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Julie likes singing very much and hopes__________ __________ __________ __________ the I AM A SINGER reality show.


Everyone should realize that rubbish_________ __________ __________ __________ the dustbin.


Can you guess __________ __________ the high jump __________ __________?


__________ __________ __________ two hours to work out the difficult Maths problem.


__________ _________ weather we got these days! It’s time to think about the environmental problems.


Can you imagine what________ __________ __________ computers can do all our jobs?


Jack was __________ __________ __________ his work __________ he had no time to do exercise.


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版2017届九年级英语 Test for Module 5 题型:单项填空

People ______ drive after drinking alcohol(酒). It’s against the law.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t

C. couldn’t D. wouldn’t


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市番禺区2014-2015学年九年级综合测试(一模)英语试卷 题型:单词拼写


1.She goes to the m__________to sell vegetables early in the morning.

2.We are going to learn about trees in our lives, so let’s d__________the importance of trees in class.

3.When you ask a w____________lady for help, you want her to give you good advice.

4.After a whole day’s work, a nice hot bath can help you r____________.

5.To tell you the t____________, I know what happened on that day.


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市天河区2016届九年级综合测试(一模)英语试卷 题型:完形填空

A game of catch is simply two people throwing a ball back and forth(来回地). It seems a little _____ and many people may not be interested in it. The two people are close enough to talk, but too far to touch. They might have baseball gloves, or they might use their hands.

In fact, playing catch is part of________ practice—to make you get used to using a ball and glove. But any American kid will teach you it’s much more than that. Playing catch is a time for kids to________ with your father. It’s a time when there’s _________ to worry about except catching a ball. It’s a time when words move asseamlessly(准确不误地) as the ball itself, back and forth, easy and relaxing. It’s an excuse to_________ timetogether.

Because baseball is an American sport, and a big part of being American, playing catch is kind of an all-American dad activity. In the suburbs(郊区), most people have backyards — not________ enough to play baseball in, but just big enough for a game of catch. Those who have no________can play in the street or in the park.

When adults are asked to talk about the good________of their dads, many of them will say something about playing catch. Why? Probably because dads are usually very _____. A catch game is a time that is only for one thing. This is a time when a kid has her dad's ________ . There is no work, no phone and no other people around to take your dad away from you. For the time that it takes to play a game of catch, your dad is all yours.

1.A. interesting B. boring C. amazing D. exciting

2.A. basketball B. baseball C. football D. volleyball

3.A. fight B. compare C. have D. be

4.A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

5.A. waste B. save C. spend D. forget

6.A. small B. large C. clean D. tidy

7.A. time B. money C. yards D. friends

8.A. jobs B. achievement C. education D. memories

9.A. busy B. brave C. strict D. kind

10.A. help B. worry C. courage D. attention


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市南沙区2016届九年级综合测试(一模)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Isabel Allende’s novels are enjoyed all over the world. She is famous for her creativity and imagination. And her own personal story is as amazing as any she has ever told in a novel. Born in 1942, Allende’s family moved often during her childhood. She went to school in South America, Europe, and Asia. As a young woman, she became a journalist in Santiago, Chile’s capital city. Then, she got married and had two children. In 1970, everything began to change.

² Leaving home

Isabel Allende’s uncle was a political leader named Salvador Allende. In 1970, her uncle was elected president of Chile. In 1973, President Allende was killed during the fighting. When Isabel Allende began to fear for her life, she and her family decided to move to Venezuela.

² From Newspaper to Novels

It was really a painful experience for Isabel Allende to leave her country. Without this experience, however, Allende said she never would have begun writing novels. Then she got a phone call from Chile. Her grandfather was dying. She knew she could not return home to be with him, but she wanted to respect him in some way. “I decided to write a letter about all the things he told us when we were young,” Allende explained. Later, she wrote a long letter which became Allende’s first novel, The House of the Spirits.

² The Writing Life

“I spent ten, twelve hours a day in a room, writing,” Allende says, “I don’t talk to anybody; I don’t answer the phone.” When she finished the first draft of a new novel, Allende mailed a copy to her strictest critic(评论家).“I send it to my mother. She read it and came here with a red pen. We fight for a month at least.” Allende then went back to work until she felt the book was finished. “The storytelling is the fun part,” she said. “The writing can be a lot of work!”

1.What does the writer think of Isabel Allende’s story?

A. interested B. moving C. painful D. amazing

2.What was Isabel Allende before she got married?

A. She was a journalist. B. She was a teacher.

C. She was a political leader. D. She was a president.

3.According to the last paragraph, the underlined words “strictest critic” refer to__________.

A. Isabel Allende’s father B. Isabel Allende’s mother

C. Isabel Allende’s grandfather D. Isabel Allende’s uncle

4.Why did Isabel Allende start writing her first novel?

A. Because she wanted to make money.

B. Because she liked writing novel.

C. Because she wanted to respect her grandfather.

D. Because she wanted to write against the government.

5. In Paragraph 4, when Allende said “We fight for a month at least”, she meant that “___________”.

A. Isabel Allende and her mother discussed and argued a lot about the draft.

B. Isabel Allende and her mother often fought because of the draft.

C. Isabel Allende and her mother didn’t have a good relationship.

D. Isabel Allende’s mother didn’t like Isabel Allende’s draft at all .


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市海珠区2016届九年级下学期综合测试(一模)考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Alicia Keys was born in 1981 and grew up in New York. She had music and dance classes when she was a child and she first appeared on TV in the Cosby Show at the age of four. She started piano lessons when she was seven and learned classical music before she began to write her own songs at the age of 14.

Alicia signed a contract with J Records in 1999. She recorded several songs for films before her first album, Songs in Minor, came out in 2001. This was a fantastic success. It entered the charts at number one, sold 236,000 copies in its first week, and went on to sell over 12 million copies worldwide. Alicia won five big awards, including

Song of the Year for Fallin’, the album’s top single, which was a number one hit for six weeks.

Since then, Alicia has sold over 30 million albums. She has also become an actress and a record producer with her own studio. She plays the piano as well as singing on all her albums and she has written some great songs for other artists. She has performed in TV programmes and she made her first film, Smokin’ Aces, in 2007. Her other

films include The Nanny Diaries (2007) and The Secret Life of Bees (2008),’

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true when Alicia Keys was a child?

A. She lived in New York.

B. She took classical music lessons.

C. She learned dancing and singing.

D. She often appeared on television.

2.When did Alicia start writing songs?

A. In 1995

B. In 1999

C. At the Cosby Show

D. At the age of seven

3.The underlined words Song of the Year for Fallin’ in the second paragraph refers to?

A. A number one album in 2001.

B. The top sale album copies in a week.

C. The name of a hero in Songs in A Minor.

D. The song which was at the top of the charts for weeks.

4.What has Alicia done since 2001?

A. She has opened her own studio.

B. She has started playing the piano.

C. She has recorded all her songs herself.

D. She made her first film The Nanny Diaries.

5.Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to Alicia?

①Made the film Smokin’ Aces

②Signed a contract with J Records

③Appeared on TV in The Cosby Show

④Songs in A Minor sold 236,000 copies ⑤Become an actress and a record producer

A. ③④②⑤① B. ③①④②⑤

C. ③⑤④②① D. ③②④⑤①


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 1 Know yourself-Integrated skills 同步练习 题型:单项填空

— I know smoking is bad for my health, ____I just can’t give it up.

— It is easier said than done.

A. for B. or C. but D. so


科目:初中英语 来源:2017秋外研版九年级英语 Test for Module 1 题型:单项填空

—Charley,why not________ here for another three days? I want to show you around my company.

—Good idea.

A. move B. leave

C. cover D. remain


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省淄博市博山区2017届中考一模英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Today we are developing a new idea—Money is the measure of all things. More and more, people are being judged by what they own, and not by their good qualities. This is certainly true among many people in China.

According to a survey that was done in 2013, China is the most materialistic(物欲的) country in the world. Twenty-three percent of Chinese said they measured success by the things they owned (cars, homes, jewelry, designer clothes) compared with just 21 percent in America, 20 percent in Canada, and 16 percent in Britain.

This love of materialistic has spread into schools where some kids like to show off their Apple Watches, iPhone7 and expensive running shoes. Some poorer students now feel worried by their richer classmates and sad by their poor families. In some cases this has affected their performance in school.

But having rich parents doesn’t automatically(自动地) bring good grades and having poor parents doesn’t certainly bring bad grades. It is hard wok that is the key to success, not the cost of your running shoes. And hard work is what develops good characters, not money, that should be the measure of all things.

1.What is the measure of all things for many people in China?

A. Success. B. The good quality. C. The good grades. D. Money.

2.According to the survey, how many Chinese judged success by the things they owned?

A. 23% of Chinese. B. 21% of Chinese. C. 20% of Chinese. D. 16% of Chinese.

3.Why do some students like showing off expensive things in school?

A. Because their families are very rich.

B. Because of the worship of materialism.

C. Because expensive things can bring good grades.

D. Because they are good at all kinds of subjects.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Poor students can hardly get good grades.

B. Rich students have the worship of materialism.

C. We should correct the worship of materialism.

D. Canadians have the least the worship of materialism in rate.

