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 At s 1     ,I like English,history and music. I don’t 1 2      math. It’s difficult. I like basketball and soccer. I d 3      like volleyball. It’s not interesting. I don’t like tennis but I like table t 4      . A 5      home,I like watching TV and p 6      computer g 7      . I don’t like doing housework(家务活) . I like hamburgers,fruit and chicken for m 8      breakfast. I like rice,vegetables and fish for 1 9      .1 like noodles and chicken for s 10      .

1.          2.          3.      4.       5.         

6.          7.          8.      9.       10.         

1. school 2. like  3. don’t 4. tennis 5. At 6. playing 7. games 8. my

9. lunch  10. supper

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级上册 > 能力训练12


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Sam,Jim,Lily and Lucy are good friends. They all like sports. Sam and Lily like ball sports. They like football,basketball,volleyball,tennis and table tennis. Jim and Lucy like ice and snow sports. They like ice skating and skiing. They like roller skating,too. Sam likes running and jumping,too. Lily likes riding a bike. Jim likes swimming best and Lucy likes flying the kites. They all like playing cards,too. And only Lily and Jim like chess.





ice and snow sports

running and jumping

riding a bike














1) The students all like s     .

2) Lily likes r         a bike.

3) Playing c      are their favorite sports.

4) Jim likes s      best.

5) Jim and Lucy like playing with i and s      .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Dick was seven years old,and his sister,Mary,was five. One day their mother took them to their aunt’s house to play,and then she went to town to buy something.

The children played for an hour,and then at half past four their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nice cake and a knife and said to him, “Now,here is a knife. Dick,cut this cake into two pieces and give one to your sister,but you remember to do it like a gentleman (绅士) .”

“Like a gentleman?”Dick asked. “How do gentlemen do it?”

“They always give the bigger piece to the other, ”answered his aunt at once.

“Oh,I see,” said Dick. He thought for a moment and then took the cake to his sister and said to her,“Cut this cake in halves,Mary. ”

(   ) 1. Their mother took them to their aunt’s home        .

A. because they all often went there    B. and then she went to work

    C. and she bought something for them    D. and then she left

(   ) 2. Who looked after the children?

A. Themselves.    B. Their aunt.    C. Their uncle.    D. Their mother.

(   ) 3. How many cakes were there for the children?

A. Only one.    B. Only a half cake.    C. Two.    D. One and a half.

(   ) 4. A gentleman always thinks about        first.

A. others    B. himself    C. nobody    D. his sister

(   ) 5. Dick        .

A. gave a bigger     piece to his sister    B. did it like a gentleman

    C. let his sister cut the cake    D. didn’t do it like a gentleman


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It is the middle of the day. Mother and Tom are sitting at the table. They are having their lunch. There is some rice,bread and meat on the table. “I don’t like any rice. I don’t want to eat it, ”says Tom. Mother says, “All right,don’t eat it. ”

After lunch mother and Tom work in the fields. In the evening mother gives a bowl of rice to Tom. “Oh,it is great!” says Tom.

“It’s the same rice, ”says mother.

“Is that so?” asks Tom.

(   ) 1. It is        and  Tom  doesn’t  want  to  eat  rice.

    A. in     the  morning    B. at noon

    C. in     the  afternoon    D. in the evening

(   ) 2. Tom and his mother are sitting        the  table.

    A. in    B. on

    C. at    D. under

(   ) 3. There is some        on  the table.

    A. bread    B. meat

    C. rice    D. all of the above

(   ) 4. After lunch,Tom and his mother work        .

    A. in     the  factory    B. at school

    C. in     the  fields    D. on a farm

(   ) 5. Does Tom like any rice at last?

    A. Yes,he  does.    B. No,he doesn’t.

    C. Yes,he  is.    D. No,he isn’t.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

We do shopping(购物) on Sundays. I go to the supermarket(超级市场) with my mother on one Sunday morning in a car. Father likes fruitsvery much. We buy some red apples for him. Mother likes yellow bananas,but they’re green. “Look!The strawberries are very nice,mum. Do you like them?” I ask Mother. “Yes,I like strawberries very much. ”Mother buys some for herself. The oranges are also very nice. Mother buys some for me. I like oranges very much.

We need some vegetables. The vegetables in the supermarket are very good. We buy some tomatoes,carrots and broccoli. I don’t like broccoli,but my parents like it. I like carrots very much. We buy lots of carrots.

After shopping,Mother and I have some French fries,milk and ice cream. And then we go back home with the fruits and vegetables.

(   ) 1. Who likes apples very much?

A. Mother.    B. Father.    C. I.    D. We don’t know.

(   ) 2. Mother doesn’t buy bananas because         .

A. there are not any bananas    B. the  bananas are green

    C. she doesn’t like bananas    D. I don’t like bananas

(   ) 3. Mother buys some oranges for         .

A. herself    B. Father    C. us    D. me

(   ) 4. My parents like         ,  but I don’t.

A. tomatoes    B. strawberries    C. carrots    D. broccoli

(   ) 5. After we buy fruits and vegetables,         .

A. we go back home    B. we  eat some apples and  tomatoes

C. we have some food    D. we  have some hamburgers


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Tom 1      some new colour pencils in his pencil-box. What colours are they? Let’s have 2       . They are red,black,blue,white,purple,orange 3       green. Tom likes 4       very much. He draws (画)  5       with them. Now he is drawing a house. The door is green. -The walls 6       white. The windows are big. It’s very nice. There are many flowers 7       the house. There is 8       black and white sheep behind the house. It is eating grass(在吃草) . Are there 9      other(别的) animals in the picture? Yes,there are.

We all like the picture. We want to put it 10       the wall of our classroom.

(   ) 1. A.  have    B. has    C. there is    D. there are

(   ) 2. A.  look    B. a look    C. looking    D. an look

(   ) 3. A.  but    B. or    C. and    D. light

(   ) 4. A.  it    B. the    C. they    D. them

(   ) 5. A.  pictures    B. picture    C. a picture    D. the pictures

(   ) 6. A.  is    B. am    C. are    D. be

(   ) 7. A.  under    B. near    C. on    D. to

(   ) 8. A.  the    B. an    C. a    D. some

(   ) 9. A.  one    B. only    C. some    D. any

(   ) 10. A. on    B. in    C. at    D. under


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 在我家里,有我爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、弟弟和我。我爸爸的生日是1972.4.28,我妈妈的生日是 1975.10.21。我弟弟今年6岁,他出生于20(M.4.6,我出生于1998. 10.6。我不知道我爷爷和奶奶的生日。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I have a messy room. My backpack is under my bed. My notebooks and dictionary are on the bed. My table’s a mess too. There’s a TV on the table,and my keys are on top of it. There are a lot of books and paper on the table. I like sports. I have a basketball and a football. They’re just under the table. My baseball bat is in my cupboard. I have food in my room. There’s a banana and a salad on the table. The banana is on the paper. My mother isn’t happy!


1. This room is u        .

2. There is a dictionary and some n      on the bed.

3. He has m      books and some paper on the table.

4. He likes playing b      .

5. His mother is u      .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 请画出你的家谱,并以“My Family”为题介绍你的家庭成员,不少于50个词。

My Family Tree

My Family

Please come and meet my family.

