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-Are the keys yours?
-No, they aren’t _____. I think they’re Jason’s.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:December is the t_______ month of the year.
小题2:We have an Art F_________ every year.
小题3:Is this your pencil?--- No , John has one like this. Maybe(可能)it’s h______.
小题4:May I borrow your d_________? Mine is at home.
小题5:Doing sports every day is a good h______.
小题6:She can’t go to school. She is too young. She is o______ three years old.
小题7: We have a new school l_______,and many books are in it.
小题8:It’s 7:50 now.Let’s go! We are l______ for school.
小题9:It’s 10 yuan! You buy it at a good p________ .
小题10:I can’t find my l_______ring, I’m very sorry.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We’ll be able to finish the project _________(容易).
小题2:Excellent teachers are usually _______ (感兴趣) in their students.
小题3:China is getting richer and stronger in the new __________(世纪).
小题4:people are pretty ____________(放松) about time in Colombia.
小题5:Betty is a specially trained dog. She fills my life with p__________.
小题6:Ten people were killed in the traffic accident, i_______ two babies.
小题7:My mother has been m___________to my father for 30 years.
小题8:I think the telephone was i__________ in 1876.
小题9:Our hometown is d__________ very fast now.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We ______ the woman ______(错把----当作---)our English teacher yesterday .
小题2:He _________ his bag ________ (用---填满) books just now .
小题3: Computers are widely used in people’s ________ ________ ( 日常生活 )
小题4:We’re _________ _________ (考虑) where to go for the winter holiday .
小题5:_______ _______ (实际上) , he is a good doctor.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 (共l0小题;每小题l分,计l0分)
小题1:I won’t eat _______ (health) food any more.
小题2:After school many children lose _______ (they) in computer games.
小题3:Every dog has its ________ (luck) day.
小题4:‘Who can answer my ________ (follow) question?’ Mr Green asked.
小题5:It is the home page of one of the _______________ (survive).
小题6:Nobody knows the ________ (高度) of the sky.
小题7:You will feel ________ (不舒服) if a very fat man sits next to you on a bus.
小题8:He is teaching himself the second ________ (外国的) language these days.
小题9:The elevator is so small that only four people can _________(容纳) in.
小题10:I _______ (简直) can’t understand why parents worry about us so much.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We all like her bright,         (smile) eyes.
小题2:The news of his         (arrive) made each of us excited.
小题3:The weather will become         (bad) on Monday than today.
小题4:We enjoyed        (we) at the party last Saturday evening.
小题5:Look! A lot of       (tour) names are on the wall. They come to help do a bird count.
小题6:People always run         (失去控制地) when the earthquake happens.
小题7:Nothing can make my father        (平静下来) down.
小题8:I felt a slight shaking         (穿过) my body.
小题9:Swans fly to         (北方的) countries when summer comes.
小题10:I learnt the rainstorm        (警告) from the newspaper.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Here is a p______ of my family. This is my brother. These are my parents.
小题2:The movie is so b___________ that I want to leave.
小题3:It’s S________ 10th. It’s Teachers’ Day.
小题4:The Center Street is _________(繁忙的). There are so many people here.
小题5:--Let’ s play volleyball.  – That s______ good.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I like the dress. Can I       ?
A.try on it                B.try it on                C.try them on


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The famous doctor has much experience__________(处理) with urgent problems.
小题2:Motrer tells the children not to shout too ________(大声地)in the hospital.
小题3:The air pollution in this area caused the ________(死亡) of many trees.
小题4:Reading is _______(有帮助的) to improve your writing skills.
小题5:Linda __________(拒绝) to help me with my homework last week

