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May is the best month in my mind. It is a beautiful month full of sunlight and colorful flowers. It is also the month when we show appreciation (感激) for our mothers on Mother’s Day.

In my family, every year’s celebration is different. Two years ago, I made breakfast for my mom and she still remembers all the dishes I cooked. Last year, I bought her a scarf with the money that I made from selling some of my old books. She still uses it all the time.

My mom is my hero and she sacrificed (牺牲) her career in order to take care of me. I wanted to do something special on this “quarantined” (隔离) Mother’s Day. 在四月份,我开始在网上寻找关于礼物的不同的想法。I decided to make a card by hand. The first one I made was sort of ordinary. 1 decided to make a variety of cards -. each with different messages.

A couple of nights later, I came up with the idea of making an origami (折纸) box out of all the cards. On the night before Mother’s Day, I asked my mom to go to bed early so that I could put the present next to her bed. 当她醒来,她被我的礼物感动了。She spent a lot of time appreciating every tiny detail (细节) of the box.

I am very lucky to have my mom by my side. I am glad that there is a special day in May for me to honor my mom. At the same time, I can show her my appreciation and love.







科目:初中英语 来源:广西崇左市江州区2018-2019学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:根据中/英文提示填空

UNICEF provides __________(基本的) education for children in poor areas.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年吉林省长春市宽城区中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

A friend of ________ named Paul received a new bicycle from his brother as a Christmas gift.

A.I B.my C.mine D.myself


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年河北省唐山市遵化市中考一模英语试卷 题型:听短文填写表格


Class 1.

The students should go to school in uniforms.

In class, the students must listen carefully and be2.in thinking.

The classroom needs to be3.often.

The students are supposed to turn off the4.before they leave.

5.all the rules above is the students’ duty.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年河北省唐山市遵化市中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Wechat has made our life much easier today.

—Exactly! That is why people refuse to use it.

A.few B.little C.much D.many


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年湖南省长沙市开福区青竹湖湘一外国语学校中考二模英语试卷 题型:阅读单选





◎Get there on time Canadians value time wry much.

◎Tipping(给小费) is a common thing in Canada.

◎Don’t make any noise while eating and don’t talk while chewing (嚼) the food.


◎Wash your hands both before and after eating. OTipping is always needed in India.

◎Don’t cat with your left hand. It’s considered unclean. Use the right hand instead, and cutlery (餐具) is not provided.


◎Keep your hands above the table. Rest your wrists on the table but not on your lap.

◎When eating bread, always tear (撕) a piece of bread off instead of biting (咬) it directly with your mouth.

◎Don’t put your elbows on the table.

◎Don’t give tips. There is no need for you to do it in France.


◎Drink directly from the soup bowl, as spoons are uncommon in Japan.

◎Slurp(出声地吃) your food, especially when eating noodles and soup. It shows your appreciation for the chefs work. The louder, the better.

◎Don’t cross your chopsticks or stick them into a bowl of rice. It’s very rude. The Japanese has no habit of tipping.

1.It is considered polite to ________ in France.

A.rest your wrists on your lap

B.rest your elbows on the table

C.tear the bread into pieces and eat

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the Japanese table manners?

A.Drinking directly from the soup bowl is uncommon.

B.The Japanese are strict about using chopsticks while eating.

C.The guests are always only served with noodles and soup.

3.The chart above mainly tells readers ________ in different countries.

A.how to behave at table B.whether to tip waiters C.what to do at a party


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年湖南省长沙市开福区青竹湖湘一外国语学校中考二模英语试卷 题型:单选题

He spends more time than he used to ________ books.That’s why he gets better grades now.

A.hitting B.hit C.hits


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省唐山市路北区2018-2019学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷. 题型:单选题

—Can you tell me to London?

—Sure.Next month.

A.when you will travel B.when will you travel C.when you travelled D.when did you travel


科目:初中英语 来源:山西省晋城高平市2018-2019学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:便条





Dear Mary,




