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―Could you tell me about the local education?

―I think www. szjyw. com will be helpful.

A. hove can I find information B. what information I can get

C. where I can get the news D. who I can interview

C 【解析】句意:-你能告诉我我在哪里能得到关于当地教育的消息吗?-我想www.szjyw.com这个网站将会是有帮助的。how can I find information是疑问语序;what information I can get我能得到什么消息;where I can get the news我在哪里能得到消息;who I can interview我能采访谁。这个题目考查的是宾语...

科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018届九年级中考模拟英语试卷 题型:完型填空



In a history class, our teacher, Mrs. Bartlett asked us to make a poster (海报) in groups about the culture that we were studying. She told us to write the names of three friends we wanted in one group and she would think about our____

The next day, I was told to be in a group I would____want ---the boy who was too weak in English, and the two girls who wore strange clothes. Oh, how I wanted to be with my____!

With tears in my eyes, I walked up to Mrs. Bartlett. She____me and seemed to know what I was there for. I told her I should be in the “good” group. She gently (轻轻地)____a hand on my shoulder (肩膀). “I know what you want, Karma,” she said, “but your group needs you. I need you to help them. Only you can help them.” I was____and moved. Her words encouraged me.

“Will you help them?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied. Then I____walked over to my group. I sat down and we started. Each of us did a part according to our interests. Halfway through the week, I felt____enjoying our group. We did a good job together. My group members weren’t thought to be good just because no one cared enough about them____Mrs. Bartlett.

At last, our group got an A. But I think we should hand the A back to Mrs. Bartlett. She was the one who should truly____it. Mrs. Bartlett brought out the potential (潜能) in four of her students.

1.A. classes B. books C. choices D. clothes

2.A. often B. never C. always D. sometimes

3.A. boys B. girls C. friends D. teachers

4.A. laughed at B. looked at C. lived with D. agreed with

5.A. placed B. pushed C. washed D. pulled

6.A. useful B. surprised C. thirsty D. asleep

7.A. hardly B. deeply C. lazily D. bravely

8.A. myself B. herself C. yourself D. himself

9.A. around B. with C. for D. except

10.A. receive B. start C. give D. throw

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A 【解析】 试题本文叙述了在一次历史课上,老师让分组做一个关于文化的海报,作者已经选好了自己的组员,可是老师要他去另外一组,他开始不愿去,但是在老师的鼓励和信任下他去了那个组,最后作者所在的组取得了A,作者认为这应该归功于老师敏锐的眼光及发现人的潜能的能...


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省济南市2018届九年级中考冲刺倒计时英语试卷 题型:补全短文7选5

任务型阅读 七选五阅读 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A problem is only a problem until there is a solution(解决办法).We find solutions by thinking creatively.1. In other words, we think outside the box. Sometimes, thinking outside the box solves not just one, but two problems. Amsterdam is one of the most crowded cities in Europe. As a result, housing is very expensive,especially for students.

2. However,finding this type of apartments was almost impossible until recently. While the colleges in Amsterdam were trying to solve the housing problem,thousands of shipping contains(集装箱) were lying quietly in ports(港口) around the world. These huge steel containers carry products from one country to another. The life of each container is about 10 years3. Yet they can't recycle all of them because there are so many.

Back in Amsterdam,a company came up with amazing idea. Why not reuse these shipping containers as student apartments? 4.They are all the same size and fit together perfectly. The steel is strong. Moreover,these containers are so widely available that they are quite cheap to buy. For all these reasons,they can be used to build apartments quickly and cheaply. Building began in 2005,and after only a few weeks,hundreds of Amsterdam students had new homes.

When students first heard about this idea, they thought the container apartments would be small,noisy,and cold. 5. Each container apartment has a kitchen, a bedroom with a study area, and a bathroom. The apartments are warm and quiet. They even have a high?speed Internet connection. Living in a shipping container has become popular. Today, over 3,000 Amsterdam students live in the container village.

A.Students need low?cost apartments.

B.The containers are great for building apartments.

C.In fact, these apartments are not in good condition.

D.However, they were surprised when they saw them.

E.Steel companies recycle some of the old containers.

F.Recycling the steel containers has many advantages.

G.We use our imagination and come up with creative ideas.

1.G 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.D 【解析】文章大意:短文讲了解决旧集装箱问题的方法,一些被钢铁公司回收,一些被建成了学生公寓,现在有很多学生住在集装箱的公寓里。 1.由上文“We find solutions by thinking creatively.”以及下文“In other words, we think outside the box.”可知都...


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省济南市2018届九年级中考冲刺倒计时英语试卷 题型:单选题

—My father works in Taizhou. He spends much time driving home every day.

—Don’t worry about that. It’ll be ______ when the new expressway is built.

A. harder B. slower C. easier D. earlier

C 【解析】句意:——我爸爸在台州工作,他每天花很多时间开车回家。——不要担心,新高速公路建成后会更容易。本题考查形容词的比较级。A. harder更难;B. slower更慢;C. easier更容易;D. earlier更早。根据Don’t worry about that. It’ll be ______ when the new expressway is built.可以判断是当新...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018届九年级中考模拟试卷(七)英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

I remember the green coat in my fifth and sixth grades.

When I needed a new jacket, my mother asked what kind I wanted. I described something like bikers wear. She listened long. I thought she understood for sure the kind I wanted.

The next day when I got home from school, I discovered on my bed, a jacket which was not what I had expected. I went close to the jacket slowly, as if it were a stranger.

From the kitchen mother shouted that my jacket was in the wardrobe(衣柜). I rushed and pulled at the clothes in the wardrobe, hoping the jacket on the bed wasn't for me but my brother. No luck, I wanted to cry because it was so ugly and so big. But I knew I'd have to wear it a long time before I'd have a new one. I looked at the jacket, like an enemy, thinking bad things before I took off my old and small jacket.

I put the big jacket on. I stood in front of the mirror(镜子), turning right and left. I looked ugly. I threw it on my brother's bed and looked at it for a long time before I put it on and went out, smiling a "thank you" to my mom.

The next day I wore it to school. At the morning break, my best friend, Steve, looked at me for a long time. The girls turned away to whisper. The teachers looked my way and talked about how foolish I looked in my new jacket. When it was time for the whole school to get together on the playground, ______. Although they didn't say out loud, "Man, that's ugly!" I heard their talk and even laughter.

And so I went, in my jacket. So embarrassed(尴尬的), so hurt, I couldn't even do my lessons the rest of the day. I received Cs on tests.

I wore that thing for three years. All in those years no love came to me.

I blamed(指责)that jacket for those bad years. I blamed my mother for her bad taste and her cheap ways. It was a sad time for the heart. Anyway, I spent my sixth-grade year, looking forward to something good to happen to me.

And it was about that time I began to grow, still in that green ugly jacket, which had become my brother who went along wherever I went.

1.The sentence that shows the writer cared about his mothers feelings is " ".

A. I thought she understood for sure the kind I wanted

B. I blamed my mother for her bad taste and her cheap ways

C. I put it on and went out, smiling a "thank you" to my mom

D. From the kitchen mother shouted that my jacket was in the wardrobe

2.Which of the following sentences care be put in the ?

A. it began to rain B. everyone saw me

C. my mother came D. I got angry

3.The changes of the writers attitude(态度)to the jacket can be described as .

A. enemy→stranger→brother B. brother→stranger→enemy

C. stranger→brother→enemy D. stranger→enemy→brother

1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】这篇短文作者给我们讲述的是他的一件绿色的夹克衫,这件衣服并不是作者想要的那种类型,穿上很丑,作者非常不喜欢,但又不得不穿。随着年龄的增长,作者对那件夹克衫的感情也发生了变化。 1.推理判断题。根据文意I put the big jacket on. I stood in front of the mirror(镜子), turning rig...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018届九年级中考模拟试卷(七)英语试卷 题型:单选题

How terrible the wind ! I'm afraid the plane won't arrive on time.

A. is sounding B. is blowing C. blows D. sounds

D 【解析】句意:风听起来多可怕啊!恐怕飞机不能按时到达了。is sounding现在进行时;is blowing正在吹;blows吃;sounds听起来。根据句中的terrible是形容词可知,这里应填系动词,sound不能用于进行时态,故应选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018届九年级中考模拟试卷(七)英语试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)Many people this cultural TV program can get the public interested in ancient Chinese poems.

A. invent B. expect C. manage D. devote

B 【解析】 句意:很多人们都期望这个文化类的电视节目能让公众对中国古代的诗歌产生兴趣。invent发明;expect期望,期待;manage设法做到,管理;devote奉献。根据句意可知,get the public interested in ancient Chinese poems是人们对这个节目的期望,故应选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语期末复习units1-6 单元测试卷 题型:单选题

-Let’s watch TV. - .

A. OK, I will not . B. No, thanks . C. That sounds good. D. OK, I’d love to.

C 【解析】句意:-让我们看电视吧。 -听起来很棒。A.好的,我不会的。B.不,谢谢。C.听起来不错。D.好的,我很乐意。对方提出了一个好建议,表示赞同可以说“听起来不错”,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标八年级英语上册Units 9~10综合检测卷 题型:单选题

—Do you have ______ to say about the plan?

—No,I think it's OK.

A. something else B. anything else

C. else something D. else anything

B 【解析】句意:——关于这个计划,你还有其他要说的吗?——没有,我认为它很好。根据else修饰不定代词,放在不定代词的后面,排除C、D;根据something 通常用于肯定句,anything通常用于否定句和疑问句;故选B。

