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Miss Liu is an English teacher. She is very young. She works very well and the students all like her. There are twenty-six boys and twenty-four girls in her class. Now some of them are playing on the playground. Jim and Bill are jumping. Sam and Mike are running. Lucy and Simon are singing. The other girls are playing games with their teacher. They’re happy.
小题1:Miss Liu is______.
A.a Chinese teacherB.very old
C.an English teacherD.not good
小题2:There are _____ students in Miss Liu’s class.
小题3: The students are ______.
A.at workB.at home
C.all happyD.in the classroom
小题4: Who is singing?
A.Miss LiuB.Lucy and Simon
C.Sam and MikeD.Jim and Bill
小题5:All the students _________.
A.like Miss LiuB.are running
C.are playing gamesD.are jumping


小题1:根据Miss Liu is an English teacher可知,刘老师是一位英语老师。而根据She is very young. She works very well and the students all like her可知,BD是错误的。所以本题选C。
小题2:根据There are twenty-six boys and twenty-four girls in her class.可知,她的班里共有50人。所以本题选D。
小题3:根据They’re happy.可知,学生们都非常高兴,所以本题选C。
小题4:通过 Lucy and Simon are singing.可知,露丝和西蒙正在唱歌。所以本题选B。
小题5:通过the students all like her. 可知,所有的学生都喜欢刘老师。所以本题选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读表达 阅读短文, 按要求完成短文后的各项任务。
In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution(污染). They join “environment(环境) clubs ”. (1)In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean. Here are some things students often do.
No garbage(垃圾) lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags and the bags can be used again. If the classes make the least garbage, we will report them to the whole school!
No car day. On a no car day, nobody comes to school in a car-----not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember: Walk, jump, bike or run. Use your legs! It's lots of fun!
Turn off the water! Did you know that some toilets(厕所) can waste(浪费) 20 to 40 m3 of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs, students mend(修理) those broken toilets.
We love our environment. (2)Everyone should take _______ to make our environment ______. Let's work together.
   __      _       _
小题3:How many things can we do to protect the environment in the passage?
小题4:在文中找出与If it is a no car day, no one will drive a car to school.意思相近的句子。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you know why different animals or pests(害虫) have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be mainly used to ___1___ themselves.
Some birds like eating locusts(蝗虫), but birds cannot ___2___catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their__3___ with the change of the colors of crops. When crops are green, locusts look ___4___. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change into the same brown color __5___ crops have. Some other pests whose colors are ___6__ plants are easily found and eaten by ___7___. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only __8____.
If you ___9___ animals’ life, you’ll find the main use of colors is to protect __10___. Bears, lions and other animals ___11___ quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters ___12___ their colors are much like the trees.
Colors are useful not only on the land, but also in the __13___. A kind of fish can __14____ a kind of black liquid(液体) when they face danger. The liquid spreads over quickly, so they cannot be found by their enemies and can quickly swim away. That is ___15____ they can live safely though they are not strong at all. So colors are really useful to animals.
A.different fromB.same asC.similar toD.opposite with
A.otherB.othersC.the othersD.another
A.in the morningB.at noonC.at nightD.in the daytime
A.keep outB.come outC.look outD.give out


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much and not having enough exercise. Doctors tell us, "Eat less, don't smoke, and exercise more."
Running is good exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weight. One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week. She runs to lose weight. "I love to eat," she says.
Running is good for our health in other ways, too. Many runners say running makes colds and other small health problems go away. "Running is my doctor," says one man.
Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.
小题1:What bad habits do the health problem come from?
A.Eating too much.
B.Drinking too much.
C.Smoking cigarettes and not having enough exercise
D.All the above(以上所有)
小题2:What do doctors tell us to keep healthy?
A.Eat less,don't smoke and exercise more.
B.Eat more,drink more and sleep less.
C.Eat less,drink less and sleep less.
D.Smoke a lot and exercise more.
小题3:The underlined word means ______________ in Chinese.
小题4:The third paragraph shows____________.
A.running helps people to relax
B.people who like running have many healthy problems
C.running helps build a strong heart.
D.people who like running have fewer healthy problems
小题5:The writer mainly tell us ________
A.how to run
B.running is a good way to keep healthy
C.how to lose weight
D.running is better than doctors


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

NOT all memories are sweet. Some people -- all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical and emotional scars (伤痕).
Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget bad memories. The pill is designed to be taken immediately after a frightening experience. They hope it might reduce, or possibly erase, the effect of painful memories.
In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. The drug stops the body producing chemicals that fix memories in the brain (大脑). So far the research has suggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not that the memories are erased.
The research has caused a great deal of discussion. Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it.
Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers' troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories.
"Some memories can destroy people's lives. They come back to you when you don't want to have them in a daydream or nightmare (噩梦). They usually come with very painful emotions," said Roger Pitman, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "This could relieve a lot of that suffering."
But those who are against the research say that changing memories is very dangerous because memories give us our identity (特质). They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past.
"All of us can think of bad events in our lives that were horrible at the time but make us who we are. I'm not sure we want to wipe those memories out, "said Rebecca Dresser, a medical ethicist.
小题1:The passage is mainly about          
A.a new medical invention
B.a new research on the pill
C.a way of erasing painful memories
D.a discussion about the research on the pill
小题2:The drug tested on people can           
A.cause the brain to fix memories
B.stop people remembering bad experiences
C.prevent body producing certain chemicals
D.erase the emotional effects of memories
小题3:We can infer from the passage that            
A.people doubt the effects of the pills
B.the pill will stop people's bad experiences
C.taking the pill will do harm to people's health
D.the pill has probably been produced in America
小题4:Which of the following does Rebecca Dresser agree with?
A.Some memories can destroy people's lives.
B.People want to remove bad memories.
C.Experiencing bad events makes us different from others.
D.The pill will reduce people's sufferings from bad memories.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

According to a new Ministry of Education survey, students’ safety has become a big problem. Nearly 50 percent of students say they are worried about robbery(抢劫) on the way to and from school. Now in many big cities in China, some schools have taught an unusual lesson: self-protection(自我保护) . Students like this lesson as there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.
Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No.25 Middle School and a self-protection expert(专家),gives young students advice on how to deal with danger.
If you are robbed(抢劫), keep calm. If you can’t cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police.
If you are in a traffic accident and a car hurts you, you should take down the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to contact  your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don’t know how seriously you are hurt.
If it is raining hard and there is lightning(闪电), don’t stay in high places and keep away from trees.
When there is a fire, get away as fast as you can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit(出口). Do not take the lift!
If someone is drowning(溺水) but you can’t swim, don’t get into the water. Cry out for help.
Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!
小题1:Why do students like the self-protection lesson?
A.Because there is advice on exams.
B.Because they can learn how to protect themselves.
C.Because they like self-protection experts.
D.Because they are free to do anything during the lesson.
小题2:The underlined word “contact” means_______.
A.end upB.think ofC.search forD.get in touch with
小题3:If your house is on fire, you must_______.
A.put dry things on your body
B.run quickly and take the lift
C.run away and find an exit as quickly as you can
D.take everything you have and then run away
小题4:If you see a child fall into the river but you can’t swim, you_______.
A.should cry out for helpB.can jump into the river and save him
C.can do nothingD.should telephone the doctor


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空 (10分)
These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy streets have ___1___ into computer game houses in order to get more ___2___. These places are always crowded with teenagers.In the computer game houses,  teenagers ___3___ a lot of money on the games.
It’s ___4___ for one to beat(打赢) a computer, but one can get ahead(重新) after trying again and again. People want to win when they play computer games. The ___5___ they pay , the more they want to win, and at last they even can’t live without  it.
The results (结果) for school boys are ___6___. They couldn’t set(放在) their mind on their lessons. When school is over, they rush to the computer game houses near their schools. Some of them can get enough money from their parents. Some of them are not ___7___ to get the money. So they steal(偷) others’ ___8_ and become bad.
Computer game addiction (上瘾) is a __9___ problem in our life. Something has  to be done to stop it. ID card is good for _10___it.
A.gotB.became C.changedD.gone
A.even worseB.changedC.betterD.well
A.happy enoughB.enough lucky
C.enough happyD.lucky enough
A.bikeB. moneyC. computerD.watch
A.to stopB.stopingC.stoppingD.stop


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is easy for us to tell who our family members are, but do plants recognize(识别) their own family? Some do, scientists say, according to a report by Science News in early 2010.
Guillermo P. Murphy and Susan Dudley are two plant scientists from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. They did a few experiments with Jewelweeds, a kind of flower that grows in wet, shady spots. They found that the flowers seem to know their own flower family. In their experiments, Murphy and Dudley planted jewelweeds in pots with either siblings or strangers.
When jewelweeds were planted in pots with strangers, the plants started to grow more leaves than if they had been planted alone. This response(反应)suggests that plants are competing with strangers for sunlight, since a plant with more leaves can receive more light and make more food. Jewelweeds usually grow in the shade, where sunlight is not enough.
When jewelweed seedlings(幼苗)were planted with siblings, they grew a few more branches than they usually would if they were alone – but they did not start growing lots of extra leaves. This behavior suggests the plants are more likely to share resources, rather than compete.
According to the Science News report, Jewelweeds are not the first plants that plant scientists have studied for family recognition. In 2007, Dudley and her team studied the Great Lakes sea rocket, a plant that grows on the beach – where it may be hard to get fresh water. In that experiment, the scientists found that when sea rockets were planted with siblings, they tolerated each other. But when they were planted with strangers, the sea rockets reacted by working extra hard to grow lots of roots.
Dudley says this just because sea rockets, on the beach, get plenty of sun but struggle for water – so when they’re threatened, they compete for water. Jewelweeds have plenty of water but have to compete for sunshine, so they grow more leaves.
小题1: What does the underlined word siblings mean?
A.Flowers come from foreign countries.
B.Plants growing in different environments.
C.Flowers planted with lots of strangers.
D.Plants that are the same kind.
小题2: In the text, the writer mentioned the experiments of Jewelweeds to         .
A.make a comparisonB.introduce a topic
C.describe a pretty flowerD.build a new theory
小题3: According to the passage, flowers planted alone will         .
A.grow more leaves than those planted in groups
B.become taller than those with more branches
C.grow fewer leaves than those planted with strangers
D.become ill easily because they can’t get enough shade
小题4: What can be the best title for the passage?
A.New Discoveries about Plants
B.How Plants Compete with Each Other
C.Family Recognition among Plants
D.Jewelweeds and the Great Lakes Sea Rockets


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The tall man was sitting in the chair. He was reading a book. When I talked to him, I found that from boyhood (少年时代), he had the habit (习惯) of carrying a little book in his pocket. He often read every minute when he was not doing anything else. He found a book very useful during the time of waiting, such as waiting for meals, buses, doctors, telephone calls, plays to begin or something to happen.
That was how he found his fifteen minutes a day for reading.
That was how he read his twenty books a year --one thousand in his lifetime.
小题1:The habit of carrying a book was the habit of ________.
A.the writerB.the man
C.the pocketD.the boyhood
小题2:When the man was waiting for the doctor, he _______.
A.talk with others
B.found something to eat
C.read a book
D.wanted to know who the doctor was
小题3:Sometimes the man read in the theatre, because ________.
A.the play was not interesting
B.the play didn't begin
C.the play was over
D.the man didn't like the play

