精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
       When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into
your own language. Take the sentence "How do you do?" for example. If you look up each word in the
dictionary, one at a time, what is your translation? It must be a wrong sentence in your own language.
       Language do not just have different sounds, they are different in many ways. It's important to learn
the rules for word order in the study of English,  too.  If the speakers put words in a wrong order,  the
listener can't understand the speaker's sentence easily. Sometimes when the order of words in an English
sentence is changed,  the meaning of the sentence changes.  But sometimes the order is changed,  the
meaning of the sentence doesn't change. Let's see the difference between the two pairs of sentences.
       "She only likes apples." "Only she likes apples."
       "I have seen the film already." "I have already seen the film."
       When you are learning English, you must do your best to get the spirit of the language and use it as
the English speaker does.
1. From the passage we know that _____ when we are learning English.
A. we shouldn't put every word into our own language
B. we should look up every word in the dictionary
C. we need to put every word into our own language
D. we must read word by word
2. The writer thinks it is _________ in learning English.
A. difficult to understand different sounds            
B. possible to remember the word order
C. important to learn the rules in different ways        
D. easy to learn the rules for word order
3. We can learn from the passage that ___________.
A. the meaning of an English sentence always changes with the order of the words.        
B. the order of words can never change the meaning of an English sentence
C. sometimes different order of words has a different meaning                    
D. if the order of the words is different, the meaning of a sentence must be different
4. "She only likes apples" _____________.
A. is the same as "Only she likes apples"       
B. is different from "Only she likes apples"
C. means "She likes fruit except apples"        
D. means "she doesn't like apples"
5. Which is the best title for this passage?
A. Different Orders, Different Meanings        
B. How to Speak English
C. How to Put English into Our Own Language  
D. How to Learn English

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     When George was thirty-five,he bought a small plane and leamed to fly it..He soon became very
good at it and made his plane do(l) all kinds of tricks.    
     George had afriend. His name was Mark. One day George wanted to take Mark up in his plane.
Mark thought,"l've travelled in a big plane several times,but I've never been in a small one. So I'll do."    
     They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air.    
     Whe. they came down again,Mark was very dad tobe back(2)safely,and he said to his friend in a
shaking(颤抖的)voice,"Well,George,thank you Very much for those two tnps in your plane"    
George was very surprised and said,"Two trips?"    
     ''Yes,my first and my last."answered Mark.
1. The best title of the passage should be___________________________  
2. How long was Mark's trip in the small plane?___________________________
3. 把画线的句子译成汉语:___________________________  
4. 写出(1)的同义词组:___________________________  
5. 写出(2)的形容词形式:___________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Jerry,30 years old,owned a pizza restaurant.He lived in a flat about one mile north of the 
restaurant He walked to and from work When it was raining,he took the bus.
     Jerry loved gangster(匪徒) movies.When a new one came out,he would go to the theater
and watch the new movie three or four times.Then,whe it went to video,Jerry would buy the
video at Tom's Video Store.Jerry had a home collection of over 1,000 gangster videos.old
ones,new ones;colour ,black and white;English,Spanish,Japanese-he loved them all.He could
tell you the name of the movie,the director,the stars,and the story.
     Jerry finally decide that he would like to own a gun,just like the gangsters.So he saves his
money and one day he went to a gun store and bought one for $300.On Saturday morning,he
went to the gun club to pracyise shooting(射击).He was in the club for only 10minutes when he
accidentally(偶然) dropped his gun.The gun went off,and the bullet(子弹) went into Jerry's
right knee(膝盖).
     Jerry now walks with a walking stick,just like some gangsters.
1. What did Jerry do?
A. The boss of a restaurant          
B. the manger of a cinema
C. the owner of a video shop        
D. the head of a shooting club.
2. Jerry had a large collection of gangster videos EXCEPT(除了)________ones.
A. Spanish      
B. Japanese      
C. Russian      
D. English
3. How did Jerry get a gun?
A. He bought it for himself        
B. He borrowed it from a club
C. He made it himself              
D. He got it form the gangster.
4. Jerry dropped his gun because he __________.
A. was ill      
B. was angry        
C. was careless    
D. was careful
5. We know that Jerry ____________in the end.
A. lost his interest in movies          
B. became a real gangster
C. had a shooting club              
D. couldn't walk in a normal(正常的) way

