精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing to you about the terrible service(服务)from your company.On March 14th I ordered the latest S.H.E CDs on  1  website,which my father kindly paid  2  me with his credit card(信用卡). 3  in your advertisements you promised that l could get them the next day.I did not receive  4  from you until a week later.When your CDs  5  , they were not the CDs I ordered.

    I sent  6  e-mails to your Customer Service,but my messages were all returned.I think there is maybe a mistake in the address you give to the customers! I  7  tried to call your helpline,but the line was always busy or no one   8  

    This is the first time I have  9  on your website, but I am not pleased with the service you have offered.Please send me the correct  10  as soon as possible or give my money back instead.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


                                                             Jack Brown

1.A.his          B.your             C.my              D.her

2.A.to           B.for               C.from               D.about

3.A.If            B.When             C.Although         D.Because

4.A.anything  B.something        C.nothing           D.some things

5.A.got          B.went             C.returned          D.came

6.A.few         B.little              C.several            D.much

7.A.also         B.too               C.either              D.as well

8.A.answer    B.answered       C.answering       D.answers

9.A.take        B.taken              C.shopped          D.shop

10.A.cards    B.DVDs            C.books             D.CDs

1—5 BBCAD  6—10 CABCD


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



Jack:Hello,Ann.I want to have a party next week.   1     ?

Ann:That's great! I'd love to.What’s it for?

Jack:It's my birthday on Wednesday July 2.I'm going to be seventeen.

Ann:Oh dear! I'm afraid    2  ,I don't have time on Wednesday.

Jack:  3  .My birthday is on Wednesday,but the party is on Saturday.

Ann:Oh,that's OK.  4  

Jack:At 9:00.

Ann:Right,that should be no problem.

Jack:It's going to be at the Friendship Hotel,near the museum.

Ann:OK.  5    .I have a map.

Jack:Wonderful.See you then.

Ann:See you.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

He is the only student________ plays table tennis better than Jim.

A.why       B.where            C.who                D.which


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

一_______is it?

一It’s yellow.

A.How long     B.How much        C.What time          D.What color


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

一Could you tell me ____it is from here to the science museum?

—It’s about half an hour’s walk.

A.how far          B.how long         C.how soon


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Eat what you like

Do you usually want to avoid eating any spicy (辛辣的)food? Do you always regret drinking too much fizzy(起泡的)drinks? Well, now it is time for you to hold a chance to change the things.You had better try taking our Gasgo and begin to feel the difference!

24 hours to success

Do you regret not working harder at school? Do you want to improve your language? With Polyglot's system(系统),you can learn to speak any language in 24 hours! Try following our system and see how different it is from the rest.Why not make an early start in a class today?

You're never too old to surf(冲浪)

Do you want to surf the Internet but think you’re too old to start learning new skills? If so,why not take a course at CompuWiz? We promise to make you master a computer whatever your age.Don't forget to call us before July 1st at 28190818, and receive a 50% lower price on lessons.

1.With Webshop,you                   

A.often forget to buy what you need                B.have to stand to pay for the things

C.can buy everything you need easily               D.can't go back to buy what you forget

2.If you don't like to eat something spicy or drink something fizzy,you may try        to see how different it is.

A.Polyglot                 B.Gasgo                   C.Webshop                      D.CompuWiz

3.Try to          and you will learn any language in a very short time.

A.click on the Webshop                                  B.take the Gasgo

C.follow Polyglot's system                              D.call at 28190818

4.You can save 50% of your money if you          before July 1st.

A.do shopping with Webshop                          B.hold a chance to try Gasgo

C.start early with Polyglot's system                 D.learn surfing the Internet at CompuWiz

5.According to the passage,one can         

A.take a surfing course at Webshop in a class

B.possibly learn to speak English in 24 hours

C.try taking Gasgo food or drinks when he is old

D.do shopping online without paying for his things


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

There           a lot of rain in this area in August every year.

A.is                        B.was                     C.are                         D.were


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Richard:Hello,Diana !  1 

Diana:Hello,Richard! I haven’t seen you since last month.

Richard:That’s right.  2  

Diana:Fine,thanks.And you?

Richard:I’m OK.

Diana:They’re all quite well, thank you.

Richard:Yes,I went there just a week ago.

Diana:  5 

Richard:Oh,she never enjoys a joke.It’s hard even to get a smile out of her.

A.By the way、how are your parents?

B.Then what do you think of your new deskmate?

C.When did you go there'?                     

D.I’m so glad to see you.

E.Is it true that you are in a new school?

F.How do you like your new school?

G.How are you?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One night a hotel caught fire,and all the people in the hotel ran out in their    1   clothes.But two men stood outside looking at the fire.“  2   I came out,”said one.“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of    3  .People don’t think of money when they are __.When anyone leaves paper money in a fire, the fire   5   it.So I took all the money I could find.  6   will become poorer because I took them.” “You don’t know me,”said the other, and you   7   my work.” “What’s your work?” “I’m a policeman.” “Oh!”  8   the first man.He thought quickly and said,“And do you know my   9  ? I’m a writer.I’m always telling stories about the things that   10   happened.”

1.A.morning                   B.working                C.night                      D.school

2.A.Before                     B.After                   C.When                    D.As

3.A.dead men               B.books                     C.children                 D.money

4.A.excited                    B.happy                  C.relaxed                   D.afraid

5.A.keeps                      B.burns                   C.makes                    D.forgets

6.A.Someone              B.Anyone                 C.No one                  D.Everyone

7.A.know                    B.don't know            C.knew                     D.doesn't know

8.A.cried                       B.laughed                C.shouted                  D.spoke

9.A.name                      B.work                   C.story                     D.idea

10.A.usually                   B.ever                     C.never                     D.often

