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     Simon and I were born in the same year. We are classmates and good friends. I always listen to the
teacher carefully in class and do things as the adults (成年人) say. I am well behaved (表现好)and never naughty(调皮). I always get good marks. I am the apple of the teacher's eve. Simon is different. He is
clever but the teachers don't like him, because he is so naughty. In class he often makes faces to make
others laugh(大笑). Sometimes he asks strange questions which are hard to answer. That makes the
teacher in embarrassment(尴尬).
     One day Simon asked Mr. Smith, our history teacher; " May I ask you a question?"    
     "Go ahead, please."
     "When you are teaching a group of students, there comes another group. Then how many groups of
students do you have?"
     "Two, of course. That's the easiest question in the world."
     Simon laughed and said, "you are wrong, sir. Two groups of students joining together(加在一起)is still one group. That's the easiest question in the world."
     All the students burst out laughing.
     You see, we are so different, but we are good friends.
1.Choose the best Chinese meaning for the underlined(下面划线的)phrase.
2.Why don't the teachers like Simon?
A.He is too clever.
B.He is so naughty.    
C.He often makes the teachers in embarrassment.
D.Both B and C.
3.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Simon and I are good friends, but we are different.    
B.Simon and I were of the same age.
C.All the students don't like Simon.
D.In fact, Simon is a good student, too.
4.Which of the following is about Simon?    
A.He listens to the teachers carefully in class.
B.Teachers don't think he is a good student.    
C.He is never a naughty boy.
D.He is the apple of the teacher's eye.
5.Choose the best title(题目)for the passage.
A.Simon and I                        
B.A Naughty Boy.
C.How to Be a Good Student          
D.Friends in Need Are Friends Indeed.

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Jack: Two tickets(票)to London,please. What time is the next train(火车)leaving(离开)?
Man: At nineteen past eight.
Jack: Which platform?
Man: Platform Two. Kate: What time is the next train leaving?
Jack: At eight nineteen. It’s three to eight now. Let’s go and have a drink. There’s a bar next to the station(火车站).
Kate: Now let’s go back to the station.
Man: Tickets,please.
Jack: Here they are. It’s the train to London at eight nineteen.
Man: The train has left(离开).
Jack: What? But it’s only eight fifteen.
Man: I’m sorry,si r. Your watch is slow(慢). I think.
1.Jack and Kate are going to ________.
2.Their train leaves at ________ ________.
3.Jack and Kate ________ ________ ________ in a bar.
4.What’s platform in Chinese? ________.
5.How many minutes(分钟)is the watch slow ________ ?


科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

  It is Sunday today. Tom is lying in bed. It is eight-thirty. He doesn't want to
get up.  His father is watering the flowers(浇花).  His mother is cooking
breakfast. His sister is doing her homework.
  "Get up,  Tom. "  says his mother,  " Go to help your dad. " Tom  has to
leave the bed, but he finds a math book in his bag. He stdrts to read loudly. "
Three times (乘)  five is fifte.en,  three times six is six-teen. . . " His mother
hears this and  becomes  angry (生气).   She  asks," What are you reading,
Tom?"  "I don't know. "  " Aren't you reading?"" Yes,  I am, " answers the boy.
" But I am not listening ! "
1. There are _____ people in Tom's family.
A. two      
B. three      
C. four          
2. The family are all busy except(除…以外_____.
A. Tom      
B. Tom's si    
C. Tom's father      
D. Tom's mother
3. Tom doesn't want to get up because          .
A. it is very early              
B. he is very tired
C. he has no homework            
D. he doesn't need to go to school
4. _____, so he begins to read the book.
A. Tom doesn't want to get up to help his father
B. Tom doesn't want to help anyone
C. Tom likes reading very much
D. Tom likes to study math very much
5. Tom's mother is angry because _____.
A. her son doesn't go to help his father
B. what her son is reading is not right
C. her son is reading a math book
D. her son doesn't listen to her


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期末题 题型:阅读理解

     "Haibao, the mascot (吉祥物) of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, is very cute," said Gu Hui, a school kid.
"I want a big toy like the mascot."
     Haibao looks like the Chinese word ren, which means people or a person. The name, a typical lucky one
in Chinese tradition comes from the Chinese phrase "Si Hai Zhi Bao" -the treasure of the four seas. It also
means the treasure of Shanghai, which lies beside the sea.
     Haibao's blue curly (卷曲的) hair looks like the waves of the sea. Its smile is a sign of the healthy spirit
of China. Those thumbs-up (翘拇指) will welcome millions of people to Shanghai from around the world.
Its big feet show China has the ability to host a successful Expo.
     Haibao was created by two artists, one from the mainland (大陆) and the other from Taiwan. The design
is about people living together in the city. The designers want it to fit the theme of the Shanghai Expo, that is,
a good life should be created by all the people and people should have harmonious relationships (和谐关系)
with nature and society, so that life in cities would be better. Surely the mascot will become the lucky symbol
and cultural remark of Shanghai Expo.
1. Which is the mascot of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo?
2. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. School children like Haibao.
B. The name Haibao shows Chinese traditional culture.
C. Haibao is the wisdom of two artists.
D. Haibao is an animal living in the sea near Shanghai.
3. What is the theme of the Shanghai World Expo?
A. One World, One Dream.
B. One China, One Family.
C. Better City, Better Life.
D. Shanghai, An Open City.


科目:初中英语 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

     A mascot (吉祥物) is very important to an event. Do you know what the mascot of Shanghai World
 Expo 2010 is? Well, it is haibao. It can be seen almost everywhere in China now. The inspiration of the
design comes from a Chinese word "ren" which means people in English. It really looks like a man putting
up his hands and saying hello to everyone.
     The name, Haibao, comes from the Chinese phrase "Si Hai Zhi Bao". "Hai" means the sea in English,
and it also implies (隐含) that it was born in Shanghai. "Bao" is a lucky name in Chinese traditional culture.
The name not only means the treasure (宝藏) of the sea, but also means the treasure of Shanghai. Every
part of Haibao's body has its special meaning. For example, Haibao's hair is like the wave of the sea. Its
smiling face shows its friendliness. Haibao was designed by two artists, one from Shanghai and the other
from Taiwan. The design is very successful. It is very easy to remember and it also shows the theme of
Shanghai World Expo "Better City, Better Life". Haibao is confident, lovely and lively. It is a good
ambassador (形象大使) of Shanghai World Expo. It is welcoming friends all over the world with its
opening arms and friendly smile.
1. What's the meaning of the name" Haibao" in the passage?
[     ]
A. It means sea water.
B. It means the Chinese word "ren".
C. It means the treasure of the sea and Shanghai.
D. It means a smiling face.
2. How many artists designed the mascot?
[     ]
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Five.
D. Eight.
3. What is the theme of Shanghai World Expo 2010?
[     ]
A. Better City, Better Life.
B. One World, One Dream.
C. Welcome Home.
D. Share the Spirit.
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
[     ]
A. Haibao has curly hair and a smiling face.
B. Haibao looks like a man saying hello to everyone.
C. The artists who designed Haibao come from the same place.
D. Haibao is a lucky name in Chinese culture.


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

       Li Guilin and Lu Jianfen are teachers from Si chuan. They have worked in a mountain (大山) school
  for 18 years. They work and live in a mountain. Every day they get up at 6:30 in the morning. Then 
  they climb down (爬下) the mountain and bring the students to their school, because they live far away  
  from (远离) the school. Their classes start from 9:30 am. They don't eat lunch, and the kids don't, either.
  They have to send the kids back home at 4:00 in the afternoon. Li Guilin and Lu Jianfen have dinner at
  8:30 in the evening. They don't watch TV. After that they work until 10:30, At about 11:00 they go to
  bed. They like their job and they work hard. They give much knowledge (知识) and even their lives to
  their students.                       
1. Both Li Guilin and Lu Jianfen work _____.
A. in a hospital      
B. in a school
C. in a city            
D. in a post office
2. They bring their students to school _____.
A. by bus              
B. in a car
C. by bike            
D. on foot
3. They _____ at school every day.
A. have no lunch with their students
B. have no lunch themselves
C. have a good lunch at school
D. have a little lunch every day
4. From the passage we know their students _____.
A. live near the school
B. live in different mountains
C. live very far from the school
D. in the school
5. Facing to (面对) _____, they are very happy.
A. their students  
B. their busy work
C. a hard life        
D. A, B and C

