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Dear Tummy,

Thank you 1     the letter of July I and the photos of London. Here  2   some photos of

my family and some photos of Beijing. In the first photo, my 3    is playing 4    a pet from my uncle. She is only four years old. In the second photo.I'm5    my classmates, playing soccer on our school playground. In the next photo, all my family 6    eating a big dinner on the last night of the year. In the last photo,my father and I are spending holidays in the seaside city,Qingdao. The boy in the sea is swimming fast . Guess who he is!Yes,you're right. It's me. Well,so much for my family. Now let me say 7    about Beijing. Beijing is the heart of all China. In the photos, you 8    see it is really a beautiful 9    . We Chinese people are working hard at the building of 10    new China. I'm sure China will become(变得) stronger and stronger.

Best wishes.

Yours, Li Hua

(   ) 1. A . in    B. on    C. at    D. for

(   ) 2. A. are    B.is    C. comes    D. goes

(   ) 3. A. brother    B . sister C father    D. mother

(   ) 4. A. for    B. by    C. with    D. from

(   ) 5. A. for    B. by、    C. with    D. from

(   ) 6. A. is    B. are    C. have    D. has

(   ) 7. A. anything  B. something    C. nothing    D. any

(   ) 8. A. are    B. can    C. am    D. is

(   ) 9. A . town B- store    C. city    D. places

(   ) 10. A. the    B. a    C. an    D. /

 l. D for表原因,因……而谢。2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C前有a,应用单数,所以places不行;town是指城镇,而北京是大都市。10. B

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级下册 > 能力训练12


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Jennifer is very well-known(出名的) at school. Almost everyone 1    her,because she is a versatile(多才多艺的) girl. She can 2     all kinds of musical instruments(乐器) ,like the    , the violin 4    the drums. So she often plays in the evening parties at school. She can also dance 5    . Many girls want to learn dancing from her. Jennifer does sports well,6    . She is a good runner and she can play 7    well. She also likes drawing 8    . She is a good student at school as well. Her English is very good. She wins the first place(得第一名) in the English speech 9    . Jennifer is such a good girl that we all 10    her.

(   ) 1. A. sees    B. shows    C. knows    D. finds

(   ) 2. A. do    B. play    C. paint    D. sing

(   ) 3. A. basketball    B. piano    C. e-mail    D. band

(   ) 4. A. or    B. but    C. and    D. with

(   ) 5. A. good    B. little    C. well    D. fine

(   ) 6. A. then    B. too    C. also    D. to

(   ) 7. A. the football  B. the ping-pong  C. the guitar  D. tennis

(   ) 8. A. picture    B. pictures    C. actor  D. photos

(   ) 9. A. game    B. contest    C. club    D. address

(   ) 10. A. take    B. takes    C. like    D. likes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

In China, traffic(车辆) keeps to the right(右边) ,Cars,trucks, buses 1   bikes must all keep to the right side of the 2   . In most other countries(其他国家) ,traffic 3   to the left(左边) .

How can you 4   the roads safer(更安全) ?

5   you cross the road,stop and look both ways(两边) .6   left,look right, look left again. Don't cross the road if you aren't sure(没把握) that the road is clear. Don't  7   across the

road. 8   is dangerous(危险的) .

If you 9   small children, or very old people, or blind people walking to cross the road, help 10   cross the road in safety.

(   ) 1. A. or    B. and    C. but    D. while

(   ) 2. A. road    B. river    C. bridge    D. city

(   ) 3. A. go    B. coming    C. leave    D. keeps

(   ) 4. A. make    B. know    C. guess    D. see

(   ) 5. A. After    B. Before    C. During    D. As

(   ) 6. A. Look    B. Turn    C. Walk    D. Hear

(   ) 7. A. run    B. jump    C. smile    D. walk

(   ) 8. A. That    B. There    C. This    D. Here

(   ) 9. A. watch    B. look    C. read    D. see

(   ) 10. A,her    B. him    C. them    D. me


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very strange bird because it can not fly.

The kiwi is the same size as a chicken. It has no wings or tails. It does not have any feathers like other birds. It has hair on its body. Each foot has four toes. Its beak(鸟喙) is very long.

A kiwi likes a lot of trees around it. It sleeps during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes. It can smell things with its nose. It's the only bird in the world that can smell things. The kiwi's eggs are very big.

There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. People never see them. The government says that people cannot kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live.

There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money. People from New Zealand are sometimes called " kiwis".

1. 根据首字母提示补全单词。

1)The kiwi isn't the s as the other birds.

2)It just has h      on its body.

3)The s      is bad for its eyes.

4)The government asks people not to kkiwis.

5)People from New Zealand are sometimes called "kiwis" because a kiwi's gis on New Zealand money.

2. 选择最佳答案。

(   ) 1) The kiwis only live        .

A. in America    B. in Australia

C. in New Zealand    D. in Canada 

(   ) 2) How big is a kiwi? *

A. It's the same size as a dolphin.    B. It is the same size as a chicken.

C. It is the same size as a penguin.    D. It is the same size as a monkey. 

(   ) 3) How many toes does a kiwi have?

A. A kiwi has four toes.    B. A kiwi has eight toes.

C. A kiwi has twelve toes.    D. A kiwi has sixteen toes.

(   ) 4) What does a kiwi like around it?

A. A lot of trees.    B. A lot of sunlight.

C. A lot of feathers.    D. A lot of people.

(   ) 5) The kiwi is the only bird in the world .

A. that has no wings or tails    B. that has hair on its body

C. that sleeps during the day    D. that can smell things


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It is five o'clock in the afternoon. It's time to go home. But we must(必须) clean our classroom. There are five students in our group. Now there are only three. Li Hong is playing games. Lin Tao is reading a story outside the classroom. I say to them, "Come and clean our classroom!It's late. Don't you want to go home?" They start their work. Look!Li Hong is carrying water(提7jc) . Lin Tao and I are cleaning the floor. Soon we finish it. Where are the other two students in our group? We look for them and find them on the playground. They are playing football with other boys!

(   ) 1. How many students should(应该) clean the classroom?

A. All the students.    B. Three.

C. Two.    D. Five.

(   ) 2. It's time to clean the classroom, but Lin Tao        .

     A. is studying in the classroom

    B. is playing games on the floor

    C. is reading a story outside the classroom

    D. is cleaning the classroom with me 

(   ) 3. Who carries water?

A. Li Hong.    B. Lin Tao.

C. Lin Tao and I.    D. The other two boys.

(   ) 4. Where do they find the other two students?

A. Outside the classroom.    B. In the computer game room.

C. On the playground.    D. In their homes.

(   ) 5. What will( 将要) they do when they see the two students playing football?

     A. They ask them to go back to clean the classroom.

    B.They get angry(生气) with them.

    C.They start to join them in the football game.

    D.They watch them playing football.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr and 1   Wang want to buy a 2   for their daughter. They come into a shop and have

3   look. There are many different skirts in it. They see a price tag(标签) on one blue skirt. It

4   " $ 100". They like the 5   ,but it is too 6    . Mr Wang doesn't think they can 7   

it now. They leave(离开) the shop and go to another 8   . 9   another shop,they buy a 10   one for their daughter.

(   ) 1.A. Mrs   B. Miss   C. Mr   D. Uncle

(   ) 2.A. coat   B. clothes   C. shoes   D. skirt

(   ) 3.A. a   B. an   C. the   D. /

(   ) 4.A. says   B. writes   C. said   D. writing

(   ) 5.A. red   B. price   C. colour   D. shop

(   ) 6.A. cheap   B. dear   C. small   D. big

(   ) 7.A. see   B. sell   C. buy   D. find

(   ) 8.A. one   B. shirt   C. school   D. coat

(   ) 9.A. After   B. Of   C. In   D. Behind

(   ) 10.A. dear   B. cheap   C. red   D. big


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr and Mrs Smith arrived at Toronto Airport(机场) at the end of the holiday in America. It was very hot there. Mr Smith1    beard though he had always worn it. But his passport(护照) photo showed him2    his beard.

An officer looked at the photo for a moment, and said,"Will you excuse me? Please3    . I won't keep you long." With this he walked4    . He showed the photo to the second officer, and said, "I5    that face.”The second officer looked at the passport and asked6    Mr Smith just came from. When he heard that the Smiths had just come from Washington, the second officer's7    lit up(—亮) and said, "A man with a beard stole(偷) a painting(油画) in Washington. And that man8   just a kind of man...”

Suddenly, the first officer asked," 9    you teach at Feltham high school?" "Yes,I did," Mr Smith answered in some surprise.

"I10   so. I'm Alan Green. You taught me history!"

(   ) 1.A. took away   B. took down   C. took out   D. took off

(   ) 2.A. and   B. but   C. with   D. without

(   ) 3.A. sit down   B. come out   C. go out   D. come round

(   ) 4.A. along   B. away   C. up   D. back

(   ) 5.A. see   B. know   C. look   D. watch

(   ) 6.A. where   B. which   C. what   D. who

(   ) 7.A. feet   B. head   C. hands   D. eyes

(   ) 8.A. is   B. was   C. looks   D. looked

(   ) 9.A. Do   B. Did   C. Could   D. Will

(   ) 10.A. thought   B. did   C. was   D. could

