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Noise pollution makes it hard for us to _____ clearly each other.

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A. hear  B. see  C. listen  D. talk


科目:初中英语 来源:走向清华北大同步导读·初三英语 题型:050


  We have rather a small house, with Only two bedrooms. You can think our alarm(恐慌), then, when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming to stay with her family for the weekend. Her family, I should say, has four boys, all under the age of twelve. I sent off a telegram(电报)at once, and explained(解释)in it that our house was too small.

  Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. “I forgot to explain. ”she said in her sweetest voice, “the boys will be bringing a couple of tents(帐篷). ”Even so my wife couldn’t make free from fear(害怕). It was true that we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding(喂养)four growing boys. “And what if it rains?”she asked.

  But Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I tried to squeeze(往车里塞)three of the boys, together with the luggage(行李), into the back of the car. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me. “I didn’t see the tents among your luggage, ”I turned over and said to David, the eldest boy. “The tents!”said Aunt Clara. “Oh! We left them in the luggage van(行李车厢). ”

1.From the story, we know that the main problem was ________.

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2.Aunt Clara ________ after she received the telegram.

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A.wrote another letter
C.sent a telegram
D.cane round to see them

3.The boys were going to sleep ________.

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B.with friends
D.on the floor

4.The man’s wife ________.

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A.was looking forward to the visit

B.started cooking

C.moved into the garden

D.was still worried

5.Aunt Clara arrived by ________.

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科目:初中英语 来源:走向清华北大同步导读·初三英语 题型:050


  Four years ago, when Mr Ted was sixty, he retired. He left the restaurant in which he had worked for forty-three years and returned to his home village. There he bought a small piece of farm and planted a lot of apple trees in it. He took good care of them and this year there were plenty of apples in the trees. The old man was very happy.

  But these days the old mall had been worried. Nearly every night this garden is broken into and plenty of apples had been lost. So he decided to do his best to catch the thief himself. Last night he sat in a tree and carefully watched who would come and pick the apples. At midnight, Mr Ted was so tired that he went to sleep. Suddenly some noise woke him up. The noise came from a big tree. He went there gently and saw a boy standing under the tree with a hag full of apples. At once he recognized he was Tom who lived just next to him.

  “How can you do that, Tom?”the old man became angry and shouted. “I’ll tell your father about it!”But the boy wasn’t afraid about it. He looked up and called out, “Have you heard yet, Dad? Mr Ted has something to talk to you. ”

1.When Mr Ted was ________,he began to work in the restaurant.

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2.Mr Ted planted lots of apple trees in the farm because ________.

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A.he had been a gardener before

B.he likes the fruit very much

C.he’s strong enough to do something useful

D.he had already retired

3.Mr Ted was happy several days ago because ________.

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A.he came back to his home village

B.he had bought a farm in his village

C.the apple trees grew very well

D.he would pick many apples in autumn

4.Mr Ted sat in the tree ________.

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A.to catch the thief

B.to pick some apples

C.to watch it carefully

D.to have a good sleep

5.As ________, Mr Ted shouted to the boy.

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A.he wanted to send Tom to the police

B.he wanted to tell Tom’s father about it

C.he wanted to frighten Tom

D.he wanted Tom to pay for the apples

6.Tom wasn’t afraid because ________.

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A.his father had brought him to the farm

B.the old man was kind to him

C.the old man would let him go

D.he would return the apples to Mr Ted


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:014


The teacher said that noise pollution ______ us become angry


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A. makes...easier  B. makes...more easily

C. made...easier   D. made...more easily 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:014


I knew the visitor was a woman because I could hear her ______.

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A. sound  B. voice  C. noise  D. mouth

