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We all believe that things will get better because so many people _______ the

children in poor areas.

A. care about B. hear of

C. wonder about D. think of

A 【解析】句意:我们相信那些事情会变得更好,因为有许多人关心贫困地区的孩子们。A. care about 关心; B. hear of听说;C. wonder about 对某事好奇; D. think of想到;根据句意故选A

科目:初中英语 来源:八年级下册英语Unit 5 Buying and Selling单元达标测试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

A person who is __________ does not tell lies or cheat people.

A. careless B. stupid C. honest D. humorous

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:一个诚实的人不会撒谎或者欺骗人。A.careless粗心的;B.stupid 愚蠢的;C.honest诚实的;D.humorous幽默的。who is __________做先行词person的定语从句,根据句意他不说谎,不骗人,可知是诚实的。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit 4 Do it yourself单元测试卷 题型:单选题

How long do you ________ on your homework every day?

A. take B. spend C pay D. cost

B 【解析】句意:你每天花费多长时间做作业?take花费,常用于句型It takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth.花费某人一段时间做某事;spend花费,常用于spend+时间或金钱+on sth.或in doing sth.,某人花费时间做某事;pay付钱,常用于短语pay…for…;cost花费,主语为物。根据他们的用法以及句中的on可知应选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省德州市2017-2018学年度第一学期期末测试九年级英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Material One

If your child often gets bad grades, you must feel sad. As a middle school teacher,I feel sad, too. However, I'd like to say that bad grades are not the end of the world.

Recently, researchers from the University of Bristol (in England) and the University of Chicago(in the USA)did a survey. Over 10,000 people took part in the research. The study shows that promising children money, iPads or cell phones to pass exams is useless. However, promises of trips can encourage students to study hard. So from now on, please make proper promises.

Material Two

As an education expert, I care much about your kids. A lot of parents I know want their kids to do well in their studies. After all, good grades in school could increase kid's chance of achieving big things when they grow old.

Helping your kids improve their studies can be possible by following these tips:

★See to it that your kids eat right. it's important to eat a balanced and healthy diet.Make sure that your kids don't skip breakfast.

★Let your kids get enough sleep. Make sure that they get at least eight hours of sleep.Getting a good night's sleep is as important as eating three healthy meals a day.

★Influence your kids to read often. Reading is a good habit. It can not only improve your kids communication skills but also extend their vocabulary.

1.According to Material one,promises of can encourage students to study hard.

A. Money B. iPads C. cell phones D. trips

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to Material Two?

A. Breakfast is important to kids. B. Kids should have two meals a day.

C. It's necessary for kids to get enough sleep. D. Reading a lot is helpful to kids.

3.The underlined word“ extend” can be replaced by“ ”.

A. break B. waste C. increase D. remember

4.From the above reading, we can learn that .

A. the writer of Material One works in a university

B. the University of Bristol lies in the USA

C. the writer of Material Two is a teacher

D. parents can do much to help kids with their studies

5.Who is the above reading written for?

A. Parents B. Students C. Teachers D. Education experts

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】本文给出了两段材料,这两段材料是教育专家写给孩子的父母的,谈论了怎样让孩子取得好的成绩。材料一介绍了来自布里斯托大学(英国)和芝加哥大学(美国)的研究人员进行了一项调查。超过10000人参加了这项研究。研究表明,承诺通过考试给孩子钱,买ipad或手机是没有用的。然而,旅行的承诺可以鼓励学生努力学习。因此,从现在起,请作出...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级上册 第一单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选

I’m Paul. I come from the United States. My favourite sport is badminton. I play

badminton for about thirty minutes every evening. My favourite sport to watch is

basketball. I think it is exciting.

My name is Phil. I’m from England. My favourite sport is soccer. I am a very big fan

of a small team in England. I go to watch them play every weekend.

I’m Toby. I come from China. My favourite sport is martial arts (武术). I began to learn martial arts when I was a little boy. Now it is still my way to stay healthy. I usually do martial arts in the morning. And my favourite sport to watch is ping-pong. I enjoy watching it a lot.

My name is Peter. I’m from Thailand. I dislike sports. I don’t like soccer. I don’t like basketball. I don’t like tennis or baseball. I feel bored when my friends talk about

sports. If I say, “Come on. You don’t want to do anything else?”they will always answer, “No, we only want to talk about sports.” But my favourite sport to watch is swimming. I love to watch swimming on TV.

1.When does Paul play badminton?

A. Every morning. B. Every afternoon.

C. Every evening. D. Every Saturday.

2.Where does Phil come from?

A. China. B. England.

C. Thailand. D. The United States.

3.How does Toby stay healthy?

A. By swimming.

B. By playing soccer.

C. By doing martial arts.

D. By playing ping-pong.

4.Who likes to watch swimming?

A. Peter. B. Phil. C. Toby. D. Paul.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the material (材料)?

A. Toby began to learn ping-pong when he was a young boy.

B. Peter dislikes talking about sports with his friends.

C. Phil and Peter come from the same country.

D. Paul’s favourite sport is basketball.

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 【解析】文章介绍了几个学生的各自情况。 1.根据I play badminton for about thirty minutes every evening.故选C 2.根据My name is Phil. I’m from England.故选B 3.根据I’m Toby. I come from Chin...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级上册 第一单元测试卷 题型:单选题

_______ the three questions, which one is the most difficult to answer?

A. To B. For

C. On D. Of

D 【解析】句意:在这三个问题中,哪一个最难回答?A. To 到; B. For为了; C. On关于; D. Of在---中的;根据句意故选D


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省2017学年第一学期九年级第二次阶段性测试英语试卷卷 题型:阅读单选

近几年,很多学校开设了特色课程(special classes),如摄影、手工制作、网球等等。我校开设此类课程已有一段时间,现向同学们征集对此类课程的看法。以下是你们班同学的观点,请根据表格中内容并结合你自己的想法谈一谈对特色课程的看法。

Some students think…

Other students think…

Your opinion

help to develop students’ interests;

get more knowledge;

a waste of time;

not helpful for lessons;




(供参考首句:Recently, many schools have offered some specials classes to students, such as photography classes, handicraft classes and tennis classes.)


Recently, many schools have offered some specials classes to students, such as photography classes, handicraft classes and tennis classes. But everyone has his or her ideas of these classes. Some s...


科目:初中英语 来源:外研社版2018届七年级英语上Module1 练习 题型:完型填空

Mr Read______from London. Now he is in China. He is_____ . He teaches____ a middle school. He works very hard. His students like_____very much. He can______a little Chinese. His students often teach him Chinese______Sundays. Mr Read likes playing football, He often plays football______his students.

Mr Read______a son. His name is Jack. He is a student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school_______his bike every day. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes______TV in the evening.

1.A. come B. comes C. are D. coming

2.A. a farmer B. a worker C. a driver D. a teacher

3.A. on B. in C. at D. from

4.A. he B. him C. she D. her

5.A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell

6.A. at B. on C. of D. in

7.A. for B. to C. with D. at

8.A. has B. have C. there is D. there are

9.A. on B. by C. in D. of

10.A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. looking at

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C 【解析】这是一篇介绍人物的文章。主要时态为一般现在时,采用了单数第三人称的形式进行介绍。 1.句意:Mr Read来自伦敦。Come from 来自。主语Mr Read是单数第三人称,又是一般现在时态,故选B 2.句意:他是一个老师。根据He t...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9上册Unit7基础练习有答案 题型:单选题

It is ______ an interesting book ______ I want to read it once more.

A. so, that B. such, that

C. /, so that D. /, such that

B 【解析】试题分析:句意:这本书如此有意思以至于我想再读一遍。so、such 区别So,如此,那么,用法是so+形容词+that从句,such,如此,那么。用法是:such+(a/an)+(形容词)+名词+that从句,但名词前有few,little,many,much修饰时只用so。结合句意,故选B

