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Tony likes surfing the Internet, ________ he never plays online games.

A.for B.so C.or D.but


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年重庆市北碚区九年级适应性考试英语试卷 题型:材料作文


要点:(1) 尽量少出门,出门戴口罩 (wear a mask) (2) 不要去人多拥挤的地方。(3) 勤洗手,保持室内清洁和空气流通。 (4) 合理饮食,多锻炼身体。(5) ……

要求:(1) 包含以上要点;可适当发挥;(2) 条理清晰,行文流畅;(3) 词数:60字(已给开头不计)



科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市通州区中考一模英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Summer Holidays

This year is going to be different!

Rick, Ann, Tony and Victoria are talking about their holidays this year.

This year I'm not behaving well at home, and I'm not studying hard at school. My parents think I'm lazy. They're worried so they are sending me to a camp in the mountains this summer. I'm going to spend six weeks with some other teenagers like me. We are going to walk ten kilometres every day and I think it's going to be awful.

This summer it is going to be interesting because I will spend it with my sister for a month. I'm planning to have a big party for her birthday. Lots of friends and family are coming. We are going to have a special meal that day and then we're going to dance. I'm sure she will like it.

This summer I will spend my summer holiday with my grandparents who live in the country. My brother and I are going to stay with them for two months. I can ride a horse every day. I can also go swimming in the lake with my grandfather. I think my holiday will be exciting.

My uncle and my aunt are giving me a special holiday this year—two weeks at a football club in London. I'm not going to play football with other club members all day. We're going to visit all the famous places like the Buckingham Palace. We're looking forward to it. I'm sure we'll have an unforgettable time there.

1.Rick will spend the summer holiday with ________ .

A.other teenagers B.his sister C.his brother D.other club members

2.What will Tony do in the summer holiday?

A.Walk ten kilometres. B.Have a big party. C.Ride a horse. D.Play football.

3.Victoria is going to spend ________ at a football club.

A.a month B.two weeks C.six weeks D.two months


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市大兴区中考一模英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Sleep and Weight

A couple of groups of researchers have found the reason why people are getting fatter. Researchers from the University of Chicago recruited (征募) 12 young men who came to their sleep lab on four different nights. Two nights, the men slept only four hours. The other two nights, they slept ten hours. Researchers Van Carter headed the study.

"After two nights of either short sleep or long sleep, we checked in their blood every 20 minutes or 30 minutes the levels of the hormone stimulating appetite (刺激食欲)."

They also checked the hormone that signals the brain when you're full. They found that when the men slept 10 hours, they woke up with normal levels of hormone and normal appetite. But when they slept only four hours, they had higher levels of hormone that stimulates appetite and lower levels of the hormone that signals fullness.

"Yeah, our study suggests that short sleep does modify the hormone that controls appetite in such a way that one is hungrier."

And not only were the men hungry, but also what they wanted to eat wasn't nutritious (有营养的).

"The foods that they preferred were candy, cookies, cake, ice cream, potato chips, pretzels, bread, pasta, rice, all high carbohydrate (碳水化合物) food."

Another study came to similar results. Researchers at Stanford University analyzed (分析) data from over 1, 000 volunteers who answered questions about sleep habits and also had their hormone levels measured. Psychiatrist (精神病专家) Emmmanuel Meno saw the same increase in the hormone stimulating appetite, and the same decrease (降低) in hormone that signals fullness.

"What's interesting about it is that it's counter-intuitive (反直觉的), because most people would say, 'Oh, yes. If you sleep a lot, you are lazy and you're going to be overweight.' and actually that's not what we observe (观察)."

Over the past forty years, American adults have cut down their average sleep time. They slept about eight and a half hours. Today, it's down to seven or less. Meno says Americans might want to reconsider (重新考虑) the amount of time they sleep.

"Now I think what we are finding is that it's important to sleep the right amount, and healthy sleep is as important as exercise and nutrition. I think, indeed, people who are overweight should sleep a little more. But if they treat better their sleep, it may help them to lose weight."

1.According to the passage, the researchers find that ________.

A.it's easier to get overweight if we don't have enough sleep

B.our emotions make great influence on the quality of sleep

C.we will lose weight more easily if we often stay up late

D.taking enough exercise will make us keep good shapes

2.According to the researches, short sleepers usually seem to ________.

A.have a pale face and feel very tired the next morning

B.feel a little hungry and have something to eat eagerly

C.have no sense of sleep and keep awake all the night

D.have high blood pressure and result as a bad headache

3.What does the underlined word "modify" mean in the passage?

A.provide B.prevent C.change D.improve

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Most of the Americans will insist on increasing their sleeping time.

B.Overweight people will control their food instead of taking exercise.

C.It's necessary to check the levels of hormone in our blood every day.

D.Americans are facing the problem of getting overweight at present.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市大兴区中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

Jeff ________ kites with his friends if it is fine tomorrow.

A.flies B.flew C.has flown D.will fly


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市石景山区中考一模英语试卷 题型:话题作文



提示词语: remember, write, read, proud

提示问题: ● What difficulty did you have?

● What did you do to overcome the difficulty?

● How did you feel?

Everybody meets difficulties in their life.



科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市石景山区中考一模英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Family Picture

I was sitting in my favorite chair, studying for my doctoral degree, when Sarah – my five-year-old daughter – came and asked, “Daddy, do you want to see my family picture?” “Daddy’s busy. Come back in a little while, Honey.”

10 minutes later, she rushed back. “Daddy, let me___________you my picture.” The heat went up around my collar. “Sarah,” I shouted, “come back later. I’m busy now.”

Then I___________I might have hurt her feelings, so I called, “Sarah, could you come back inside a minute, please? Daddy would like to see your picture.”

She ran back happily. “Look, here is Mommy, here is me standing by Mommy, here is our dog, Katie, and here is Mike (her little brother).”

“I love your picture, Honey.” I told her. “I'll hang it on the wall so that I can see it whenever I come back home.”

She took me at my word and went outside to play. I went back to my books, but Sarah’s picture was making me _______– something was missing. I asked Sarah to come back.

“Honey…there are Mommy, Sarah, Mike and Katie in the picture. But…where is your daddy?” “You’re at the library,” she said. With that simple statement, my little princess stopped time for me. I felt I was hurt badly by her words, so I went to Barbara, my wife, for help.

“I know how much it___________you, Gary.” She said.

“Barb…I want to come home. Can I do it?”

20 seconds of___________followed. It seemed like I held my breath for an hour. “Gary,” Barb said___________, “you know, we love you very much. But you haven’t been here. I’ve felt like a single parent for years.”

The words looked cold in print, but she said them gently. It was just the___________. My life had been busy, my family was on their own, and I had a long road ahead of me if I wanted to_________ them back. And I had to. Now that the fog had lifted, it suddenly became the most important thing in my life.

1.A.draw B.award C.send D.show

2.A.considered B.realised C.imagined D.decided

3.A.uneasy B.ungrateful C.tired D.bored

4.A.wounded B.troubled C.taught D.offered

5.A.performance B.complaint C.silence D.challenge

6.A.cheerfully B.carefully C.quickly D.privately

7.A.truth B.value C.honour D.belief

8.A.lead B.keep C.win D.drive


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市毕业生学业考试模拟(一模)英语试卷 题型:完成句子

我感觉好像他们不是在和广大听众说话, 而是在亲自和我说话。

It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me_________ _________.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市燕山区中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

—________ do you study during the special time?

— At home.

A.When B.Where C.How D.Why

