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1.             all of us enjoy playing computer games,         we can’t spend too much time on them.

A. Although, but          B. But, /                          C. Although, /              D. But, although







科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省南京市白下区中考二模英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Amy Chua, well-known as the Tiger Mother, has held the attention of parents all across the US. She told Reader’s Digest that she’s a little strange about how her book struck so many nerves in the US. The reporter of the magazine is sharing the interview with us.

Reader’s Digest: Did you want your book to be controversial (有争议的)?

Amy: I don’t think it would have been controversial at all if it wasn’t for the Wall Street Journal headline that was called, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”.

Reader’s Digest: What’s your view on your parenting?

Amy: My children grew up with one Western parent. My husband doesn’t believe in raising his voice with the kids and we don’t spank (打小孩). They were really raised in a half Asian family. My book’s message is that we should try to find the balance. I believe that when children are little, you should restrict (限制) their choices. I like the traditional Chinese way. Respect authority (尊重权利) and don’t just let them watch TV all the time. I don’t think kids under the age of ten can make good choices. But once they start to get older, the lesson I learnt with Lulu (Amy’s second daughter) is that you have to start listening to them. You have to start giving them more choices and more freedom. I really think it’s important to find a balance.

I like the strict Chinese way of discipline (行为准则) and hard work when children are young. But when they’re older, you have to send love to your child, you have to listen to your child and really achieve the balance between creativity, choice and freedom on the one hand, which the west is very good at, and on the other hand, hard work and self discipline, which I think traditional Chinese parenting is very good at.

1.Where can we find the passage?

A.In a novel.         B.In a magazine.      C.In a comic book.    D.In a history book.

2.The Tiger Mother thinks the reason her book became controversial is that ______.

A.she is very famous

B.parenting is such a common topic

C.traditional Chinese parenting is too strict

D.the Wall Street Journal headline was called “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to Amy’s view on parenting?

A.We should control all of the children’s choices.

B.Spanking is necessary during children’s growth.

C.Children should be raised in half Asian families.

D.When children get older, parents should listen to them.

4.According to the passage, we can see ______ in the west.

A.children respect their parents because of authority

B.all kids under the age of ten can make good choices

C.some parents don’t believe in raising their voice with the kids

D.children do all of the things according to their parents’ orders

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The book that the Tiger Mother wrote is very controversial.

B.Traditional Chinese parenting is much better than that in the west.

C.The Tiger Mother shows some of her ideas about her book and parenting.

D.Parents should achieve the balance between creativity, choice and freedom.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北石家庄市九年级第一次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Almost every day, we discuss the topic of health, especially for kids. But what is health? “Health” means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having a healthy weight. Let’s read the following rules. They can help you stay healthy.

(1). Eat a variety of food, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables can help us stay healthy, but many of us only eat our favorite food. Remember that we can only get the nutrition (营养) we need by eating different kinds of food, especially fruit and vegetables.

(2). Drink water and milk most often. Everyone knows that water is important. Besides that, kids need plenty of calcium (钙) to grow strong bones, and milk is rich in it. Every day, you should drink at least three cups of milk, when you are 9 years old or older. You should also try to have less sugary drinks, like soda and coca. They include a lot of sugar. Sugar only includes calories (热量), not important nutrition.

(3). Listen to your body. When you are eating, notice how your body feels. When your stomach feels comfortably full, stop eating. Eating too much makes you feel uncomfortable. If you do it too often, it can make you unhealthy and fat.

(4). Limit screen time. What’s screen time? It’s the amount of time you spend watching TV, movies and playing computer games. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities, the less time you spend playing sports, like basketball, and doing other activities like riding and swimming. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.

1.In this passage, “health” includes all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A.eating well                            B.doing more exercise

C.having a healthy weight                   D.wearing comfortable clothes

2.The underlined phrase “a variety of” means ______.

A.plenty of          B.all kinds of         C.the rest of         D.a lot of

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Eating more fruit and vegetables is good for people.

B.We should eat and drink things with little sugar.

C.We should spend the same time on both sitting-down activities and sports.

D.When we are full, we should stop eating, no matter how delicious the food is.

4.Screen time is the time that you spend ______.

A.playing computer games                  B.watching movies

C.watching TV                            D.All of above

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.How to eat healthy food.                  B.Eating and playing are both important.

C.Suggestions for staying healthy.             D.Health is very important.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省九年级第三次质量调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Readers aren’t __________________(允许)to speak loudly in the reading room.

2.All of us are preparing for the                            (即将来临的) exams.

3.Thanks for your _______________(有价值的) suggestions.

4.Wild animals are in danger now because of the               (丧失) of their living areas.

5.Some films that Hepburn acted in_____________(包括) Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany’s and My Fair Lady.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语九年级上Module 6 练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


High in the mountains, and deep in the forest, lives a lake with many plants and animals in and around her. The plants and animals have enough food and clean water to keep them healthy. The wind carries pure air, and the rain comes down clear and clean.

But recently, Lucy Lake and her friends haven’t been feeling very well. All the plants and animals get together to talk about the problem. “Why are we sick?” “What can we do?” ask all of them. No one has any answers.

Just then two hikers appear. The animals tell them about their problems. “Can you help us?” they ask. “Yes,” one hiker says. “I think it’s because of acid rain.”

“Acid rain comes from chemicals(化学物质) in the air. The pollution comes from factories, cars and trucks.”

“So, although I don’t want to, I help the pollution travel through the air!” says the wind. “And I carry it to the land!” cries the rain. 

“If you can help us think of some solutions(解决方法), we will send a message to tell people how to clean up our environment,” one hiker says. 

With the help of the plants and animals, the two hikers make a list of ideas for saving Lucy Lake and her friends.

Time passes, and the forest and lake begin to feel a little better.

The next time the hikers climb up the mountains to Lucy Lake, they smile at what they find. “We’re glad things have started to change,” one hiker says. “And we’re glad you helped us make a difference,” says the other.

1.The underlined word “pure” can be replaced by “____”.





2.The two hikers are most probably ____.





3.____ have (has) nothing to do with the cause of acid rain.

A.The rain

B.Human beings

C.The wind

D.The plants and animals

4.The underlined word “you” refers to (指) ____. 

A.Lucy Lake

B.the plants and animals

C.one of the two hikers

D.the wind and the rain

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Acid rain is very harmful only to plants and animals.

B.Human activities are the main cause of acid rain.

C.Acid rain can make the living things in the environment get sick.

D.We should clean up our environment to protect us against acid rain.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省晋江市初二第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

More and more people around the world are joining in dangerous sports. Some people climbed the highest mountains; some traveled into unknown parts of the world; some sailed small boats across the largest sea. Now some people begin to look for new excitement.

Bungee jumping (蹦极) and motorcycle racing (摩托车赛) are quite dangerous sports. Bungee jumping only lasts a few minutes or even seconds. You jump from a high place, 200 meters above the ground, and there is a rubber band (橡胶带子) tied to your legs. When you jump down, the rubber band pulls you up. About 2,000,000 people around the world have tried bungee jumping.

Why do people join in these dangerous sports? Some scientists say that it is because modern life has become safe and it is not interesting. In the past, people lived in danger. They had to go out and look for food, and life was like a fight but was interesting.

Many people think that there is little excitement in life. They live and work in safe places, buy food in shops, and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill.

1.People like to join in dangerous sports because _______.

    A.they have a lot of free time

    B.they can go to the hospital if they are hurt

    C.they need excitement

    D.they don’t need to look for food

2._______ is not a dangerous sport.

    A.Climbing the highest mountains

    B.Riding on the road

    C.Traveling into unknown parts of the world

    D.Sailing small boats across the largest sea

3.In bungee jumping, you _______.

    A.jump up as high as you can

    B.jump down with a rubber band tied to your legs

    C.jump down without a rubber band

    D.jump to the ground

4.In the past, people lived in danger because _______.

    A.the living condition is poor

    B.there was no doctor and hospital

    C.there were many dangerous animals

    D.all of above

5.Which is not TRUE?

    A.Everyone’s life is interesting.

    B.Many people live and work in safe places.

    C.Many people buy food in shops.

    D.People can go to see the doctors when they become ill.


