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 Last week our school played a basketball game 1       a team from a country school. They didn't come until the game started. They looked worse (比较差) than we had thought. They wore dirty (脏的) blue jeans and looked like farm boys. We even thought that they had never seen a 2       before.

  We all sat down. We thought that we didn't need any practice against a team like that. It was too late,and they had no 3        to warm up (热身) .The game began. One of our boys 4        the ball and he shot (投掷) a long pass to our forward (前锋) .From out of nowhere (不知从什么地方) a boy in a dirty T-shirt 5       the pass and with a beautiful form he shot and got two points. They were 6        Then they got more scores. They played better and better.

  At last,the game was 7       . The country team 8        the game !

We were too surprised (惊讶的) .But we were happy for them. They made us learn an important 9       : one can't 10       a man,or a team,by the clothes.

(   ) 1. A. with   B. against

   C. fight   D. win

(   ) 2. A. basketball   B. football

   C. game   D. team

(   ) 3. A. basket   B. space

   C. ball   D. time

(   ) 4. A. got   B. played

   C. missed   D. carried

(   ) 5. A. caught   B. changed

   C. started   D. stopped

(   ) 6. A. excited   B. sorry

   C. exciting   D. pity

(   ) 7. A. end   B. over   C. begin   D. finish

(   ) 8. A. won   B. saved   C. got   D. joined

(   ) 9. A. subject   B. class   C. lesson   D. game

(   ) 10. A. say   B. tell   C. talk   D. speak

1. B 固定短语play against意为"和……比赛"。

2. A由上文可知是一场篮球比赛。故选A.


4. A本句意为:我们的一个队员得到球并且传给前锋。得到球应为"get the ball"。

5. D stop the pass意为"(把球) 断掉",即对方阻挡了我方的进攻。

6. A

7. B be over意为"结束"。

8. A "赢得比赛",即win the game。

9. C learn a lesson意为"得到一个教训"。

10. B结合下文可知,这个教训是:不能以貌取人。

题目来源:2015仁爱英语同步练测考八年级英语上册 > Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



  Playing sports is a good way to have fun,and it can help people to keep 1        Kids have a lot of choices (选择) about which sports to do and whether (是否) to compete (竞赛) in sports or just play them for fun. One kid may be 2        to play basketball in the park,while another kid may 3        being on a basketball team so that (以便) he can play 4        other teams.

  Games can make sports 5      exciting (令人兴奋的) .Because somebody wins or somebody loses,and games 6        can make kids feel happy or nervous (焦虑) .

  In sports,almost everyone wants to play 7        Sometimes even the best player will get nervous 8       a big game.

  Feeling (感觉) a little excited or nervous is OK. This helps your body and 9        get ready to compete. But if you get too nervous,you may not have much fun. You must learn to 10        and enjoy yourself in the games.

1.       2.        3.        4.         5.         

6.       7.        8.        9.         10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. I hate travelling by air        you usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes off.(2013 •上海) 

    A. because   B. though

   C. until   D. unless


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. Will you take part in the        long jump tomorrow afternoon? .

   A. girl   B. girl's

   C. girls'   D. girls


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. —Mr. Brown,         I help you to clean the blackboard?               ―Yes,please.

   A. do   B. must

   C. will   D. shall


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. ―How about going for a drive,mike?

     ―One moment,please!I        cleaning our room soon.(2013 •青海)

   A. will finish   B. have finished

   C. finish


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. A. Not at all.

   B. Yes,please.

   C. Of course,I do.

(   ) 2. A. I hope so.

   B. Yes,I am.

   C. Yes,I'm glad to.

(   ) 3. A. Yes,please.

   B. I hope not.

   C. I'm glad to.

(   ) 4. A. It's nothing.

   B. I hope not.

   C. I'm glad to.

(   ) 5. A. Sure.

   B. That's OK.

   C. Sorry,I won't.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. Don't worry (担心) .We can help you with your lessons         .

   A. in turn   B. on turn   C. in the turn   D. for turn


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Thank you for helping me.(改为同义句) 

Thank you         .

