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-Boys, you can enjoy ______ here.

-OK, Mr. Green.

A. your B. yours C. yourself D. Yourselves


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年江苏南京市玄武区中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The young turtle has been swimming for three months now in the same warm shallow bay, dreaming of calm water and plenty of food. But as the days begin to shorten and the night comes earlier and earlier, the water grows colder. It drops to fifty degrees Fahrenheit(华氏). Swimming is harder. Its heartbeat slows—and almost stops. The young turtle is in danger of losing its life.

Ten days before Thanksgiving, Max Nolan, a ten-year-old boy, and his mother begin their patrol. The Nolans are among volunteers who walk Cape Cod’s beaches during November and December to search for turtles who are often cold and trapped and seem dead—turtles whose lives they may be able to save.

Max and his mother and the other volunteers do an important job. All sea turtles are threatened or endangered. Among them Kemp’s ridleys are the most endangered. Right now on our planet there are fewer than eight thousand Kemp’s ridley turtles left.

Max is far in front of his mother when he sees a turtle washed up by the surf. He runs up to it and shouts to his mom, “Got one!” The turtle is cold. Its eyes are open, but the turtle is not moving at all. It might be dead or still alive.

Max remembers the instructions given to all the volunteers. He picks up the turtle, which weighs about five pounds, and moves it above the high-tide mark to keep it from washing out to sea. Then he runs to find seaweed to protect it from the wind. He finds a stick to mark where it is, and next, he and his mother go to the nearest telephone and call the sea-turtle hot line for help.

1.The young turtle is in danger of losing its life because ________.

A. it has been swimming for three months

B. it dreams of calm water and plenty of food

C. the water drops to fifty degrees Fahrenheit

D. the days get longer and the nights come earlier

2.The underlined word “Patrol” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. swimming in the sea

B. travelling to the seaside

C. enjoying Thanksgiving with others

D. walking along the beaches for turtles

3.In order to prevent the turtle from washing out to sea, Max ________.

A. runs to find seaweed

B. calls the sea-turtle hot line

C. finds a stick to mark where it is

D. moves it above the high-tide mark


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年江苏南京市秦淮区中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If you develop a ______ of talking with others in English, you’ll improve your ability in speaking.

A. plan B. habit C. way D. chance


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆第七十一中学校九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Our school is not very big. There are only about ______students.

A. eight hundred B. eight hundred of

C. eight hundreds of D. hundred of


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆第七十一中学校九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I haven’t got too much ______ about MH370 from today’s China Daily.

A. ideas B. photos C. stories D. News


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年上海市松江区中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Today, clothes are made in many different colours. They are also made from many different

like wools, cotton, linen and silk. Most people own lots of clothes. Each day, they choose what to wear.


Clothes cover our bodies and protect us from the weather. They can also make us feel good about the way we look. Sometimes, our clothes tell other people about us, such as the work we do or what religion(宗教) we are. People have been wearing clothes for many thousands of years, but the clothes people wore long ago were different from the clothes people wear today.


Fashion means the kinds of clothes that are popular at one time. Ancient Romans wore dresses. Some Romans wore togas(宽外袍) to special events. Long ago, women in some countries wore corsets under their dresses. Corsets were pulled in tight and tied at the back, so they weren’t to wear. Women wore corsets to make their waists (腰)look smaller. Fashion . It can be different from place to place. However, most people today wear simple clothes that are easy to put on and care for. Clothes need to be for the climate a person lives in, too.


People have worn uniforms for thousands of years. Uniforms show the work people do, or what school they go to, or what team or group they belong to. Most uniforms today are suitable. Some uniforms help to protect people from danger.

Clothes in the past and the future

You can learn more about the clothes people used to wear by looking at old paintings and old photos. What clothes will people wear in the future? What styles will people wear? Maybe people in the future will look back at the clothes in fashion today and think they look strange!

1.A. products B. chemicals C. materials D. styles

2.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

3.A. warm B. comfortable C. beautiful D. suitable

4.A. repeats B. continues C. increases D. changes

5.A. thick B. right C. traditional D. dry

6.A. especially B. seldom C. finally D. even


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年上海市松江区中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When the parents arrived at the hall, the students _______ their projects.

A. have finish B. had finished

C. finished D. are finishing


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄沙沟镇南常中学九年级中考适应性测试四英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


Young people are the future masters of the country.Being a youth is one thing, and being a good one is a_______1..Everyone tries to be good, but not everybody has the right idea about it.Age will test youth, and youth will create age.Because we’ll have heavy responsibilities(责任) upon our shoulders in future.We must educate o_______2. to be good.What are the qualifications(素质) for a good young person?

A good youth should have these qualities: F_______3.of all, health, a healthy body is the best riches.W_________4. it, nothing can be done well.If you are poor in health, you’ll have to take m_______5.day after day.Even you can’t work, do sports and so on; Secondly, one must be of good quality.Always do something for others.Help those in t__________6. and care about the people around you.If everyone did the same, what a wonderful world this would be! Thirdly, one must have the ability to work with others.

Cooperation(合作) and communication are two important keys to better human relations.Everyone n__________7.friends because no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to.

Besides the examples above, patriotism(爱国主义) is the one we should never forget.Patriotism m_____8.a love of one’s country.It is one of the h_________9. qualities of humans.Everyone should love his o______10. country.

I think a good youth of today should also have some training in art.If everyone can enjoy art and be able to make more of it for others, then people will live better and e________11.1more.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东泰安市九年级阶段性评估英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— I wonder if I can learn English well.

— _______. All things are difficult before they are easy.

A. I am afraid so B. You’re slow

C. It takes time D. It’s a piece of cake

