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Scott was not happy. He had no money left to buy the new toy train he wanted. Suddenly, he had an idea! "I’ll ask my brother Alan if I can borrow some money. He always has money to lend people. "

Scott found Alan in his room. "Alan, may I borrow $20 from you to buy myself a new train?"

Alan replied, "I just spent all of my money on Mom’s birthday present. I have no money left. You are barking up the wrong tree. "

Scott was very disappointed. He decided to get a job. He went to many stores, but no one had a job for him. He walked and walked from store to store.

Finally, he got a job selling ice cream and he was very happy. "My feet are tired for walking all day, but I can get enough money for a toy train. "

1.Why did Scott need to borrow money?

A.Because of his money for education.

B.Because he wanted to buy a new toy train.

C.Because he wanted to buy a present for his mother.

D.Because he needed to get a job.

2.The underlined(划线) phrase "barking up the wrong tree" means ______.

A.acting like a dog B.asking the wrong person

C.asking the right person D.climbing up the wrong tree

3.According to the story, Scott might work in _______.

A.a present store B.a book store C.a clothing store D.a dessert house

4.What do you think of Alan?

A.He was unfriendly. B.He was clever. C.He was kind. D.He was silly.

5.What can we know from the story?

A.Scott could get a new train. B.Scott didn't like his brother.

C.Scott's family was very poor. D.Scott didn’t have a brother.


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省2017-2018学年九年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:语篇翻译

Everyone can change the world

A friend wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. He felt hopeless at the time. He ended his letter with this question: “We can’t really change this crazy world we live in, can we?” 1. 他发现改变世界是如此难。But I replied to him and started my own letter with these words: “Yes, we most certainly can!”

I can still remember someone who changed my world. She was the music teacher at my elementary school. She was good at playing the guitar. I wanted to impress her2. 然而,我不知道如何演奏好任何乐器.

One day, she let me try playing her guitar. I did my best, but could only stumble along (断断续续地弹奏). 3.When I had done it, I put my head down, never feeling so embarrassed in my whole life. “I guess I am not very good,” I told her. She looked at me with her kind eyes, smiled at me and said, “We are all good at something. You just need to find out what you are good at. Then, you can share your goodness with the world.”

Those simple words changed me.4.They planted a seed (种子) in my heart that continues to grow to this day. They made me realize that I had something good inside of me. I just had to find it and share it.

Can you change the world? Yes, you can! You can change it through one choice, one person, and one kind act at a time.5. 你要做的所有事情就是分享你的擅长之处. Mother Teresa once said, “God doesn’t ask us to do great things, only small things with great love.” So make your love great!



2.然而,我不知道如何演奏好任何乐器. (汉译英)


3.When I had done, I put my head down, never feeling so embarrassed in my whole life. (英译汉)


4.They planted a seed (种子) in my heart that continues to grow to this day. (英译汉)


5.你要做的所有事情就是分享你的擅长之处. (汉译英)



科目:初中英语 来源:福建省三明市大田县2018-2019学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:单选题

—If you don’t know the date, please look at the ________.

—OK, Mrs. Green.

A.stamp B.calendar C.book


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年湖南省长沙市麓山国际实验学校中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

The world is racing against the clock to produce COVID-19 vaccines (疫苗) to help stop the disease, but few people can tell the exact time. ________?

A.can they B.do they C.can’t they


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省张掖市高台县中考一模英语试卷 题型:完成句子


_________ _________ what it was, don’t be too hard on yourself.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省张掖市高台县中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

—I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day.


A.Enjoy yourself B.You’re welcome C.That’s interesting D.The same to you


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省张掖市高台县中考一模英语试卷 题型:完成句子

It’s careless ____ him to make _____ mistakes.

A of, so many B of, too much

C. for, too many D. for. so much


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省张掖市高台县中考一模英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题

What did the man use to go to school?

A.by bus. B.by bike. C.on foot.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年内蒙古呼伦贝尔市阿荣旗中考一模英语试卷 题型:根据中/英文提示填空

On his way back home, Frank lost his wallet because of his _____ (粗心).

