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 An Erhu is a kind of traditional Chinese musical instruments. There are many English names for erhu,such as urheen and urhien. When I listened to the sound of erhu,I fell in love with the instrument.

I was born in a traditional Chinese family. My grandfather is a fan of Beijing opera and erhu music. When I was very young,my grandpa often sang Bei?jing opera as he played erhu. Sometimes the melody was exciting,sometimes sad. I was attracted by the sound of erhu.

At the age of eight,I decided to learn to play erhu. At the beginning,I had great interest in playing it. But I found it difficult to play it soon. I wanted to give up. My grandfather encouraged (鼓励) me to hold on. Up till now I have been playing erhu for six years. I have already passed Level Nine. I even got the first prize in the instrument competition. Now I feel so proud that I can play erhu well.

(   ) 26. What does the underlined word "instru- ments" mean in Chinese?

   A. 特长             B. 乐谱   C. 乐器   D. 种类

(   ) 27. According to the passage," urheen" is

   A. another English name of erhu

   B. the Chinese spelling of erhu

   C. the sound of erhu

   D. another English name of Beijing opera

(   ) 28. Who encouraged the writer not to give up playing erhu?

   A. Her teacher.

   B. Her grandfather.

   C. Her fans.

   D. Her parents.

(   ) 29. How old is the writer?

   A. She is 8 years old.

   B. She is 9 years old.

   C. She is 14 years old.

   D. She is 15 years old.

(   ) 30. After reading the passage,we can know

   A. the writer found it boring to play erhu at the beginning

   B. the writer has passed Level Ten

   C. the writer has never entered any in?strument competition

   D. the writer feels so proud that she can play erhu well


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Music is everywhere nowadays. It plays an im?portant role (角色) in our life. 4. There are all kinds of music in the world,such as blues,black music rock&roll,dance music of punks,jazz,classical music,rap,pop music and so on.

Music is very useful in many fields. It is used in advertising,broadcasts,TV,films and the super?markets. People are supposed to be attracted (被吸弓1) by the sweet music. So,you can see that it brings profits (利益) to companies.

More and more people have their own tools to approach (走近) music,like MP 3 ,MP 4. But before this,we often use radios,TV or Walkmans to listen to music.

5. Why do so many people like enjoying music? In my opinion,it can ease (减轻) our pressure (压力) of social relationship,study,work and relax our?selves,also make us feel better.


任务一:判断正 (T) 误 (F) 。

1. Music plays an important role in our life.(   )


2. What fields is music used?

3. What can music bring to companies?




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. When was Mozart born?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. ―Don't park your car here,      ? 

―I'm sorry. I won't.

   A. will you   B. shall we

   C. do you   D. don't you


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 8. ―My little dog's death (死亡) made me      

―I'm sorry to hear that.

   A. happy   B. sad

   C. happily   D. sadly


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

43. I like music and I want to be a       (音乐家) in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

50. My cousin is a very       (live) girl and all the people like her.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 6. [2014 •凉山]—Tom,would you like to go to our English party this Saturday?


   A. Yes,please   B. I don’t like to

   C. Yes,I’d love to   D. Yes,thanks


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Could you please        (clean) your room?

