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(句子练习)I'll have ________ ________(另一个机会) one day.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 越容易记住越好。
    ________________, the better.
2. 你学习越努力就会越喜欢学习。
    _________ you study, _________ you'll like studying.
3. 手机正变得越来越复杂。
    Cell phones are becoming ________________________.
4. 保持健康越来越重要了。
    It's _____________________ to keep fit.
5. 我花在学习上的时间越来越多了。
    I'm spending _________________ studying.
6. 越来越多的人喜欢坐地铁上班。
    ___________________ people like to go to work by subway.
7. 我们的故事越来越有趣了。
    Our story is becoming                                  .
8. 问题越早发现越好。
    ___________________, the better.
9. 练习英语越多你就能学得越好。
    The more you practice English,                                   .
10. 天气越冷我越想吃冰淇淋。
     _________ the weather is,                  I want to eat ice-cream.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 我错拿了他的伞。
    I took his ______ ______ ______.
2. 我们在上个月底举办了一次运动会。
    We had a sports meeting ______ ______ ______ ______ last month.
3. 为了练习发音,朗读怎么样?
    What about ______ ______ to practice pronunciation?
4. 不久,我认识到学习英语的重要性。
    Later on, I ______ the ______ of studying English.
5. 如果你不知道怎样读新单词,可以查字典。
   If you don't know how to read the new word, you can ______ ______ ______ in a dictionary.
6. 那只狗被看作是汤姆最好的朋友。
    The dog is _____ ______ Tom's best friend.
7. 你知道怎样处理这些难题吗?
    Do you know how to ______ ______ these difficult problems?
8. 通过跟别人比较, 你会发现问题不是那么糟糕。
    By ______ yourself ______ other people, you'll find your problems are not so serious.


科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:翻译题

1. 她说话的声音很大,我在这边都听到了。 
    She spoke            loudly            I heard her even from here.
2. 越来越多的人口使得地球上的资源越来越少。 
               and            people            the resources            and           .
3. 你能看出天空中有什么异常的东西吗? 
    Can you see                          in the sky?
4. 我们是好朋友,多年来我们彼此保持联系。
   We are good friends, we have                                                   each other for many years.
5. 人们逐渐意识到污染的危害,他们已经采取措施来保护环境了。
    People come to realize the danger of pollution, and they have                                              the environment.
6. 你练习得越多,犯的错误就越少。 
                             you practice,                          mistakes you'll make.
7. 格林先生在国内外有许多朋友。
    Mr. Green has many friends at                                   .
8. 我的叔叔离开家乡已有好几年了。
    My uncle                                                    his hometown for quite a few years.
9. 老师告诉我们噪音对我们的耳朵伤害很大。
    The teacher told us that noise             very                        our ears.
10. 期中考试快要到了,同学们正在为它做准备。
    The mid-exam is coming, and the students are                                    it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.At least l00,000 cars will be         (生产)this year。

2.I don't know the         (不同点)between these two words.Can you help me?

3.There are many beautiful sights in Tengzhou,       (包括)the Longquan Tower and the Lianqing Mountain.

4.She enjoys speaking in class because his       (发音)is very good.

5.Keep       (练习)English every day,then you'll learn it well.

6.If you often take exercise,you'll be much       (健康)than before.

7.It's a        (特殊的)trip.I'll never forget it in my life.

8.Don’t be so       (失望).If you work hard,you are sure to pass exam next time.

9.       (无论什么)you do,don't miss the exhibition.It's really interesting. 

10.Boys and girls,please pay     (注意)to your handwriting.Write clearly and correctly.

