精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

Complete the following sentences as required
【小题1】 Grandpa always has many interesting stories to tell us. (改为一般疑问句.
________ Grandpa always ________ many interesting stories to tell us?
【小题2】 The little girl learns so quickly at school. (改为感叹句.
________ ________ the little girl learns at school!
【小题3】 Many people have invited her to perform since she became famous in the Talent Show.(改为被动语态.
She ________ ________ invited to perform since she became famous in the Talent Show.
【小题4】 It seems that all the members are pleased with the decision. (保持句意基本不变.
It seems that all the members are ________ ________ the decision.
【小题5】 The reporter kept asking. What will the government do to help the poor? (合并为一句.
The reporter kept asking ________ the government ________ do to help the poor.
【小题6】 The shop is crowded with people because the New Year’s Day is coming. (对划线部分提问.
________ ________ the shop crowded with people?
【小题7】 me, every year, a , sends, Chris, Christmas card  (连词成句.

【小题1】Does  have
【小题2】How quickly
【小题3】has been
【小题4】happy about/saticsfied with
【小题5】what  would
【小题6】Why is
【小题7】Chris sends me a Christmas card every year. /Every year Chris sends me a Christmas.

【小题1】考查一般疑问句。句意:爷爷总是有有趣的故事给我们讲吗?根据has,可知动词为一般现在时第三人称单数, 变一般疑问句does提前,动词恢复原形,故答案填Does  have.
【小题2】考查感叹句。句意:小女孩在学校学的多快啊!根据状语so quickly那么快,修饰谓语learns,可知需用how引导的感叹句,故答案填How quickly.
【小题3】考查被动语态。句意:自从她在达人秀中出名,她就已经被邀请演出了。 Many people主语, have invited 谓语,her宾语,变被动语态时宾语her变主格she做主语,谓语动词变has been invited,可知答案填has been.
【小题4】考查同义句。句意:似乎所有成员对此决定满意。be  pleased with ="be" satisfied with="be" happy about对某事满意,可知答案填happy about/saticsfied with.
【小题5】考查宾语从句。句意:记者不停地问政府会做什么帮助穷人。主句为一般过去时,从句变一般将来时为过去将来时,will的过去式为would; 宾语从句语序为陈述句语序,故答案填what  would.
【小题6】考查特殊疑问句。句意:为什么商店里那么多人? because the New Year’s Day is coming因为新年要到了,对原因提问用疑问词why; 主句变一般疑问句is提前,特殊疑问词why提到is之前,故答案填Why is.
【小题7】考查连词成句。句意:克里斯每年给我寄一张圣诞卡。 me我(宾格,作宾语., every year每年(做状语., a一个 , sends邮寄(做谓语., Chris克里斯, Christmas card圣诞卡。根据sends邮寄,可知是主动语态,人做主语,故答案填Chris sends me a Christmas card every year. /Every year Chris sends me a Christmas card.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


  chat     play    wash   swim   not be   
【小题1】Simon ______________ happy because he doesn’t do well in English.
【小题2】It’s time for the dancers in the club _____________ with each other.
【小题3】Mrs. White makes her son ______________ the piano once a day.
【小题4】Helen together with her mum often _______________ clothes at weekends.
【小题5】Millie usually practises ____________ in the river in summer.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


can   help   ground    rather than    encourage    by   plant  we   off   unless
There are many ways to save the environment if you would like. In this passage, you can find some ways.
Plant more trees. Choose a right 【小题1】________ near your house or workplace. 【小题2】________ there’s any rule stopping you growing trees in that area, go ahead and grow trees. Plant a tree every month and【小题3】________ your friends and classmates to join you. Have more and more trees 【小题4】________ and there will come a day when you have green land thanks to your hard work.
Walk more and drive less. Choose to walk 【小题5】________ drive your car. Walk or ride a bicycle to work if it’s not very far. Not only cycling but walking is good exercise. And each time you avoid using your car, you’re doing something 【小题6】________ to cut down air pollution. You are saving fuel, saving money and keeping fit as well.
Save water. Water is very important for living things. It’s 【小题7】________ who use and pollute it. The simplest way to save water is turning 【小题8】________ water taps after use. When you visit a beach, make sure that you don’t throw waste around. Do not pollute rivers 【小题9】________ dropping garbage or other waste. Water is so precious, so we 【小题10】________ waste or pollute it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


thin  twelve  cost  south  develop
【小题1】Mr. Green lives on the __________ floor of the building.
【小题2】After exercising for a few months, she is a little           than before.
【小题3】How much does it           to fly to Shanghai from Fuzhou?
【小题4】Many foreigners are surprised at the rapid _______________ of China.
【小题5】It rained heavily in the           of Fujian Province last week.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

She often                           like a boy.
【小题2】 他不介意成天在家做饭。
He doesn’t                           at home every day.
【小题3】 例如,他们都擅长说英语。
                            ,they are good at speaking English.
【小题4】 He likes swimming. She likes swimming , too.(合并为一句)
They                           swimming .
【小题5】She is more careful than any other girl in her class.(改为同义句)
She is the                        girl in her class.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】They have cut down the trees on one side of the road.(改成否定句)
They                               down the trees on one side of the road.
【小题2】She added one teaspoon of honey to the salad.(对划线部分提问)
honey did she add to the salad?
【小题3】Tom often gets letters from his classmates though he has left school.(同义句转换)
Tom often                                 his classmates though he has left school.
There is going to                               tomorrow night in Chongqing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】Our dream came true in the end. (同义句转换)
Our dream came true _______  _______ .
【小题2】Mr. Zhang is 70 years old. Mr. Li is 70, too. (将两句合并为一句,意思不变)
Mr. Zhang is _______ old _______ Mr. Li.
【小题3】My father is working in the yard. (对划线部分提问)
_______ your father _______ in the yard?
【小题4】Bob sends emails to his friends every weekend. (改为否定句)
Bob _______  _______ emails to his friends every weekend.
【小题5】I’m too busy to chat with you on QQ now. (改为复合句)
I’m _______ busy _______ I can’t chat with you on QQ now.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】 Sorry. Can you say that again?
Sorry. Can you   that?
【小题2】 The new jacket cost Melissa £100.
Melissa   £100 for the new jacket.
【小题3】Don't worry. I'll take care of the kids tomorrow.
Don't worry. I'II look   the kids tomorrow.
【小题4】 You haven't answered my question.
You haven't   to my question.
【小题5】 Most of the time I get up at six. It was the same that morning.
I got up at six that morning as   


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】what great weather today!(改为同义句)
                        the weather is today!
【小题2】Mr. Zhang taught him English two year ago.(改为一般疑问句)
            Mr. Zhang              him English two years ago?
【小题3】Why don't you try it on?(改为同义句)
Why                               it on?
【小题4】He goes to the park three times a week.(对划线部分提问)
                                         does he go to the park?
【小题5】I was too scared to move.(改为同义句)
I was                scared                I couldn't move.

