精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A: Morning! Are you the f   1    to get to school?
B: Yes. I'm always the first b   2    I get up very e   3   .
A: What time do you u   4    get up?
B: At a   5    six thirty.
A: So early! But every morning I want to sleep a little l   6   . By the way, what time do you go to bed at
B: At nine thirty.
A: Oh! I go to bed at eleven o'clock.
B: Please d   7    go to bed so late.
A: You are r   8   . It's bad for our h   9   .
B: Look! I make a study schedule.
A: May I have a book?
B: Sure. H   10    you are.
1. first  2. because  3. early  4. usually  5. around / about  6. late  7. don't  8. right  9. health  10. Here

科目:初中英语 来源:2006-2007学年度第一学期南通市七校联合调研考试、九年级英语试卷 题型:022


Millie:Do you think Peter would be a good chairperson?

Kitty:Well, he likes to dream.I don’t think he would be able to(1)o ________ things well.

Millie:I agree with you, then what(2)a ________ David.He is clever.

Kitty:He is also helpful.He is imaginative enough to come up with new(3)I ________, but he is strange, he can’t(4)f ________ others for their faults.

Millie:Who(5)e ________ would be suitable?

Kitty:I think Suzy is the best choice……


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:030

(补全对话) 词汇运用: 阅读下面对话, 请根据首字母提示正确拼写单词, 使对话意思完整. A: Hi, Mona! I'm going to have a brithday p_. I want to have it on Saturday e_. Can you come B: Oh. I'm going to v_ my grandfather on Saturday. A: What about S_ B: I have to l_ French. A: Oh no. When are you f_ then B: Well, Friday is fine. A: Friday That's tomorrow! OK. We can have it then. Can you ask Ali to j_ us B: Sure. When and where shall we m_ A: Near our school gate at half p_ four. B: Great! S_ you then!A: Bye!


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Morning! Are you the f_____ (1) to get to school?
B: Yes. I'm always the first b_____ (2) I get up very e_____ (3).
A: What time do you u_____ (4) get up?
B: At a_____ (5) six thirty.
A: So early! But every morning I want to sleep a little l_____ (6). By the way, what time do you go to
bed at night?
B: At nine thirty.
A: Oh! I go to bed at eleven o'clock.
B: Please d_____ (7) go to bed so late.
A: You are r_____ (8). It's bad for our h_____ (9).
B: Look! I make a study schedule.
A: May I have a book?
B: Sure. H_____ (10) you are.
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Morning! Are you the f_______ (1) to get to school?
B: Yes. I’m always the first b_______ (2) I get up very e______ (3).
A: What time do you u_______ (4) get up?
B: At a______ (5) six thirty.
A: So early! But every morning I want to sleep a little l______ (6). By the way, what time do you go to
bed at night?
B: At nine thirty.
A: Oh! I go to bed at eleven o’clock.
B: Please d______ (7) go to bed so late.
A: You are r_______ (8). It’s bad for our h_______ (9).
B: Look! I make a study schedule.
A: May I have a book?
B: Sure. H______ (10) you are.

