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Lily :There are so many inventors in the history.

David: Yes. We must thank them for their i 1      They make things c 2     for us.

Lily:Yeah. Look!What’s that thing with three 1 3     ?

David:It’s a cup. It was u 4      in the old days in China.

Lily : What was it used for?

David:I think it’s used for d 5      wine. It’s m 6      of metal.

Lily:How s 7      it looks!

David :Umm,very interesting,isn’t it?

Lily:Yeah. Oh,a teapot in a bowl.

David: Ah? That’s not a teapot. It  was for serving wine. When the bowl was  f 8       with  hot water,the wine in the pot would get w  9     .

Lily:That’s a good idea. Now was it still used in China?

David:Yeah. C 10      wine culture.

Lily :Ancient Chinese were very clever. I’ve learnt a lot.

David:That’s right. Let’s go to the European Shop now.

Lily :OK. Let’s go.

1.          2.          3.          4.          5.         

6.          7.          8.          9.          10.         

 1. inventions 2. convenient 3. legs  4. used

5. drinking 6. made 7. strange 8. filled 9. warm  10. Chinese

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练九年级全一册 > 能力训练9


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. This bus doesn’t go to the train station. I’m afraid you’ll have to        at the library and take the A52.  

A. take off     B. put off

C. get off     D. turn off


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A man was trying to find the village of Chirton. He could not find any sign for it so he decided to drive up to a farmhouse and ask a farmer for directions.

He soon came to the entrance to a farm. Above the gate there was a sign : Please close the gate. The man knew this meant there were cows in the fields,so he was very careful to close the gate after him.

Before long he came to another gate. This,too,had a sign: Please close the gate. Once again he got out of his car,opened the gate,drove through,stopped his car,got out,closed the gate,got back into his car and drove on.

It wasn’t long before he came to a third gate. This,too, had a sign: Please close the gate. Again the man got out of his car,opened the gate,drove through,stopped his car,got out,closed  the  gate,got  back  into  his car and drove on.

He did this five times before he reached the farmhouse. Fortunately,the farmer was standing at the door.

“What can I do for you?” he asked the man.

“I’m looking for Chirton. Do you know where it is?”

“Sorry,” the farmer said. “I’ve only been here for a few weeks. I don’t know the area. ”

The man thanked him,and drove back to the road. On the way he had to open and close five gates.

When he reached the road,he looked back at the farm. He  could  see  the  farmer  waving  to him. “Ah!” he thought. “He’s remembered where Chirton is. ”

He turned around,stopped his car,got out,opened the gate,drove through,stopped the car, got out,closed the gate,got back in the car and drove off. He had to do this four more times before he reached the farm.

“Have you remembered where Chirton is?” he asked the farmer.

“No”’the farmer replied,“but I asked my wife. She doesn’t know either. ”


1) What was the man trying to find?

2) Who did he ask for directions?

3) How long had the farmer been in the area?

4) Why did  the  farmer  say  he  was  sorry?

5) What did  the  farmer’s  wife  not  know?


1) Can you         me  to Chirton,please?

2) The man         the  farm.

3) It was         that the farmer was at home.

4) It was a long         up  to the farmhouse.

5) The man took         to  close all the gates.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Climbing a mountain is hard work. But one step after another finally brings a person to the t 1      Along the way,he can stop and look a 2      And the h 3      he climbs,the more wonderful his view(视野)is. If he keeps climbing,he will have a new world before him. He will have a new way of s 4      everything.

Now learning a 5       language  is  something like climbing a mountain. This new language can give you a new view of life. And it is more than a look at the surface(表面)of things. It can open the way into people’s minds and hearts,into a culture(文化)very d 6      from the one of your own. This will make you richer,r 7      in things that money can’t buy. Even though you  never  set foot on a ship or a plane,you can be an armchair t 8      through books.

Like the mountain climber who stops now and then to e 9      the scenery around him,everyone who is interested in reading will find p 10      in books as he fights on to learn more and more of that new language.

1.          2.          3.          4.      5.           

6.          7.          8.          9.      10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 When Martin was a small boy,he lived in the little town of Holtham. Then,he thought the town was a big p 1      When Martin went back to Holtham last week,he thought “It’s a small town! ”.

Holtham has changed little during the p 2      forty years. B 3      Martin has changed a lot. He has g 4      into a man. He is now in his m 5      age. His thoughts are a man’s thoughts,and he sees things through a m 6      eyes.

Martin s 7      in Holtham for five hours. He walked from street t 8      street. He could see no friends. Was Holtham then a town of strangers? No,Martin suddenly u 9      it all. Only he h 10      was a stranger in the town.

1. _____  2.      3.       4.      5.           

6.          7.      8.       9.      10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 The Great Wall of China has a long history of more than two thousand years. It walks from 1     in North China. It is about 6,000  2     long. It is 3    “Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall” by the Chinese people. The Great Wall is about 7 metres high. In many places it is 4     for ten men to walk side by side along the top. The Great Wall is made of stones and bricks. There are big stones on 5     and on the top. To build such a great wall over the mountains and down the valleys 6     not at all easy. When we 7     the Great Wall,we can’t help wondering how the Chinese working people 8     build it without any modem machines. They did all the work 9     hands. They lifted 10     in baskets and 11     the stones in groups with ropes. They worked in  12     places that it was difficult to give them enough 13     to wear. Thousands of people died of hard work,cold and hunger. As 14     ,the Great Wall of China is known to the whole world. Every year,thousands and thousands of people come to visit it from all over the world. It is a monument(纪念碑)15     the strong will and hard work of the Chinese people.

(   ) 1. A. east to west     B. the south to the north

C. north to     south  D. here to there

(   ) 2. A. li  B. metres     C. kilometres  D. lis

(   ) 3. A. calling     B. called  C. calls     D. call

(   ) 4. A. enough wide     B. enough long  C. wide enough     D. wide

(   ) 5. A. both sides     B. all  sides  C. every side     D. neither  side

(   ) 6. A. were     B. was  C. is     D. are

(   ) 7. A. look at     B. see  C. visit     D. watch

(   ) 8. A. was able     to  B. can     C. were able to  D. might

(   ) 9. A. by     B. in  C. with     D. on

(   ) 10. A. sand     B. bricks  C. stones     D. the earth

(   ) 11. A. pushed     B. dug  C. pulled     D. carried

(   ) 12. A.  such a wild B. so     wild  C. so wild     a  D. such wild

(   ) 13. A.  jackets  B. clothes     C. dresses  D. coats

(   ) 14. A. an old     house  B. a wall

C. an old     building  D. a new building

(   ) 15. A.  of  B. to     C. for  D. with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 The bicycle is one of the simplest yet most useful inventions in the world. What is the most surprising is that it was not 1     earlier,although the great inventor Lenardo da Vinci had drawn pictures of bicycles,flying machines and some other things long before. Those things were not produced 2      long after he died.

A person riding a bicycle uses 3      energy(能源)to make the bicycle move,and there is no pollution at all when you are riding. Even so,in developed 4      most people don’t travel to work by bicycle. It is not because the bicycles are expensive or people feel 5      if they ride to work. It’s because 6      cars on the roads becomes larger. It certainly becomes 7     to ride a bicycle. As a result,more and more people put their bicycles away and go to work  8      their cars,thus makes the situation even worse. 9      the best way to make riding safer and more popular is to create paths (开设通道)only for bicycles,and to make 10     so difficult and

expensive for drivers to drive their cars that they have to go back to use their bicycles.

(   ) 1. A.  invent  B. inventing     C. invented  D. to invent

(   ) 2. A.  before  B. when     C. since  D. until

(   ) 3. A.  much  B. quite a lot of C. very little     D. many

(   ) 4. A.  world  B. countries     C. land  D. earth

(   ) 5. A.  lucky  B. glad     C. sorry  D. tired

(   ) 6. A.  the number of  B. a number of

C. this kind of     D. all kinds of

(   ) 7. A.  safer  B. more dangerous

C. much dangerous     D. safe

(   ) 8. A.  by  B. in     C. use  D. drive

(   ) 9. A.  Hardly  B. May be     C. Perhaps  D. Nearly

(   ) 10.A. it  B. them  C.us  D.that


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One day Mark Twain t 1     his father that he had b 2     the rule of the school. According to the rule,he had to p 3     for five dollars or was b 4     before the whole school. His father said it was too bad to h 5     their family shamed in front of the whole school. He a 6     to give Mark Twain five dollars to h 7     over to the teacher. But before g 8     him the money,he gave him a good beating. As he h 9     one beating at home and had got used to it,he decided to t 10     another beating at school and kept the five dollars. Thus he earned his first bit of money in his life.

1.        2.     3.      4.     5.        

6.        7.     8.      9.     10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

“Should I send my boss a birthday present?” “Is it OK to wear a red dress to a wedding?” When Americans are unsure  about the most appropriate(适当的)way to behave,they  often look  for

the answer in  Emily Post’s  Book of Etiquette. It’s a large book that tells people how  to  behave

politely in any kind of situation,from business to home to travel.

Emily Post was bom in 1872. She wrote many articles for newspaper about etiquette,and in 1922 she put them together in a book. Ms Post died in 1960 but her book has been reprinted more than 90 times since then. Her daughter,granddaughter,and now her great-granddaughter have all helped to rewrite it.

The book’s advice has been changed a lot since 1922. For example,the section on etiquette for sports once talked about tennis and golf. Now,you’ll also find snowboarding and in-line skating. And the newest edition includes etiquette rules for sending e-mails and using cell phones.


(   ) 1) Many Americans learn about rules of behavior from Emily Post’s book.

(   ) 2) Emily Post’s Book of Etiquette has never been changed since 1922.

(   ) 3) The book doesn’t include etiquette rules for playing golf.

(   ) 4) Emily Post’s great-granddaughter probably wrote the book’s rules about cell phones and e-mails.

(   ) 5) Emily Post is the most famous American newspaper writer today.


1) I s      my father a gift for his birthday.

2) 1 like to read Emily Post’s Book of E      .

3) It’s a book telling people how to behave g      .

4) Mr Post d      in 1960.

5) The newest edition i      etiquette rules for sending e-mails and using cell phones .

