精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  A recent report from Dazhou Daily says about 18% of Dazhou teenagers can have problems with their minds(内心,精神).Some students become worried because they have to study very hard.Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.

  Zhang Qiang, a Junior 2 student from Dazhou, could not understand his teachers in class and was doing badly in his lessons.He was afraid of exams.When he looked at the exam paper, he couldn't think of anything to write.

  Another student, a 15-year-old girl called Wu Yan from Guang'an often argued with her classmates even her parents because of some different ideas.She became so annoyed about them that she started to cut her finger with a knife.

  However, many students who have problems won't go for advice or help.Some think they will look stupid(愚蠢的)if they go to see a doctor.Others don't want to talk about their secrets.In order to solve the teenagers' problems, here is some advice :

  ●Talk to your parents or teachers often.

  ●Take part in group activities and play sports.

  ●Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.


It is reported that ________ students in Dazhou can have problems with their minds.

[  ]








all the


From the passage we know teenagers have problems with their minds because of ________.

[  ]


their study


getting on with other people


their hobbies


A and B.


Wu Yan started to cut her finger with a knife because ________.

[  ]


she couldn't get on well with her classmates and even her parents


she could not understand her teachers in class


she was afraid of exams


she had no money for a new shirt


Why don't the students who have problems want to go for help?

[  ]


Because they think no one will help them.


Because they don't want to talk about their secrets and they think it's stupid to see a doctor.


Because they think they can solve the problems by themselves.


Because they think the doctors could do nothing with their problems.


How many pieces of advice are given to the teenagers who have problems in this passage?

[  ]










科目:初中英语 来源:复习与测评 单元综合测试卷 八年级上册(配合牛津英语) 牛津版 题型:050


  If you chat with pop singer Jacky Xue, you will be amazed at how good he is at telling jokes.He always makes you laugh.When he tells a joke, he really acts it out.

  But his songs are full of sorrow and are quite unlike his personality.

  “Perhaps I've already put all my sad feelings into writing songs,”said Jack.“So I don't have a heavy burden in mind and can stay happy.”

  Recently, Jacky put out a new photo book“Qianqian Junzi(《谦谦君子》)”with his best friend Jun Jun.The two met in the“Lycra My Show(莱卡我形我秀)”contest.Fans love his personality as well as his handsome looks.His self-titled album(同名专辑)“Jacky”has an R&B style and a strong Chinese flavour.

  After he graduated from high school, Jacky's dad sent him to study in Switzerland.In that beautiful country, he had to live totally on his own.He had never been away from home before.Every little thing, from washing his socks to getting over loneliness, was a big task.Jacky said he left home as a boy but returned as a young man.

  He told Teens he learnt to be light-hearted from his dad, who showed him in both words and action.

  “Try to be cheerful and funny in life, but when you get down to work, try to be as serious as you can.Work hard on things you want to do.”

  Jacky's personality makes him popular with friends and fans.“He's happy and fun even when we feel tired or down,”said Jun Jun.“Even if his jokes are not so funny, the lively way he tells them makes them interesting!”


We can tell from the second paragraph that ________.

[  ]


Jacky is a man full of sadness


Jacky always makes people laugh


Jacky's songs are different from his personality


Jacky's a happy man.


When Jacky studied in Switzerland, he ________.

[  ]


had to do everything by himself


never left his home


learned to be light-hearted


did nothing


Perhaps I've already put all my sad feelings into writing songs, ________ I don't have a heavy burden in mind and can stay happy.

[  ]










________ his jokes are not so funny, the lively way he tells them makes them interesting.

[  ]


As if




Even if




Fans love his personality ________ well ________ his handsome looks.

[  ]










科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  My name is Wu Mei. I'm thirte en. I'm in No.1 Middle School. I'm in Class 4, Grade 1.Han Meimei and-Liu Fang are my good friends. They are in Row 2, but I’m in Row 5.Today Han Meimei isn't here. I think she is at home.

  Mrs Read is our teacher. Her mane is Sue Read. She is an English teacher. She is very nice. She looks very young but I don't know how old she is.

1Wu Mei is eleven.   

(  )

2Han Meimei is in Class 2, Grade 1.   

(  )

3Today I’m at home.   

(  )

4I can spell our teacher’s name-S-U-E Sue, R-E-A-D Read.   

(  )

5Mrs Read is an American woman.   

(  )


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标初三上册练习 人教新课标 题型:050


  I was born in New York, but I grew up in Sam Francisco. I began to live in London 25 years ago. If I am asked now where I want to live forever, I would say London. But will always be American.

  San Francisco, like London, has many parks. Every day my sisters and I were taken to play in the parks as children. I didn't go to school. I only had three hours of formal (正规的) education when five. I was sent to school but came home at noon on the first day. I said I didn't enjoy it and hadn't learned anything. My parents decided that school was not fit for me and I never went back.

  My mother then taught me and my two sisters, in the way of an English lady who had good education. We learned languages and reading more than sciences and maths. Sometimes she taught us herself, but we also had other teachers. They asked us to take lessons every day. About once a week we walked to Golden Gate Park. While we were walking ,my mother taught me to read music. One day I noticed a little toy train in the window of a shop and I remember now how I'd like to have it. I couldn't say my“r”when I was small. My mother said if I could say an“r”well, I would have the toy train. I practised and practised. Then one morning I woke everybody up with my“r”s. I got the toy train. I usually get the things I want in life-but I work hard for them.

(1) The writer ________.

[  ]

A. was born in San Francisco

B. is living in New York now

C. likes living in London

D. doesn't like America

(2) The writer did not go to school in America because ________.

[  ]

A. his mother wanted him to go to school in England.

B. his parents did not think formal education was right for him.

C. his mother wanted him to play outdoors in the parks.

D. he couldn't get on well the other children

(3) Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A. The writer was taught by his mother and other teachers.

B. The writer had no education at all.

C. The writer didn't have lessons every day.

D. The writer walked to the park to learn languages once a week

(4) The writer got the little toy train at last because ________.

[  ]

A. his mother gave him the money for it

B. he tried his best to read music

C. he wanted it very much

D. his mother was pleased with his progress

(5) The writer tells us ________.

[  ]

A. why children needn't go to school

B. how he grew up in San Francisco

C. that children liked toys

D. that his mother didn't give him any toys


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  I was born in New York, but I grew up in Sam Francisco. I began to live in London 25 years ago. If I am asked now where I want to live forever, I would say London. But will always be American.

  San Francisco, like London, has many parks. Every day my sisters and I were taken to play in the parks as children. I didn't go to school. I only had three hours of formal (正规的) education when five. I was sent to school but came home at noon on the first day. I said I didn't enjoy it and hadn't learned anything. My parents decided that school was not fit for me and I never went back.

  My mother then taught me and my two sisters, in the way of an English lady who had good education. We learned languages and reading more than sciences and maths. Sometimes she taught us herself, but we also had other teachers. They asked us to take lessons every day. About once a week we walked to Golden Gate Park. While we were walking ,my mother taught me to read music. One day I noticed a little toy train in the window of a shop and I remember now how I'd like to have it. I couldn't say my“r”when I was small. My mother said if I could say an“r”well, I would have the toy train. I practised and practised. Then one morning I woke everybody up with my“r”s. I got the toy train. I usually get the things I want in life-but I work hard for them.

(1) The writer ________.

[  ]

A. was born in San Francisco

B. is living in New York now

C. likes living in London

D. doesn't like America

(2) The writer did not go to school in America because ________.

[  ]

A. his mother wanted him to go to school in England.

B. his parents did not think formal education was right for him.

C. his mother wanted him to play outdoors in the parks.

D. he couldn't get on well the other children

(3) Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A. The writer was taught by his mother and other teachers.

B. The writer had no education at all.

C. The writer didn't have lessons every day.

D. The writer walked to the park to learn languages once a week

(4) The writer got the little toy train at last because ________.

[  ]

A. his mother gave him the money for it

B. he tried his best to read music

C. he wanted it very much

D. his mother was pleased with his progress

(5) The writer tells us ________.

[  ]

A. why children needn't go to school

B. how he grew up in San Francisco

C. that children liked toys

D. that his mother didn't give him any toys


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期中题 题型:阅读理解

  It seems to be strange to you there is a blind spot on the eyes. Here is an
interesting experiment that can make something disappear, when one eye is open.
Make a card about the size of a postcard and write two English letters L and R
on it, L on the left and R on the right. First, hold the card about 80 cm away and
you see both the letters. Then close your right eye and look at the letter R only
with your left eye. And now, as you move the card slowly towards you, you'll
find the letter L disappearing. But if you move the card nearer to your face, the
letter will be seen again. Now do the same experiment with your left eye closed,
you'll find the letter R disappearing.
  Why does the letter disappear? It is because there is a blind spot on the eye.
When the image (影像) of the letter falls on the blind spot, it won’t be seen. That
is why either of the letters disappears.
1.The writer of the passage thinks that _____ there is a blind spot on the eye.
A. few people know
B. no one knows
C. most people know
D. all the people know
2. "a blind spot" in the passage means _____ in Chinese.
B. 消散
C. 盲点
D. 遗失
3. You fail to see the letter L in the experiment because _____.
A. your eyes are poor
B. its image falls on the blind spot
C. you move it close to your eye
D. your left eye is not open
4. In which order (顺序) should you do the experiment?
①Hold the card ②Move the card nearer ③Close your right eye
④Write two English letters ⑤Look at the letter R ⑥Make a card
A. ④⑥①②③⑤
B. ①③⑥④⑤②
C. ⑥①④③②⑤
D. ⑥④①③⑤②
5. The passage mainly (主要) tells us _____.
A. how to find the blind spot    
B. an interesting experiment
C. where the blind spot is      
D. there is blind spot on the eye

