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(   ) 23. ―Don't make so much noise,Jack. Your grandpa is sleeping now.


   A. Yes,I won't   B. No,I will

   C. Yes,I will   D. Sorry,I won't

23. D Sorry,I won't.意为"对不起,我不会再吵闹了"。

题目来源:中考英语丢分题修订版 > 单项选择


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. ―        we finish our composition in class,Miss Li?

―No,you needn't. You may do it after class.

   A. Should   B. Can   C. Must   D. May


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 24. Can you tell me the name of the factory        you visited last year.

   A. what   B. where   C /     D. when


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 11. ―Help yourself to some fish,please.


   A. Yes,I do   B. No,I won't   C. No,thanks   D. Do it,please


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 18. —Excuse me,look at the sign NO SMOKING! ―Sorry,I        it.

   A. don't see   B. didn't see   C. saw   D. won't see


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 28. ―Shall we see the movie today or tomorrow? 

       ―      .It's all the same to me.

   A. I hope so   B. I'm sure

   C. It's up to you   D. I'm afraid not


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  I still remember I fell in love with English from a very young age,because I thought it was such a (n) (1)        language. Full of strong wishes of learning English,I began to (2)        it. But soon I found it (3)        than expected. There were too many words,expressions and other things to remember. And even if you know (4)       ,you can't use them correctly and exactly. And I did rather (5)       in my first English test. I was ashamed of it. This made me upset and dropped my interest in English (6)       While I was in trouble,my English teacher gave me much help. I knew that interest didn't mean (7)       and I should have some learning methods. I did as he said and tried many different ways of learning English. (8)       the days went by,I could do better and better and became more and more interested in it.

  During summer vacation,an old lady from Australia visited my school. She had a talk with us. It was my first time (9)       a foreigner. I got (10)       nervous at first,but soon I found it exciting to talk with her,and I learned a lot from her. How I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day!

(   ) 1. A. helpful   B. wonderful   C. exciting   D. careful

(   ) 2. A. read   B. teach   C. learn   D. write

(   ) 3. A. better   B. more difficult   C. worse   D. easier

(   ) 4. A. how to write them   B. how to write

   C. what to write them   D. what to write

(   ) 5. A. well   B. worse   C. better   D. badly

(   ) 6. A. one by one   B. one another   

       C. little by little   D. each other

(   ) 7. A. everything   B. anything   C. nothing   D. something

(   ) 8. A. When   B. As   C. While   D. For

(   ) 9. A. to talk   B. speak   C. to meet   D. meet

(   ) 10. A. a little   B. little   C. a few   D. few


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  The Sound of Music is one of the most popular American movies. (1)       people all over the world like it very much. And the (2)       Do Re Mi in the movie is also popular in the world. It can be heard everywhere.

  The movie is a (3)       about a tutor,Maria. She was a young and outgoing woman. She went to (4)       for a family with seven children. Their family (5)       was Von Trapp. Mr. Von Trapp was a captain. He and his family lived in Austria.

  The family were very (6)       after the children's mother,Mrs. Von Trapp died. (7)       took care of the children. They cried and shouted every day. The lonely father often became angry because of the (8)       children.

  Maria was able to (9)       the family by teaching them to sing lively songs and perform short,funny plays. At first the father was sad and irritated,        (10) the smiling faces of the children pleased him and made him happy again. Then Mr. Von Trapp fell in love with Maria. At last they got married.

(   ) 1. A. Few   B. Many   C. Some   D. Several

(   ) 2. A. song   B. film   C. voice   D. sound

(   ) 3. A. picture   B. book   C. story   D. poem

(   ) 4. A. pay   B. look   C. care   D. stand

(   ) 5. A. name   B. house   C. address   D. street

(   ) 6. A. sad   B. happy   C. excited   D. surprised

(   ) 7. A. Somebody   B. Everybody   C. Anybody   D. Nobody

(   ) 8. A. quiet   B. noisy   C. lovely   D. lucky

(   ) 9. A. cheer up   B. show up   C. call up   D. wake up

(   ) 10. A. so   B. and   C. but   D. or


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Sometimes,even the best friends have fights. They disagree with each other and begin to argue. Sometimes,they even stop talking to each other.

  What can be done to help the two friends make up? Finding a good friend who knows both of them very well to be a peacemaker is a good way. Maybe one day you will be a peacemaker for your good friends. Here are some useful communication strategies for you to use:

  & State your feelings clearly but don't criticize them. Begin with "I feel. . . " instead of "You always...”

  Don't stop or finish the other person's sentences.

  Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Try to see the other person's   side of the disagreement.

  Look at the other person in the eyes when you are talking.

 Ask questions to make sure that you understand the other person.

  Repeat the other person's ideas as you understand them.

Never put anyone down.   Saying things like "You're stupid" makes communication difficult.

Try to find a solution that makes the two friends happy. Never decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead,help them to find their own "winwin" solution. A "winwin" solution allows each of them to feel good. In this way,their friendship can be continued.

(   ) 1. Who can be a good peacemaker to stop fights between two friends?

   A. One of their parents. B. One of their friends.

   C. One of their teachers. D. One of their classmates.

(   ) 2. Which of the following is the suitable language for a peacemaker?

   A. I feel. . .   B. You always...

   C. You are stupid. D. It's not right...

(   ) 3. How should the peacemaker behave when talking with the two friends?

   A. Stop the other person's sentences in time.

   B. Repeat his own ideas to make himself understood.

   C. Listen to the other person carefully and ask some questions.

   D. Look at the sky when the other person is talking.

(   ) 4. What does the phrase "put anyone down" mean in the article?

   A. 令人失望   B. 提醒人   C. 羞辱人   D. 让人觉得累

(   ) 5. How do you understand a "winwin" solution?

   A. It is a way that helps make new friends.

   B. It is a way that makes both people pleased.

   C. It is a way that tells who is right and who is wrong.

   D. It is a way that makes you successful.

