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A: Good afternoon. 1

B: I’d like to buy a washing machine.

A: Well, we have many different kinds of washing machines here. Some are made in China , and some are made in other countries.

B: This one looks very nice. 2

A: In Germany.

B: 3

A: Sure . You put the clothes in the machine , close the door and press this button.

B: It’s easy . How much is it ?

A: 4088 yuan .

B: Wow, that’s too expensive! 4Do you have a cheaper one ?

A: How about this one ?

B: Oh ,this one looks very good. And the price is OK. 5

A: OK, no problem. We’ll soon send it to your house.

B: Thank you so much.

A: My pleasure.

A.I’ll take it.

B.Long time no see!

C.What can I do for you?

D.I can’t afford it .

E.Where is it made ?

F.I can’t believe it’s so cheap.

G.Can you show me how to use it ?










根据“I’d like to buy a washing machine.”可知我想买一台洗衣机,可推测出是去店里买东西,所以此处是“我能为你做什么”,故选C


根据“In Germany.”可知在德国,可推测出此处是“它是哪里生产的”,故选E


根据“You put the clothes in the machine , close the door and press this button.”可知你把衣服放进洗衣机,关上门,然后按这个按钮,可推测出此处是“你能告诉我怎么用它吗”,故选G


根据“that’s too expensive”可知太贵了,可推测出此处是“我买不起”,故选D


根据“this one looks very good. And the price is OK”可知这个看起来很好。而且价格也不错,可推测出此处是“我买了”,故选A


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Hi, Tina! I didn’t see you at Vera’s party yesterday. What happened?

B: My little daughter was ill and I had to look after her at home.

A: Sorry to hear that. 1?

B: Much better. Thank you. Did you 2 at the party?

A: Yes. We had fun playing and chatting. It has been 10 years since we graduated from the university. We haven’t seen 3 for a long time.

B: Yeah. That’s really a long time. What does Carol look like?

A:Oh, she has 4 a lot. She used to be thin and had short hair. But now she is a little heavier and has long curly hair.

B: What about Mike?

A: Mike is a famous writer now. One of his new novels has just come out.

B: Great! I’m really sorry to miss the party.

A: Never mind. Henry said we would have another party in his home next Sunday.

B: That sounds 5. I’m sure to come. See you then.

A: See you.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A: We are leaving junior high school in a few days. I feel very sad.

B: Me too.

A: 1

B: You’re welcome.

A: 2

B: So will I. It’s hard for us to say goodbye.

A: Yes.

B: When will we get together again?

A: 3

B: I’m sure we’ll have a good time during our get-together then.

A: Of course! 4

B: I hope to become a businessman. What about you?

A: 5

A.Who has helped you most?

B.Next summer holiday.

C.I hope to be an English teacher.

D.By the way, what do you hope to do in the future?

E.Thanks for your help during my stay here.

F.My time in junior high school was enjoyable.

G.I’ll miss our teachers and classmates.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Yes, sir. Thank you for your patience.


A.All right.B.That' all right.

C.That's right.D.Don't say that.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 We all know Google is one of the largest IT companies in the world. But do you know what it is like to work at Google? Is life there stressful?

The answer is “Not at all!”. In fact, it’s fun to work at Google. The American company has the best working environment in its home country.

The working environment at Google is relaxing. The company encourages its staff to do whatever they want to do. Google employees can design their own desks. They can write their ideas on the wall. When they feel tired, they can take a nap on the sofas. Animal lovers can even bring their pets to work!

To its employees, Google is like a community. In addition to offices and meeting rooms, there are game rooms, hair salons (美发厅) and gyms. After work, Google employees can go for a swim in the swimming pool or enjoy a massage.

And there is an interesting rule at Google: No staff member should be 100 feet (about 30 meters) away from food. Cafés, snack bars and restaurants are everywhere. All food is free. In the main cafeteria, there are thousands of different dishes. One Google manager says, “We care about our employees’ health. We encourage them to eat healthily. And our research shows that if people have enough food, they will make better decisions.”

Google also encourages its staff to learn new things. It offers many interesting courses to its employees. The employees can learn sign language (手语), cooking and drawing — all for free.

Google believes one should love his or her workplace in order to work well. That’s why it is trying hard to create the best working environment in the world.

1We can learn from the article that working at Google is________.


2According to the article, Google encourages its employees to ________.

learn new things keep a healthy diet

eat all day and all night do whatever they want to do


3According to the article, Google employees do not have to pay to________.

enjoy a massage after work take a course in sign language at the company eat at the snack bars at the company


4According to the article, why is Google trying hard to create the best working environment in the world?

A.Because it wants to attract more young people.

B.Because it wants to help its employees work well.

C.Because its employees often have to work long hours.

D.Because it wants to become the best IT company in the world.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Have you or your friends ever talked about studying abroad ? It’s becoming a common topic of discussion in China . More students are studying abroad than ever before .

Last year , 662,100 Chinese went abroad to study , an increase of 8.83percent from 2017, according to the Ministry of Education . For parents who send their children abroad to study ,43percent of them hold regular jobs. With rapid economic(经济的) growth and rising income levels(收入水平), China’s people have more chances to expand(扩大)their horizons(眼界) and life experiences .

Seventy years ago, however , the picture was different . Thousands of students and science and technology experts had to compete with each other to win a chance to study abroad. It was a valuable and unusual experience for people back then.

In 1984, Wang Huiyao , who later founded a non-governmental think tank (智库) that focuses on Chinese public policy and globalization (全球化), went to study at the University of Windsor in Canada . He found that while Chinese people knew little about the outside world , Westerners also knew little about Chinese people . “They even asked to touch my head to see if anything was different,” he said.

But today , there are fewer of these misunderstandings(误解) . With more exchange programs, Chinese students get more chances to share their life stories with people from different cultures. Ma Ying , a 15-year-old Beijinger , took a short 7-day study trip to the UK, she decided to stay and study in the country .

“I talked to my parents , and they supported my choice . I’m happy to study more English, understand their humor, and gradually (逐渐)blend in (融入) with the local lifestyle .” She said.

1Are more Chinese students studying abroad than ever before ?


2When did Wang Huiyao study in Canada ?


3Seventy years ago , who could get the chance to study abroad ?


4Do you think it necessary for parents who hold regular jobs to spend so much money to send their children to study abroad? Why or why not?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A country has dreams. We teenagers ________also have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)

1The trousers are too long. You should ask a tailor to __________ it by 2 inches.short

2The Forbidden City show the _____ and talent of the Chinese people in ancient time.wise

3My son’s __________ to change another job surprised us all.decide

4Cars are the major cause of __________ problems.environment

5Many of our national __________ have given way to today’s pop stars in youths’ minds.hero

6With the building of the new bridge, we will make our __________ time shorter. commute

7A study trip to the UK made their holiday __________.forget

8I wonder why my cell phone is not working __________.proper


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】语篇翻译 阅读下面的短文,将画线的句子译成英文或中文。

Many people find good friends but they fail to continue with their friendship, because they do not know their role as a friend. Let us see some important points that we should take care of if we wish to be a good friend for someone.

Try to understand your friend

1. It is always important to understand what your friend is worried about or what problem he is facing. Always try to understand the situation your friend is in and try to calm him. It is obvious that 2.如果人们有问题,他们可能不会把问题告诉家人或亲属,they will instead tell everything to their friends. Let your friend speak up. 3. Listen to him and be with him until your friend feels better.

Try to teach good things

If you are a true friend, you should never give your hungry friend a fish, instead, you should teach him how to fish. This will give your friend food for lifetime. 4. 一个好朋友应该永远不希望他的朋友依赖他人。

Let your friend be himself

5. The most important point is that your friend has his own life and you should not make trouble in his life. You have a right to tell your friend what is good and what is bad, but you do not have a right to make someone do what you wish.

Hope this will help you solve some of your problems you are facing in friendship.






