoes after an earthquake. There may be broken glass on the ground.
We should always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
小题1:The earthquake in March,2011 in Japan caused a tsunami and a nuclear leak.
小题2:The earthquake made Japanese fear.
小题3:Many Japanese people have lost their homes and their lives.
小题4:When the earthquake happens, you should go back to get your money.
小题5:There are few earthquakes in China.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A new supermarket put on a notice inside the entrance. It said, “Remember, once a week, one of our customers(顾客) gets free goods(things that cost nothing). This may be your lucky day!” All the housewives who went to the supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who didn’t have to pay for her shopping.
For several weeks Mrs. Blake hoped to be the lucky customer. Unlike many other customers, she never gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things she did not need. She dreamed of the day, when the manager of the supermarket would come and say to her, “Madam, this is your lucky day and everything in your basket is free.”
One Friday morning, after she finished her shopping and had taken all the things to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy tea. She went to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the check-out. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket come to her. “Madam,” he said, “congratulations! You are our lucky customer and everything in your basket is free!”
小题1:From the notice in the new supermarket, we know that       .
A.customers could buy things at lower prices once a week
B.the customer who bought the least goods didn’t have to pay
C.just one customer could get free goods once a week
D.the first customer who bought goods in the supermarket was the lucky one
小题2: What was Mrs. Blake’s hope?
A.To buy something cheaper in the supermarket.
B.To see the manager of the supermarket.
C.To buy everything she needed in the supermarket.
D.To be the lucky customer.
小题3: Why did Mrs Blake go back to the market after her shopping?
A.Because she wanted to see who would be the lucky customer.
B.Because she forgot to buy one more thing.
C.Because she had to pay for her shopping.
D.Because she wanted to get another chance to be the lucky customer.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.The manager of the market was a clever businessman.
B.In fact the notice for free goods was a trick (诡计).
C.Mrs. Blake’s dream came true at last.
D.Mrs. Blake did shopping every week in the past several weeks.
小题5:What would Mrs. Blake probably say when she heard the manager’s words?
A.“Oh, my God!”B.“How lucky I am!”
C.“Bad luck!”D.“It’s very kind of you!”

