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Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, nearly 50% of the people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some points in their lives. Why are people_______?

It is found that family size might _______ people to be shy. Kids with no _______ or sisters may be shy. Growing up alone, they often play by themselves. They are not able to _______ the same social skills as kids from big families.

Another cause of shyness might be _______. As more and more people use the Internet, they _______ less time outside. As a result, they lose chances to communicate with others. _______ to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.

For shy people, it can be_______to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can overcome your shyness. They suggest trying _______ things and practicing more conversations.

Anyway, don't be ________ of shyness——you are valued for what you are!

1.A.interested B.bored C.shy D.brave

2.A.want B.cause C.teach D.let

3.A.teachers B.friends C.classmates D.brothers

4.A.stand B.invent C.buy D.develop

5.A.praise B.decision C.technology D.dream

6.A.design B.spend C.collect D.save

7.A.Nodding B.Running C.Speaking D.Jumping

8.A.easy B.safe C.dangerous D.difficult

9.A.new B.private C.wrong D.heavy

10.A.afraid B.fond C.proud D.full


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

The most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The date of the Chinese New year is the 1st day of the 1st lunar(阴历的)month.

In China, there's an animal to represent(代表)the year, and it is called the zodiac sign(生肖).The Chinese zodiac is a 12—year cycle(循环)named with animals, starting with a Rat and ending with a Pig. For example, if you were born in 1995 or 2007, you are a Pig. On Chinese New Year, which is on Jan.25th 2020, the Year of the Pig will be over and the Year of the Rat will begin.

By(通过)telling your zodiac sign, you may also tell others what you are like. People believe some animals are luckier than the others, such as the Dragon. Unlike the Western tradition, the Chinese Dragon is a symbol for(...的象征)power, strength(力量)and wealth. And People say that if you are born(出生于)in the year of Rat, you are cheerful and kind. Rats like to sleep all day and all night. So people say if you are born this year, you may have an easy and comfortable life.

Are you a Rat? If so, enjoy the coming 2020!

1._____________ is the date of the Chinese New Year in 2020.

A.January 1st B.January 25th C.January 24th

2.If you were born in 1996, you are ____________.

A.a Pig B.a Rat C.a Dragon

3.Which one is TRUE about the Dragon according to the passage?

A.Dragon is the luckiest in the 12 zodiac signs.

B.Westerners think Dragon is a symbol of good luck.

C.In Chinese tradition, Dragon means being powerful, strong and wealthy.

4.If you are a Rat, __________ in 2020.

A.you may be happy and nice

B.you may be of power, strength and wealth

C.you may have an uneasy and uncomfortable life

5.This passage mainly talks about __________.

A.the zodiac signs in China .

B.the Spring Festival in China .

C.the meaning of the Rat in China.


科目:初中英语 来源:广西河池市南丹县2018-2019学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:根据中/英文提示填空

It’s ________ (晴朗的) in Beijing.


科目:初中英语 来源:广西河池市南丹县2018-2019学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:单选题

Don’t talk    eat in class.

A.and B.or

C.so D.but


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省黔东南州2020年中考英语试卷 题型:回答问题

阅读下面的短文,完成各小题。并将答案用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔填入答题卡相应的位置上。

Madame Curie(居里夫人)

Marie is a famous woman in the world. She made a lot of important contributions(贡献) to the development of humans. She was born in Poland in 1867. Her father worked as a middle school headmaster and taught math and physics, so she enjoyed and did well in these 2 subjects at school. Marie went to study in Paris University in 1891. She studied math and physics there and met a scientist called Piere Curie. They got married in 1895. From then on, she was called Madame Curie. Together, Piere and Marie discovered radium(镭).

In 1903, Marie became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize. Then, in 1904, Piere became a member of the "Academie Francaise"(法兰西学院). But Marie was not accepted by them because women were not allowed to become members at that time. In 1906, Pierre died in an accident, but Marie went on working until she died in 1934.

Madame Curie is our hero. Not only did she discover radium but also won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime.

1.What subjects did Marie's father teach in a middle school?

2.Where did Marie go to study in 1891?

3.When did Marie become the first woman to win the Nobel Prize?

4.Was Marie Curie accepted by the "Academie Francaise"?

5.How many times did Madame Curie win the Nobel Prize in her lifetime?


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省黔东南州2020年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Excuse me. Could you tell me ________?

—At Xinhua Bookstore on Beijing Road of Kail.

A.where did you buy the magazine B.why you bought the magazine

C.how did you buy the magazine D.where you bought the magazine


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省黔东南州2020年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

Li Wenliang is a brave doctor ________ is known to millions of Chinese people.

A.who B.which C.what D.when


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省黔东南州2020年中考英语试卷 题型:听句子选答语

A.Thank you. B.Go along this street. C.Never mind.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省金昌市九年级下学期诊断考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

— Would you mind my opening the window?

— ________. It's good to let fresh air come into room.

A.Yes, I would B.Certainly C.Of course not D.You'd better not

