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Mary likes sports. Her school sports meet will be held on May 4th. She entered for the high jump and long jump, and the other girls in her class are sure she will win both. But ten days before the school sports meet, when Mary climbed a hill, she hurt her left leg.
She worried about the school sports meet. Would her leg be all right by May 4th? Four of her friends took her to the hospital. The doctor said it was not serious. Mary’s left leg would be much better by the end of April, and on May 4th she would be able to run and jump at the school sports meet.
小题1:Mary will enter _______.
A.the high jumpB.the long jumpC.the hill climbingD.A and B
小题2:Mary hurt her left leg on _______.
A.May 4thB.April 24thC.April 3rdD.May 14th
小题3:When Mary hurt her left leg, she worried about _______.
A.her walkingB.her going to hospital
C.her going to schoolD.the school sports meet
小题4: The doctor said she would be better soon, because _______.
A.Mary was not badly hurt
B.four friends took her to the hospital on time
C.Mary was strong enough
D.Mary had a lot of time before the school sports meet
小题5:Which is TRUE?
A.Mary won’t enter for the school sports meet.
B.Mary won the high jump and long jump at last.
C.Mary will enter for the school sports meet.
D.Mary couldn’t watch the school sports meet.


小题1:细节理解题。根据文章中国年. She entered for the high jump and longjump, 可知,她参加了两项运动。
小题2:推理判断题。 根据文章可知Her school sports meet will be held on May 4th.运动会将在五月四号举行,But ten days before the school sports meet, when Mary climbed a hill, she hurt her left leg.在运动会开始十天前,玛丽弄伤了她的左胳膊。由此可推出受伤日期应该是在四月二十四号。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文章:She worried about the school sports meet。她担心运动会,可知选D。                      
小题4:细节理解题。文中;The doctor said it was not serious.医生说伤的不严重。Serious.意思是严重的,即badly hurt.               
小题5:细节理解题。根据文章最后一句:on May 4th she would be able to run and jump at the school sports meet. 

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

任务型阅读:配对阅读,从A—E选项中找到解决问题的方法,填入71-75 题的空格中。(本题有5小题, 每小题1分,共计5分)
小题1:My son always confines (禁闭) himself in his bedroom. I don’t know what he is doing with his computer.
小题2:My child always goes online even during dinner time. I know he is playing computer games. The problem is becoming serious these days. I’m very worried about him.
小题3:My daughter doesn’t know how to search for materials(材料)she needs on the Internet.
小题4:My child always types his personal information online when he is asked to.
小题5:It upsets me that my child loves chatting online very much.
A.Keep the family computer in a family area—not behind the closed door of your child’s bedroom, so that you can keep an eye on what he is doing.
B.Avoid(避免)online chatting. Talk to him that he should talk to his friends more often in person. It’s not good to always chat online. He can also have other activities with his friends, like playing basketball, football and so on.
C.Teach your child how to use search engines to narrow a search. It can save a lot of time if she knows the right ways to search.
D.Talk to your child about online predators (掠夺者) and the bad results of giving out personal information.
E.You can make some rules and be prepared to stop Internet privileges (网络使用权) if your child has broken your rules.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hi! I’m Pleasant Sheep(喜羊羊). I’m         boy.I’m seven      old. I have a _     mouth, and my _____are big.My nose is small.
I have four good______. We are movie stars(电影明星). We are____ the same class. They are nice to me. Pretty Sheep(美羊羊) is my____ friend. She is a nice girl.Does she have big eyes? Yes, she____ big eyes,too.
Our(我们的) monitor(班长) is a girl. She is eight years old. She has abig head,_____ her eyes are small.__ ___,who is she?
小题1:A. a                 B. an                C. the
小题2:A.year               B.years             C.a year
小题3:A.small              B. big                C. Wide
小题4:A. nose             B. eyes              C. leg
小题5:A.students          B. teacher            C. friends
小题6:A.in                B. on                C. to
小题7:A. big              B. good               C. nice
小题8:A.have             B. has               C. is
小题9:A. too              B. in                 C. but
小题10:A. Guess          B. Thank             C. Know


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Bob comes out of the station and at once he doesn't know where to go. He comes to see his good friend, Peter. Peter is a worker. He works in a factory, but Bob doesn't know where the factory is.
He walks along the street. He passes a hospital, a post office, a bookshop and at last he gets to a school. Some students are coming out, so he asks one of them," Excuse me. Do you know where the Red Star Factory is?"
"Of course, I know. I live near there. My father works in that factory. It's outside this town," answers the boy.
"Is it far from here? Can you show me the way, please?" Bob asks again.
"I'm going home now. Will you come with me? We can go there by bus. "
小题1:Who comes to the town to see a friend?
A.Bob.B.Peter.C.The boy.D.The boy's father.
小题2:Whom does Bob ask the way?
A.Bob.B.Peter.C.A student.D.A policeman.
小题3:Where is the factory?
A.Near the school.B.Outside the town.
C.Next to a hospital.D.Across from the post office.
小题4:Where does the boy live?
A.Near the bookshop.B.Near the post office.
C.Near the factory.D.Near the hospital.
小题5:Where do the boy and Bob go then?
A.To the bookshop.B.To a bus stop.
C.To the post office.D.To the hospital.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Smiths are very busy. Mr. Smith is 60 and he has a lot of jobs. He is a postman, a car driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, a salesman(售货员), a cook and a milkman. Also he and Margaret have a shop and a small hotel. Margaret is Mrs. Smith.
Mr. Smith lives and works on a small island(岛) in Canada. Only 120 people live on the island. But every summer about 150 people from other places come here on Mr. Smith’s boat every day. So Mr. Smith gets up at six and makes breakfast for the people in the hotel. At eight, he drives the island’s children to school.
At nine, he gives letters to all the houses on the island. He also gives milk to them. 然后他在商店里帮忙。He says, “Margaret likes to be busy, too. We are busy and we don’t like watching TV in the shop. I cook dinner and Margaret helps. At ten, we have some milk and then we go to bed. Some people may think our _______ is very boring, but we like it.”
小题1:There are only ______ people living on the island.
小题2:将文中汉语译成英语。 Then he _______________________.
小题3:文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词  _________
小题4:Mr. Smith has ______ jobs.
小题5:The Smiths are from ________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Zhang Chao likes Chinese food. He hopes his host family speak a little Chinese.
小题2:Li Wei likes doing sports. He wants to live near a park.
小题3:Liu Yong hopes to live near his school---Reading School. He prefers a bed room with a bathroom
小题4:Chen Yao wants to live in a big bedroom cheaper than £350 a month. She can’t stand pets.
小题5:Hu Mei loves pets. She would like a bedroom cheaper than £220 a month.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Mary likes cartoons very much. She often watches some cartoons, she thinks they are very lovely.
小题2:Ben really likes reading. His favorite book is The Old Man and the Sea.
小题3:Mike is a ten-year-old boy. He likes pandas very much, so he wants to see some movies about them.
小题4:Lily enjoys singing very much. And she loves listening to songs, too. They bring her much happiness.
小题5:Xiao Ming has one little dog in his home. He often plays with it when he is free. He wants to have a big dog.
A.Future Life is a new movie about robots. There are all kinds of robots in the movie.
B.Kung Fu Panda is a movie about pandas, you can learn something about pandas from it.
C.Pangpang is the name of a lovely dog. Now it’s in the shop and waiting for its new owner(主人)
D.Kaixing Library will open this week. It will be the best library in the city. You can read many books in it.
E. Tom and Jerry is a cartoon on a cat and a mouse. It’s very nice and clever.
F. Season in the Sun is a song about friendships. Listening to it with your friends is a good choice.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

What do the people usually do on weekends? Some people like to _____at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. Mr Smith _____hard in a factory during(在……期间)the ___. On the weekends, he usually ___the same things. On Saturday he washes his car and on ___ he goes with his family to a village(村庄) by car. His uncle and aunt ___a farm there. It isn’t a big one, but they always have  ___ things to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some ____. Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all     and Mr Smith’s aunt ____them a big meal.
A.worksB.does C.makes D.studies
A.dayB.year C.week D.month
A.make B.does C.doD.has
A.Friday B.Saturday C.Thursday D.Sunday


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Will it matter if you don’t take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the United States. People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.
The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, egg, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully.
The result is opposite to what some people think. Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch. They will gain weight(增加体重) instead of losing it. You will lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.
小题1:During the test, the people were given ________.
A.no breakfast at all
B.different foods or nothing
C.very rich breakfast
D.little food for breakfast
小题2:The results show that ___________.
A.breakfast has great effect (影响) on work and studies
B.breakfast has little to do with a person’s work
C.a person will work better if he only has fruit and milk
D.girl students should have little for breakfast
小题3:According to the passage, some people think that if you don’t have breakfast you will _____________.
A.be healthierB.work betterC.lose weightD.lose your way
小题4:The word “reduce” in the last sentence means _______.
小题5: Which of the following is not right?
A.It is bad for your health to have no breakfast.
B.Too little for breakfast and too much for lunch may make you fatter.
C.If you don’t eat much for lunch and supper, you may lose weight.
D.The more breakfast you have, the more quickly you’ll learn in class

