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假 如 你 是 李 华 ,为 庆 祝 6月 5日 世 界 环 境 日 ,你 们 学 校 组 织 主 题 为 “我 们 的 地 球 ?我 们 的 家园 ( One Earth One Family)”的 志 愿 者 活 动 ?请 你 写 一 封 电 子 邮 件 给 外 教 Peter,邀 请 他 来 参 加活 动 ?主 要 内 容 包 括 :活 动 的 时 间 和 地 点 ,你 们 准 备 做 些 什 么 ,以 及 你 们 做 这 些 事 情 的 原 因 ?

提 示 词 语 :plant,recycle,speech,clean,beautiful

提 示 问 题 :1. When and where will the activity be held?

2. What will you do for it?

3. Why will you do that?

Dear Peter,

I'm writing to invite you to take part in our celebration of Environment Protection Day.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


Li Hua


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版2018-2019学年八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?第一单元检测卷 题型:完型填空

I often spend my summer holidays just with my parents. It is quite boring. But last summer holiday was _______. Some of my friends came to stay with my__________and me for a week in our summer house. It is in a small ________town called Portsea. They got there by train. It ___________ them three hours.

One morning my friends and I_______ to take my parents' boat for a ride. We rowed(划船)__________ half an hour and found a big cave(山洞). Susan said it could be ________ to go into it. But Peter said it was okay. ___________we started rowing again and got in. Then the tide(潮) started. At first we thought we could fight it but we were__________ We shouted for __________ but there was no one around. Susan and I began to cry. Louis told us not to __________ because the tide would be out. Because Louis always seemed to know the answer to ____________,we stopped crying.

Luckily, Louis was right ________. After some hours the tide went out. We rowed back home quickly. We didn't ___________ my parents about this special trip. And we were so ________ that we did not have a boat ride again.

1.A. terrible B. different C. popular D. difficult

2.A. parents B. cousins C. classmates D. brothers

3.A. village B. school C. museum D. beach

4.A. took B. spent C. gave D. used

5.A. waited B. dreamed C. decided D. thanked

6.A. in B. on C. to D. for

7.A. dangerous B. relaxing C. boring D. interesting

8.A. Because B. So C. If D. Or

9.A. late B. wrong C. sorry D. busy

10.A. help B. luck C. fun D. time

11.A. shout B. say C. worry D. think

12.A. someone B. anyone C. nothing D. everything

13.A. yet B. still C. again D. too

14.A. call B. show C. ask D. tell

15.A. tidy B. happy C. afraid D. busy


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 7 Will people have robots-八年级英语上册单元测试卷 题型:单选题

__ __ is impossible __ __ us to finish the work by the weekend.

A. This, for B. That, for C. It, for


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版八年级英语上册Module 3 单元测试卷 题型:单选题

一“Food Safety”problem is becoming______these days.

﹣I think so.The government must do something to deal with it.

A. smaller and smaller B. worse and worse

C. better and better D. nicer and nicer


科目:初中英语 来源:中考复习 完型填空之社会现象类 题型:完型填空

Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story _____their children. And they must have realized how difficult it is to write a _____children’s book. Either the writer has aimed too _____, so that children can’t follow what is in his (or more often, her) story, ____ the story seems to be talking to the readers.

The best children’s books should be _____very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy the _____who hears the story and the adult who_____ it. Unfortunately(不幸的是), there are in fact few books like this,_____ the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not _____ to solve. This may be why many of the books regarded as _____of children’s literature were in fact written for ________ ― “Alice in Wonderland” is perhaps the most obvious of this.

Children, left for themselves, often _____ the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or a _____ and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative way, or have a look at the most children’s comics, full of the stories and jokes which are the rejections of teachers and righting-thinking parents.

Perhaps we parents should stop _____ to brainwash(洗脑)children into accepting our taste in literature. After all, children and adults are so _____that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose we’ll just have to compromise(妥协)over the bedtime story.

1.A. to B. in C. with D. around

2.A. short B. long C. bad D. good

3.A. easy B. short C. high D. difficult

4.A. and B. but C. or D. so

5.A. both B. neither C. either D. very

6.A. child B. father C. mother D. teacher

7.A. hears B. buys C. understands D. reads

8.A. but B. however C. so D. because

9.A. hard B. easy C. enough D. fast

10.A. articles B. work C. arts D. works

11.A. grown-ups B. girls C. boys D. children

12.A. are B. show C. find D. add

13.A. school B. home C. office D. library

14.A. going B. liking C. trying D. preferring

15.A. same B. friendly C. different D. common


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市西城区2018届九年级5月模拟考试(二模)英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Thinking outside the Box

If you think young people can't have an influence on the world,think again. Over the years,teens have invented excellent things that solve problems and have changed the ways people do things.

Take fourteen-year-old Eliott Sarrey for example. He invented Bot2Karot,a gardening robot that can take care of a small vegetable garden. The robot is controlled by an app on a smartphone. It helps people grow and take care of vegetables. It also saves water and energy,and makes gardening easy for people who are very busy or have difficulty getting around. Brooke Martin is an animal lover who missed her dog when she was away. So she invented iCPooch when she was just twelve years old. The iCPooch lets pet owners check on their pets from anywhere in the world using a smartphone. It also allows owners to use their smartphone cameras to video chat with their pets.

Fourteen-year-old inventor Robert Saunt was tired of buying or borrowing different video-game controllers for each game console(操 控 器 ) . So he invented a controller called Game Blox. It can be used with four of the most popular game consoles. His invention will save players a lot of money and space,and it will save 330 million kg of materials every year.

Kids all over the world find ways to solve problems every day. Who knows?Maybe the next time you have a problem,you'll come up with the next amazing idea!

1.If you have no time to take care of your vegetable garden,_______ can help you.

A. Bot2Karot B. iCPooch C. Game Blox D. Smartphone Cameras

2.Brooke Martin invented iCPooch when she was _______.

A. 4 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14

3.According to the passage,Robert Saunt ________.

A. is an animal lover B. was tired of playing games

C. invented a controller D. helps with gardening


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市西城区2018届九年级5月模拟考试(二模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Tomorrow my dad a big dinner for my birthday party.

—Sounds great!Have a good time.

A. cooks B. was cooking C. cooked D. will cook


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市八区2018届九年级二模分类汇编英语试卷--语基单项选择 题型:单选题

Our study group often meets the school library.

A. at B. on C. of D. with


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市八区2018届九年级二模分类汇编英语试卷--语基单项选择 题型:单选题

We ______ physics class at 3 pm yesterday.

A. have B. had C. were having D. have had

