精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

  Jim is five yeas old. He doesn't go to school. He has no brothers, but he has an elder sister. His sister's name's Nina. She is in Grade Three. She likes eating bananas, apples and oranges. Sometimes Jim eats his sister's bananas. And his sister is very angry(生气). She often beats(打)him. Jim doesn't like his sister.

  One day, Nina's classmate, Tom, comes to their house. He talks with Jim.

  Jim, how old are you?

  I'm five years old.

  How much is four minus(减)two?

  It' s... Sorry, I don't know.

  Now, listen to me. If your sister has four bananas, and you eat two of them, how many bananas can your sister get?

  None. I will eat four bananas, not two.


  If I eat two, my sister will beat me. If I eat four, she will also beat me. So I eat for two.

(1) Who doesn't go to school?

[  ]




(2) Who is the youngest?

[  ]




(3) Does Jim know how much four minus two is?

[  ]

A.Yes, he does.

BNo, he doesn't.

CWe don't know.

(4) What will happen(发生)if Jim eats his sister's bananas?

[  ]

AHis sister will give him more.

BHis sister will buy more.

CHis sister will be angry.

(5) Why does Jim say he will eat four not two bananas?

[  ]

ABecause no matter(无论)how many bananas he eats, his sister will beat him.

BBecause he doesn't like his sister.

CBecause he likes eating fruit(水果).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:017







(1)What's    ten and two?    


[      ]    


A No, I'm not    


     (2)Are    you Tom?          


[      ]          


B Li Lei          


          (3)Are you eleven?        


[      ]        


C Twelve        


         (4)What's    your name?      


[      ]      


D It's a secret      


      (5)What    class are you in?


[      ]


E No, I'm in Row 5


(6)Are    you in Row 4?    


[      ]    


F I'm in class 6    


     (7)Are    you Number 5?      


[      ]      


G No, I'm ten      


      (8)How    old is your teacher?

[      ]

H No, I'm Jim Creen


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:017






1.Sit down, please. 

[    ]

 A.Good morning, Mr. Wang?


2.Good morning, Miss Gao. 

[     ]

 B.Thank you.


3.How are you? 

[    ]

 C.Hello, Jim.


4.What's this? 

[    ]

 D.Fine, thank you, and you?


5.What's your name, please? 

[    ]

 E.It's H.


6.Hello, Li Lei! 

[    ]

 F.My name is Lin Tao.


7.Are you Tom?

[    ]

 G.Yes, I am.


8.Where is "D"? 

[    ]

 H.It's here.


科目:初中英语 来源:三点一测丛书八年级英语(下) 题型:001


1.Workers must have their hair cut ________.

[  ]

A.during working hours

B.at night

C.in the day time

D.in their own time

2.One day Bill and the boss ________.

[  ]

A.went to the barber's together

B.had a good time at the barber's

C.happened to be at the same barber's

D.went to different barber's

3.The boss must be ________ when he found Bill at the barber's.

[  ]


4.Bill's excuse for having his hair cut was that ________.

[  ]

A.his hair grew during working hours

B.his hair grew in his own time

C.his hair grew in the factory

D.he could have his hair cut at any time he liked

5.Did the boss agree with Bill?

[  ]

A.We don' t know.

B.Yes. he did.

C.Yes, he didn't.

D.No, he did.


1.A man gets off the bus, and the bus driver drives on.

(  )

2.An old man gets on the bus at a bus stop.

(  )

3.Some old women get on the bus.

(  )

4.A young boy in the front seat moves when the old woman gets up to him.

(  )

5.Jim wants to find a seat for the old woman.

(  )

6.The old woman says to the boy, “Please give me your seat.”

(  )

7.Jim is angry with the boy and gives him a hard push.

(  )

8.Jim says that must people are kind, only they sometimes forget to do good deeds.

(  )


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:030


(   ) 1. What’s your friend’s name?             A. No, I’m not.

(   ) 2. Jim, How are you?                    B. I’m in Row Two.

(   ) 3. Can you see my shoes?                 C. Tom White.

(   ) 4. Are you Jim Brown?                    D. It’s a kite.

(   ) 5. Nice to meet you.                     E. Fine, thanks.

(   ) 6. Where’s Han Mei’s pen?                F. It’s here.

(   ) 7.Is Lucys bike over there              G. Its six.

(   ) 8 What’s this in English?                 H. Nice to meet you, too.

(   ) 9. What row are you in?                  I. Sorry, I can’t.

(   ) 10.What’s two and four?                 J. Yes, it is.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050

在Ⅱ栏里选出Ⅰ栏的恰当答语。 ?

Ⅰ                            Ⅱ?

(1) What's your name?         A. Her name is Mary.?

(2) Hi! I'm Peter.               B. Nice to meet you, too.?

(3) What's her name?           C. He's Jim Green.?

(4)Nice to meet you!             D. Hello, Peter! I'm Tom. ?

(5) Who's that boy?            E. My name is Gina. ?

(6) What color is it?             F. I'm OK. Thanks. ?

(7) How are you?               G. Yellow and white.?

(8) Good morning, Ben!           H. No, I'm Ben. ?

(9) What's this in English?       I. Good morning!?

(10) Are you Hattie?             J. It is a pencil case. ??

