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What is life's greatest gift? It is choice. Choice is the ability to choose some actions from a set of things to achieve a goal.1. The reason is that it turns us from dumb animals into artists. Choice becomes the tool we use to sculpt(雕刻) our life. The tool doesn't come free, however, for the price of choice is responsibility. 2. It is enjoyment.

Choice is power. Choice is at the heart of life. It's the creative power of life. Life is always changing and we have to make lots of choices. 3. We often need to check where we are on our journey. We need to ask questions: Am I moving closer to my goals? If not, what action will I take now to make myself realize my goals?

4. And our life becomes more convenient or comfortable because of them. For example, you decide which stores to shop at and which bus station to go to.But the decisions that we make to sculpt our lives are much more important than deciding where to shop. The more we understand the difference between small and big decisions, the more pleasure we will get.

Life is like a chess game.5. All chess lovers realize that it isn't necessary to win to enjoy the game. Make the best moves you can under the conditions. Then you can enjoy your life.

A.Why is choice so great?

B.The pleasure is in the playing.

C.In fact, we have to make choices every day.

D.But when we accept and carry it out, we get a great return.

E.Because making right choices is more important than working hard.

F.Every choice we make leads us closer to or farther from our goals.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋冀教版九年级上学期英语单元测试试卷:Unit 3 综合测试卷 题型:单选题

Take an umbrella to ________ your skin ________ the sun.

A. protect; from B. protect; to C. prevent; from D. prevent; to


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标九上英语试卷 Unit14 Remember meeting all of you in Grade7 单元测试(无答案) 题型:单选题

I ____ my hometown two years ago.

A. left B. have left C. have been away from D. had left


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋人教版(山西专版)九年级上学期英语单元测试试卷:Unit 3综合能力测试 题型:单选题

This pair of shoes ________ very nice. I'll take ________.

A. looks; it B. look; them C. looks; them


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋人教版(山西专版)九年级上学期英语单元测试试卷:Unit 3综合能力测试 题型:单选题

A kind of shared bike called bluegogo makes us ________ to travel around Chengdu.(原创题)

A. noisy B. convenient C. boring


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋九年级英语上册(山西):Unit 1综合能力测试 题型:单选题

—I'm worried about my English grades so much, Mrs. Brown.

—______. Rome was not built in one day.

A. It takes time. B. It doesn't matter. C. That sounds bad.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋九年级英语上册(山西):Unit 1综合能力测试 题型:单选题

—I didn't hear you clearly. Could you please ______ it?

—OK. I need you to help me with my English.

A. discover B. create C. repeat


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋冀教版九年级上学期英语单元测试试卷:Unit 4 综合测试卷 题型:看图作文

某英文报刊开辟中学生栏目,请你以 Reading Comic Strips is____为题写一篇小短文,为报社投稿(词数 80-100)。步骤与要点如下:  1.确定主题,并在文中说明原因;



要求:1.补全标题(参考词汇:interesting; popular; useful; boring; my pleasure等);



4.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照图文中的内容,但不可以直接引 用图文中的句子;


Reading Comic Strips is ______

There are many kinds of stories in comic strips. In my opinion, reading comic strips is...


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings单元测试卷 题型:材料作文


你喜欢周杰伦吗?他是一名台湾歌手,他的英文名字是Jay Chou。他今年39岁,身高1.75米。他的眼睛很小。他最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,最喜欢的篮球明星(basketball star)是Michael Jordan。

请根据以上提示,以“My Favourite Singer”为题,用英语写一篇小短文。词数:50词左右。

