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My Unforgettable School Life

How time flies! My colorful middle school life is nearly ending. Here is what I think of about myself.










How time flies! My colorful middle school life is nearly ending. Here is what I think of about myself.

In the past, I learned a lot of knowledge. I was really grateful to our teachers for their help. I could got on well with my classmates. We helped each other and learned from each other. I liked to help poor students and I could try my best to help them.I was busy learning my subjects and worked hard at them. I had many interests such as reading books, chatting on the Internet and so on. In the past three years, I¡¯ve got more knowledge and improved my life.

However, I was not good at sports and I could not run fast. Sometimes I often stayed up too late to do my homework and was late for school. The teachers were very angry with me.

In the future, I will have more sports and try to plan my time carefully. I will learn to enjoy my school life. I¡¯ll try my best to do better. I think believing myself is the key to success.




¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011-2012ѧÄê½­ËÕÊ¡ÎÞÎýÊгõÈýÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥´Êƴд


1.When he was in Grade 8, he        (affect) by his English teacher¡¯s behavior.

2.Usually before exams, the students ______ (give) two minutes to write down their names.

3.Some of students just don¡¯t know how      (spend) their time in a right way.

4.These sweet bananas      (bring) here from Taiwan yesterday.

5.Many people _______ (reply) to the advertisement since it appeared on TV and newspapers.

6.       you       (make) a speech at this time yesterday?

7.I hear there      (be) a parents¡¯ meeting next Friday, isn¡¯t there?

8.The problem requires      (deal) with at once.



¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011-2012ѧÄê½­ËÕÊ¡ÎÞÎýÊгõÒ»ÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

_____ you have _____ homework to do every day?

A£®Are; much

B£®Do; many

C£®Do; much

D£®Are; many



¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011-2012ѧÄê½­ËÕÊ¡³£ÖÝÊÐÎä½øÇø¾ÅÄ꼶5Ôµ÷ÑвâÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

Nobody is happy all the time, but some people are really happier than others. Here are some tips for you to be happy.

Make enough money to meet your basic needs: food, shelter, and clothing. In the US, that magic number is $40,000 a year. Any money you make beyond that will not necessarily make you happier. Once you make enough money to support your basic needs, your happiness is not affected by how much money you make.

______________________________ Or move to where other members are£­so you can see them more. Now, people follow jobs around the country and sometimes around the world. As a result, our relationships with our friends and family have a far greater impact (Ó°Ïì) on our happiness than our jobs do. So next time you think about moving, consider a place where most of your friends and families live.

Find happiness in the job you have now. Many people expect (ÆÚ´ý) the right job to change their level of happiness. But happiness research makes it clear that changing jobs can¡¯t bring you happiness. If you want, you will make the best of any job. If you have good relationships with people, you won¡¯t depend on (ÒÀÀµ) your job to give your life a greater sense of meaning. You will find it in your interactions with the people you care about.

If you are unhappy for a long time, you should ask an expert (ר¼Ò) or a doctor for help. I hope you will be happy all the time.

1.The writer wrote this passage mainly to _____________.

    A. make friends                                            

B. give suggestions

    C. put on an advertisement             

D. complain about your actions

2.The underlined word ¡°interactions¡± means ____________.

    A. arrangement      B. choice           C. communication    D. agreement

3.What is the title for the third paragraph?

    A. Ask family members for help.        

B. Borrow money from family members.

    C. How to make family members be happy.

D. Stay close to friends and family.



¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011-2012ѧÄê½­ËÕÊ¡³£ÖÝÊÐÎä½øÇø¾ÅÄ꼶5Ôµ÷ÑвâÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

¡ªAre you going to Tibet for vacation?

   ¡ªYes. I want you to ________ me with some information about it.

   A. offer             B. provide          C. show             D. give



¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011-2012ѧÄê½­ËÕÊ¡ÐË»¯ÊгõÈýÖп¼Ä£ÄâÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â


On the night of 23 July, 2011, a fast running train D301 from Beijing to Fuzhou suddenly hit another train which had already stopped there. The motor car accident happened in Wenzhou, China's eastern province of Zhejiang. It caused four carriages to fall off a bridge which is at least 30 metres high from the ground. 40 people have died in the accident. Among them were 2 foreigners: an Italian woman, Assunta Liguori, and a Chinese American, Cao Erxing. So far, most of the 39 bodies have been claimed by their relatives, based on ID cards, clothes and other characteristics, but the results of DNA tests are coming out in about one week or two. Another 210 people have been taken to hospitals in Wenzhou after the accident.

 The accident study shows that it is the lightning strike that caused the big accident: the first train lost power because of a lightning strike and had to stop on the rail way. And after a few minutes it was soon hit from the back by another train following it. 

After the accident, questions have been raised over ¡°what caused the accident¡± and ¡°how to do with it¡±. During a visit to Wenzhou, where 39 people have been killed last weekend, Premier Wen calls for an transparent investigation into the cause of the accident, and he once again emphasized(Ç¿µ÷) the importance of putting safety first in the country¡¯s development.

1.According to the report, _______ people got hurt in the accident.

A. 40                 B. 42                  C. 210             D. 250

2.The underlined word ¡°claim¡± means ______ in Chinese.

A. ·¢ÏÖ              B. ÑÚÂñ           C. Ë÷Åâ             D. ÈÏÁì

3.The motor car accident happened because of _______.

A. the lightning strike   B. running fast   

C. high bridge         D. too many people

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The accident happened in Zhejiang Province.

B. Train D301 was hit from the back by another train.

C. the 39 bodies have been claimed by the results of DNA tests.

D. Premier Wen came to Wenzhou after the accident.

5.Premier Wen mainly tell the Chinese _________.

A. what caused the accident                  

B. how to do with the accident

C. the importance of our country¡¯s development  

D. how importance the safety is



¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011-2012ѧÄê½­ËÕÊ¡ÐË»¯ÊгõÈýÖп¼Ä£ÄâÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

These pictures will show you ______.

A. what does our hometown look like         

B. what our hometown looks like

C. how does our hometown look like          

D. how our hometown looks like



¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011-2012ѧÄê½­ËÕÑγǵÚÒ»³õ¼¶ÖÐѧ½ÌÓý¼¯ÍųõÒ»ÉÏÆÚÖÐÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â


Hi! Welcome to Lotte Mart.(ÀÖÌìÂêÌØ£©We have clothes at very good price(¼Û¸ñ ).We have sweaters in all colors at ¥ 16 each. Are they very cheap? And we have black trousers for only ¥9. We have blue bags for sports for just ¥7 for girls. T-shirts in all colours are ¥10 each. The white socks are only¥3. Can you believe it? Come and see in our supermarket.

Please fill in the table according to the advertisement(¹ã¸æ )for the clothes. 





     all colors

¥ 16



¥ 9

bags for sports


      ¥  58 


all colors







¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011-2012ѧÄê½­ËÕ³£ÖÝÎ÷²ØÃñ×åÖÐѧ³õ¶þÏÂÆÚÄ©¿¼£¨1×飩ӢÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

 He _______ be a history teacher.

       A. used to       B. be used to      C. use to be    D. be use to


