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Released on April 10, White Cat Legend (《大理寺日志》) is a hit anime on video-sharing platform Bilibili. It is now the top-rated Chinese-language TV drama on the review platform Douban, scoring 9.0 points out of 10.

With a total of 12 parts, White Cat Legend is set during the r1.of Empress Wu Zetian in ancient China. It f2.the daily life of Chen Shi, a young man looking for his brother. To find him, Chen goes to Dali Temple and ends up working for Li Bing. Li is a senior official who s3.crimes and has the appearance of a white cat.

The anime d4.busy streets, rich officials, beautiful clothing and a lot more from the Tang dynasty. Therefore, v5.can get to know the unique architecture(建筑风格) and customs of that time. What’s more, the Henan accent( 口 音 ) used in the anime also g6.amuses the audiences. Many people have tried their h7.at imitating(模仿) its funny tone.

“I love to watch White Cat Legend because it’s suspenseful( 悬 疑 的 ) and thrilling. It p8.historical knowledge and a lot more,” wrote a viewer on Douban.

Are you going to put White Cat Legend on your 2020-Chinese-anime-to-watch l9.? Just give it a shot, and you won’t be d10.!


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年广西柳州市鱼峰区九年级第一次教学质量检测英语试卷 题型:补全对话6选5


A:Hi,Ann.Are you free tomorrow?

B: Yes, Mary.1.

A:I want to buy some books.2.

B:Sure, 3.

A:There is a new bookshop near the Center Park, we can go there for a walk after shopping.

B:4. When and where shall we meet?


B: No problem,see you then.

A.Would you like to go with me?

B.Let's meet at your home at 9:00 a.m.

C.I'd like to.

D.What's up?

E.Sounds great!

F.We will meet at the bookshop.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年黑龙江省哈尔滨市升学考试模拟英语试卷 题型:单选题

Which word of the following doesn't have the same stress as the others?

A.Central B.Compass C.Collect


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市校2019-2020学年九年级下学期阶段测试英语试卷九 题型:完型填空

The yearly Marathon (马拉松) in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to follow the runners in an ambulance (救护车), for_______of them might need medical attention.

“We're supposed to stay_______the last runner, so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug,

as the race started. The front-runners started to_______and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt .

We knew we were already watching our "last runner". There was something wrong with her_______, so it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk. A marathon was really a challenge.

Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward. _______, she was the only runner left in sight. Tears ran down my face _______ I watched her push forward with great efforts through the last miles.

When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the _______ crowds had long gone home. Yet, straight and ever so proud stood a lone man. He was holding one end of a ribbon (缎带) tied to a post. She slowly crossed through, _______ both ends of the ribbon fluttering (飘扬)behind her.

I do not know this woman's name, but that day she became part of my life — a part that I often _______. When think things are too difficult or I get "I-just-can't-do-it," I think of the last runner. For her, it wasn't about beating the other runners or winning a prize, but about finishing what she had set out to do, no matter what. Then I realize how __________ the task before me really is.

1.A.any B.either C.both D.none

2.A.above B.below C.before D.behind

3.A.appear B.disappear C.run D.prepare

4.A.hands B.arms C.legs D.teeth

5.A.Luckily B.Firstly C.Quickly D.Finally

6.A.when B.until C.since D.before

7.A.sad B.patient C.excited D.surprised

8.A.making B.leaving C.letting D.having

9.A.worry about B.wait for C.laugh at D.depend on

10.A.difficult B.easy C.interesting D.meaningless


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市校2019-2020学年九年级下学期阶段测试英语试卷九 题型:单选题

—The best ______ to come to Chongqing is spring.

—I think so.The green water and green mountains are unforgettable

A.season B.environment C.temperature D.journey


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年6月湖北省武汉市硚口区中考二模英语试卷 题型:单选题

—I’m just wondering________.

—Thank you so much for inviting me.

A.where I can have the party B.who you should go to the party with

C.what can you bring to the party D.whether you’d like to come to my party


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年6月湖北省武汉市硚口区中考二模英语试卷 题型:单选题

—It’s a piece of cake for me to drive after drinking.

—If you do, you will pay very________later.

A.suddenly B.usually C.heavily D.completely


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省滨州市博兴县2018-2019学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Karen had a son, Michael and she would have another baby soon. Michael was happy to be a brother. Every day he sang a song to the baby.

Later Michael’s little sister was born. But she was not in good condition. The days passed by.

The little girl got worse. The doctor told the parents there was very little hope.

Then Michael kept asking his parents to let him see his sister. “I want to sing to her,” he said. But kids are never allowed in ICU(重症监护室).

Finally Karen decided to take Michael to see his little sister. The nurse refused Michael at first. But Karen said if he didn’t see his sister. He would never see her alive.

Michael looked at his weak sister. After a moment, he began to sing, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray...”

The baby girl seemed to respond. The pulse rate (脉搏) and breathing began to calm down.

“ Keep on singing, Michael,” Karen encouraged his son.

“You never know, dear, how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away...”

Day by day, Michael kept singing. Several months later, the little girl was well enough to go home.

All the doctors and nurses just called it a miracle (奇迹)— a miracle of brother’ s love.

1.How did Michael feel about his sister’s coming?

A.Nervous. B.Shocked. C.Glad. D.Worried.

2.The nurse didn’t allow Michael to see his sister because________.

A.Michael was too small to take care of himself B.kids were not allowed in ICU

C.his sister didn’t want to see Michael at all D.his sister was sleeping then

3.What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “respond”?

A.挣扎 B.沉思 C.欢迎 D.回应

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Michael’ s sister got worse and worse at last. B.Singing songs is a good way to save people’ s life.

C.The doctors didn’t try their best. D.Never give up hope when the people love you.

5.The best title of the passage is _______________.

A.Love of a Brother B.The Power of Singing C.A Beautiful Song D.A Strong Baby


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省滨州市博兴县2018-2019学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Ahmadi was a five - year -old boy. He loved playing football. His favorite football star was Messi.

One day he woke up in the middle of the night. He started crying. He said to his dad, “ I just dreamed of Messi. Can I have a T-shirt of him and go to see him?”

“Sorry, my son. We are living in a village far from the city. Our family has no money. I have no ways to get you the T-shirt.” His dad answered.

Ahmadi kept crying for days. He still asked for the T-shirt. His brother thought for an idea. He made a T-shirt with the plastic (塑料的) bag. On the back of the shirt, it wrote “Messi 10”. Ahmadi wore the T-shirt and was happy. “I love Messi and my T-shirts says Messi loves me.” Ahmadi said to his brother.

Some people took a picture of Ahmadi and his plastic T-shirt. The picture was soon popular in many countries. With the help of UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会). Ahmadi met Messi one year later. He also got a new T-shirt.

1.Ahmadi met Messi when he was______.

A.four years old B.five years old C.six years old D.seven years old

2.Who made a plastic T-shirt for Ahmadi?

A.His father. B.His brother. C.Messi. D.Himself.

3.The last paragraph mainly talks about________.

A.how Ahmadi met messi B.why Ahmadi met Messi

C.when Ahmadi met Messi D.where Ahmadi met Messi

4.From the passage we can learn that________.

A.Ahmadi’s family lived in a big city B.Ahmadi was the only child in his family

C.Messi bought a new T-shirt for Ahmadi D.many people knew Ahmadi’s story

5.Which describes (描述) the main idea of this passage best?

A.Love me, love my dog.

B.One is never too old to learn.

C.You have to dream before your dreams can come.

D.Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.

