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-You can make beautiful sounds like birds. So wonderful! - _______.

A. That's OK B. Thank you

C. That's all right D. I'm afraid not

B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你能使美丽的声音像鸟一样,因此精彩极了。--谢谢。A. That's OK没关系;B. Thank you 谢谢你;C. That's all right没关系;D. I'm afraid not我不害怕。故选B。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

Julia is fat, so her father always makes her _______ a walk after supper.

A. taking B. take C. to take D. took


There will be _______ food for wildlife in the wetlands because of fishing.

A.fewer and fewer B. less and less

C. fewer and less D. less and fewer


The girl is very smart. The problem is _______ for her to work out.

A. easy enough B. enough easy C. easily enough D. enough easily


Sixty per cent of the cranes live in _______ parts of the world.

A. the other B. other C. others D. the others


I think important for us to help people learn more about protecting animals.

A. that B. that's C. its D. it

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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:中等

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科目:初中英语 来源:人教版英语2017-2018学年九年级Unit 10单元检测 题型:单选题

The little boy can’t understand what you said.________,he is only two years old.

A. After all

B. At all

C. In all

D. For all

A 【解析】after all意为“毕竟”;at all意为“(否定句)根本;完全”;in all意为“总共,合计”;for all意为“尽管,虽然”。句意:这个小男孩不能理解你说的话,毕竟他只有两岁大。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

It’s important people learn team spirit.

A. of; of B. of; to C. for; to D. to; to


I don’t want to read this book. There is ____ in it.

A. something interesting B. nothing interesting

C. interesting something D. interesting nothing


—I haven’t worked the problem out yet.What am I supposed to do?

—Try again!It’s only________difficult.

A. a lot

B. a bit

C. too much

D. too many


We go out ________ our way to send the granny to her daughter’s house.

A. to B. in C. for D. of



通过以上信息,我们知道,由于环境污染、人类的残杀,很多野生动物濒临灭绝。请以“How to Protect Wild Animals”为题,用英语写一篇短文,说明保护野生动物的重要性以及怎样保护他们。内容包括:










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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:中等

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科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八上Unit 7 单元测试 题型:单选题

There is _______ water in the glass, but it’s _______ cold. You’d better not drink it.

A. a bit; a bit B. a bit of; a bit

C. a little; a little of D. a little of; a little

B 【解析】句意:在玻璃杯里有一些水,但是它是凉的,你最好不要喝它。a bit有点,修饰形容词;a bit of一些,修饰名词;a little一些,修饰不可数名词,a little of后面的名词前必须有定冠词、指示代词、名词所有格或者形容词性物主代词;故选B 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

Listen! Did you hear the_______ shouts? The match must be exciting.

A. . excite B. exciting C. more exciting D. excited


All the things _______ deep white snow. It’s so beautiful outside.

A. are covered on B. are covered in C. covered with D. be covered


_______ the students in our grade are 14 years old, and the rest _______ 15.

A. Hundreds of; are B. Two hundred; is

C. Two hundreds of; is D. Two hundred of; are


--- ____is the weather like today?

--- It’s _____.

A. How; cloudy B. What; cloudy

C. How; cloud D. What; cloud


The sentence structure of “We must keep our classroom clean and tidy.” is _______.


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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:中等

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科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A UNIT6试卷 题型:单选题

—What do you think of the question? —I find it quite ______ I can find out the answer _______.

A. easy; easily B. easily; easily C. easily; easy D. easy; easy

A 【解析】试题分析:句意:——你认为这个问题怎么样?——我发现它非常难,我不能很容易地找到答案。本题第一空考查形容词做宾语补足语;第二空考查副词修饰动词短语find out。故选A。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

The giant panda weighs just _______when it is ______.

A. 10-kilogram; 10-month-old B. 10-kilograms ; l0-month-old

C. 10-kilogram; 10 months old D. 10 kilograms; 10 months old


Our government is trying to provide homeless people ______special shelter______ stay.

A. with; to B. with; for C. for; to D. for; with


Henry keeps exercising every morning.______, he looks healthier and healthier.

A. As a result B. In order to C. However D. Moreover


There's no empty seat on the bus. Can you make ______for the old lady?

A. seat B. room C. space D. place


You will be late for school________ you don’t get up early.

A. but B. if C. and D. or

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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:中等

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科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A UNIT6试卷 题型:单选题

_______ more accidents,you’d better _____ the driving speed.

A. Stopped;to slow down B. Stop;to slow down

C. To stop; slow down D. Stopping; slow down

B 【解析】试题分析:句意:为了避免更多的交通事故,你最好降低驾驶速度。本题第一空考查不定式作目的状语;had better后跟动词原形。故选C。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

—What’s the weather like today?

—It’s so sunny and cloudy. Can’t you see many children ______kites on the playground?

A. fly B. are flying C. to fly D. flying


We should do something else______ our country.

A. to protect B. protecting C. protect D. protected


Funtawild Adventure is very popular and ______ tourists visit it year by year.

A. more and more B. fewer and fewer C. less and less D. more or less


Do you need two more workers ______ you _____ these big stones?

A. help; carry B. to help; carry

C. help; to carry D. to help; carrying


-You can make beautiful sounds like birds. So wonderful! - _______.

A. That's OK B. Thank you

C. That's all right D. I'm afraid not

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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:困难

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科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A UNIT6试卷 题型:单选题

I think important for us to help people learn more about protecting animals.

A. that B. that's C. its D. it

D 【解析】句意:我认为对我们来说重要的是帮助人们更多地了解保护动物。根据句型think it+形容词for sb to do sth“认为对于某人来说做某事是……”此处作为形式宾语,故用代词it。故选D。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

The worker asked the _______ not _______ down their names in this form.

A. writer; to write B. writers; writing C. writers; to write D. writer; write


The woman keeps _______ the house because she wants to keep it _______.

A. cleaning; clean B. to clean; clean

C. clean; cleaning D. cleaning; cleaning


-What do sparrows look like? - _______.

A. They are really cute animals B. They like eating insects

C. They are fine D. They are small


-Why are you so excited? -Peter invited me _______ on a trip to Yunnan.

A. to go B. go C. going D. went


-What's that bird called in English? -Which one? There are two. Do you mean the one with _______ neck?

A. long B. longer C. a longer D. a longest

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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:中等

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科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A UNIT6试卷 题型:单选题

I heard your daughter ____________ in the next room at ten last night.

A. sang B. sing C. singing D. sings

C 【解析】句意:我听见你的女儿昨天晚上10点的时候在隔壁房间里唱歌。sang是sing的过去式,唱歌;sing动词原形;singing现在分词形式;sings第三人称单数形式。根据句意at ten last night可知,这里表示当时正在发生的动作,故用现在分词形式,选C。这里用的句型是hear sb. doing sth.听见某人正在做某事。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

Tom is watching TV, ________ his father is busy working in the study.

A. after B. while C. before D. so


There is not enough _______ for birds here because people build too many houses.

A. ground B. food C. area D. space


He is very strong. He has _______ shoulders.

A. large B. big C. wide D. broad


Shanghai is ______the east of China, and Japan is _______the east of China.

A. in, to   B. to, in

C. in, in   D. to, to


We went to watch a bird show in the wetlands _______ a rainy Sunday morning.

A. at B. in C. on D. /

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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:困难

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科目:初中英语 来源:英语人教版七上Unit 7 单元测试卷 题型:单选题

—I don’t like this hat.It’s too big.

— Well,here is a one for you.

A. small B. short

C. long D. tidy

A 【解析】句意:—我不喜欢这顶帽子,它太大了。—嗯,这里有一顶小的给您。根据上一句我认为帽子太大可知,想要一顶小的。故选A。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

--- Can I help you?


A. Thank you B. Yes, please. I want a pen

C. You’re welcome D. I’m sorry


I want to buy a shirt _______ my father.

A. to B. on C. for D. in


– ________ is the TV? –It’s 2000 yuan.

A. How many B. How much C. How about D. How big


His T-shirt _______ white and his shorts _______ yellow.

A. is; is B. is; are

C. are; are D. are; is


These shoes are very nice. I'll _______ them.

A. call B. want

C. take D. like

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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:简单

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科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级英语下册Unit 3 How do you get to school单元测试卷(无听力部分) 题型:单选题

—_______ is it from your home to school?

—About two kilometers.

A. How far B. How long

C. How much D. How old

A 【解析】句意:——从你家到学校有多远?——大约两千米。how far多远,对距离提问;how long多长时间,对时间提问;how much多少钱,对价格提问;how old多大,对年龄提问。根据About two kilometers可知此处对距离提问,故用how far。故选A。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

Mr. Miller has a _______ daughter.

A. five year’s old B. five-year-old

C. five years old D. five-years-old


Don’t let that dog come here. I am _______ of it.

A. free B. funny

C. afraid D. happy


It’s very easy for him _______ a car.

A. drive B. drives

C. driving D. to drive


These young men eat _______ hamburgers and _______ bread every day.

A. many; much B. many; many

C. much; many D. much; much


—What’s your _______, Dave?

—I want to be a musician one day.

A. job B. habit

C. dream D. question

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  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:中等

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