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He has been late for work three times_____ the morning of last Monday.

A. until B. on C. in D. since

D 【解析】句意:自从上周一上午,他上班迟到了3次了。A. until 直到; B. on在---,用于具体的某一天和有修饰词的上午,下午,晚上; C. in在---,用于年,月,季节等; D. since自从;故选D

科目:初中英语 来源:初二下册Module9单元测验含答案 题型:材料作文



Name: Liu Sanzi

Age: 18

Birthplace: a village in Gansu Province

Height: 1.60m

Hair: short and black

Build: thin and short

Family: mother, two elder sisters and a younger brother

Favourites: listening to music, reading books

Dreams: going to university, to be a teacher

About his study: dropped out of school at the age of 10; went back to school at the age of 12 with the

help of Project Hope, now a middle school student.


I'd like to introduce my friend to you. His name is Liu Sanzi. He is eighteen years old. He was born in a village in Gansu Province. He is 1.6m. He has short and black hair. He is thin and short. Ther...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit3 第3课时 练习2 题型:汉译英:单词/短语







1.one hundred and eight 2.every day 3.from the school to my home 4.drive a car 5.ten minutes by bike 【解析】 1.一百one hundred,八eight。百后要加and,故填one hundred and eight。 2.every每,day天。故填e...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津英语八下unit1综合知识点单项选择专项训练75题 题型:单选题

Thanks to the cleaners, the environment_____ in our city recently.

A. improved B. improves C. has improved D. had improved

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:多亏了环卫工人,我们城市的环境最近提高了。根据recently可知,本题用现在完成时。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津英语八下unit1综合知识点单项选择专项训练75题 题型:单选题

--You've never been to China, _______?

--_______. I've been there three times.

A. have you; No, I haven't B. haven't you; No, I haven't

C. have you; Yes, I have D. haven't you; Yes, I have

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:—你从未去过中国,是不是?—不,我去过。我去过那儿三次了。根据句意及题干分析第一空是考查反意疑问句的用法,陈述句中有否定词never,所以用附加问句应用肯定形式;第二空考查反意疑问句的回答,根据“前后一致,根据事实”的原则,实际情况是去过中国,是肯定的,所以用肯定形式回答,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津英语八下unit1综合知识点单项选择专项训练75题 题型:单选题

Now people can _______ with their friends far away by email, cell phone or Wechat.

A. keep on B. stay in touch C. keep up D. catch up

B 【解析】句意:现在人们通过电子邮件,打电话或者微信和远方的朋友保持联系 。 keep on with继续做某事;stay in touch with和某人保持联系; keep up with赶上; catch up with赶上;根据句意故选B


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津英语八下unit1综合知识点单项选择专项训练75题 题型:单选题

__________ easy for us to help the students in trouble.

A. It’s B. That’s C. This is D. It

A 【解析】句意:帮助有困难的学生对我们来说很容易。It’s+形容词+for sb to do sth做某事多某人来说是怎样的。It在这里做形式主语,this这,这个,通常用于指较近的东西或人,that那,那个,通常指较远的东西或人,通常不做形式主语;故选A


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津英语八下unit1综合知识点单项选择专项训练75题 题型:单选题

– Are you a teacher of English? – No, but I ______ two years ago.

A. used to be B. am used to C. used to do D. don’t used

A 【解析】句意:——你是一个英语老师吗?——不是,但是两年前我是。根据 used to do过去做某事; be used to do被用来做某事,be used to doing习惯于做某事;根据句意故选A


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:完形填空10篇 题型:完型填空

A Birthday Gift

On the night of my birthday, I went to the nearest drug store to buy vitamins(维生素). Although it was my birthday, I was feeling ______ and a bit lonely. Maybe I missed my dad who died four years ago. I just wanted him to be beside me that day.

On my way to the drug store, I was ____. When I arrived there, I cleaned my cheeks(面颊)up from the tears and tried to smile when I ordered the vitamin that my mum wanted to buy. While I was waiting, I looked around the building and I_____sight of a beggar( 乞丐) next to the door. She was with her kid, a cute little boy. They were sitting on the street. It was winter at the moment and I still felt cold with my coat, but I noticed that the boy was just wearing an old T-shirt. I felt sorry for them. When I paid for my vitamins, I glanced (瞥)at them and started to have an idea. “Why don't I donate( 捐赠) some of my_____? It's my birthday. ” I thought to myself. I had to share something with another that day. Yeah, I decided I had to do that. I went home in a hurry. I was very ____to look for some of my smaller clothes.

At home. I told my mum my_____and told her my idea. My mum agreed with me and helped me look for some clothes. I went back to the drug store in a hurry. There, I didn't hand the clothing over myself. I wanted to send it to that kid_____. So I asked someone else to hand

the clothes over, then I left that place. But just as I went, I heard someone saying"thank you and I hoped it was for me.

On the road, my heart was full of_____and warmth. I felt glad that I could share something on my birthday and that was a big gift for me.

1.A. scared B. sad C. tired D. strange

2.A. smiling B. singing C. running D. crying

3.A. put B. caught C. kept D. held

4.A. toys B. books C. bags D. clothes

5.A. excited B. tired C. angry D. sorry

6.A. experience B. practice C. experiment D. discovery

7.A. proudly B. slowly C. secretly D. cheerfully

8.A. sadness B. coldness C. happiness D. worry

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇暖心小故事。“我”生日那天出去买药,遇到一对乞丐父子,小男孩的单薄穿着,勾起了我的同情,捐赠出自己的衣服给那个小男孩,心里充满了幸福和温暖。 1.句意:虽然是我的生日,我还是感到很伤心,有点孤独。考查形容词辨析题。A. scared惊慌的;B. sad伤...

