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(   ) 26. The old man is ill and  he doesn’t feel like        .

A. to eat something     B. to eat anything  C. eating anything     D. eating something


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 25. Milk  quickly  turned  sour,          it  was  in  a  fridge.

A. until     B. since  C. unless     D. though


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:




提示词语:Chinese,be,useful,many foreigners,learn,now,difficult,different from,it is important.  listen,talk,read,write

Dear David,

I’m glad you’ll come to Beijing to learn Chinese.      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  The first robots were invented in the 1920s. Robots have appeared in many American films. In some films,they are stronger,faster and cleverer than people.

In real life,robots are mainly used in factories. They do some dangerous and difficult jobs for humans.

Robots also help disabled people,for example,blind people. Today many blind people have a guide (向导)dog to help them. In the future,guide dogs might be robot dogs.

One kind of robot guide dog has wheels. It moves in front of the owner. It is very clever. It knows the speed of its owner’s walk. The owner wears a special belt (带子).This belt sends instructions to the dog from the owner,such as “Stop here”,“Turn left” or “Turn right”.

In the United States,another kind of robot helps disabled people to take care of themselves in their daily life. The robot hears the sound of its owner’s voice. It follows instructions such as “Turn to the page” or “Make a cup of coffee”.

Robots are also used in American hospitals. They can do simple jobs. At one hospital,for example,a robot takes meals from the kitchen to patients’ rooms. It never gets lost because this robot has a map of the hospital in its computer’s memory.

Though robots can help people in many different ways,they will never take the place of humans.


(   ) 46. From the passage,what cannot robots be?

 A.Dangerous animals  B.Factory workers

 C. Guide dogs.  D. Hospital helpers.

(   ) 47. How does a robot guide dog help the blind people?

A. It goes in front of the blind people.  B. It walks side by side     with  the  blind people.

C. It has a map in its head.  D. It helps patients with     their  meals.

(   ) 48. What does the underlined word disabled mean?

A.不能的  B.有害的  C.失灵的  D.残疾的

(   ) 49. What do some disabled people do with robots’ help?

A. Take care of themselves.  B. Talk to other people.

C. Become scientists.  D. Do dangerous jobs.

(   ) 50. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?

A. Robots are stronger and cleverer than humans.

B. Disabled people cannot look after themselves without the robots.

C. Robots will take the place of humans some day in the future.

D. Robots can help humans in many different ways.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 21. —Is John at home?

—No,he          Ya’an to be a volunteer.

A. has gone to     B. has been to  C. have gone to     D. have been to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 31. —Lin  Tao,could you        me  this book,please?

—Sorry,but I        it for only half an hour. I haven’t finished it.

A. borrow ; have had  B. borrow ; have bought

C. lend; have had  D. lend; have bought


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  “Who needs a shopping mall(购物中心)if you have Taobao?” says Wang Lin,28, a writer in Beijing.

Taobao,China’s largest online shopping site(购物网站),has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.

A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop on line than men. Clothing and home - use products are the most popular online.

It was  reported that more than 250 billion yuan  was  spent on online shopping last year,80% through  Taobao.

Taobao means “Looking for treasure(财宝)” in  Chinese.  People can find almost everything they  need  on Taobao,

from clothes to books,from candies to DVD players.

You may question the security of online shopping,Wang Lin said, “ It’s very safe and convenient (便利的). Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them,the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the products. ”


(   ) 51. What are the most popular online?

A. Candies and DVD players.  B. Clothes and books.

C. Clothing and home-use products.  D. Mobile phones and digital cameras.

(   ) 52. What  is Taobao?

A. It is a shopping mall.  B. It is an online shopper.

C. It is an online shopping site.  D. It is a clothing shop.

(   ) 53. Most online shoppers are        .

A. young     B. old  C. adults     D. children

(   ) 54. What  does the underlined word security mean?

A.质量  B.安全  C.信誉  D.快递

(   ) 55. Which  is the best title of the passage?

A. Wang Lin’s Life  B. Online Shopping in China

C. Shopping Online Is Not Safe     D. How to Shop Online


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 32. —There goes the bell.

—It’s time for class. Let’s stop        .

A. talk     B. to talk  C. talking     D. not talk


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 27. 一What time are you planning to        for  Shanghai  tomorrow?

—Oh,at 8 :30 a. m.

A. see off     B. set off  C. get off     D. turn off

