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【题目】 Two people sit down to play Go (围棋). One of the players is an old man. He is now 89 years old. He has spent all of his life playing this game. The other person is a young woman. She has been playing Go for only three years. Before this, the woman was an expert at playing computer games. Now she plays Go the same way she played computer gamesby becoming a machine herself.

They will play many games, until they know who the winner is. The woman shows no feelings but thinking about all the possible ways of placing her next stone. The old man, on the other hand, looks at the movements of her hands and of her face. This has always helped him to win.

He wins the first three games. She wins the next game, and the man is surprised. He has never lost to a woman. The old man worries about the way the young woman is playing the game. He can't read her face; he does not understand her way of playing.

"The way I think about the game," says the woman, "is that it is steps for getting what I want. " Again, the old man is surprised. For him, the game is a way of life itself, and not a model of life.

"There is no more beauty any longer. Everything is science and rules. Everything is about winning. Nothing is about playing. " he says.

They cannot agree with each other, but it is not necessary.

"Change is a necessary part of life," thinks the man.

"Playing is as important as winning, " thinks the woman.

They start to play their final game.

1According to the passage, the Go games are played by ________.

A.two Go beginnersB.two Go loversC.father and daughter

2Before the woman plays Go, she was ________.

A.a computer game playerB.a computer science teacherC.a computer engineer

3Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The old man loses the third game to the woman.

B.The old man wins all the games against the woman.

C.The woman has her own way of playing Go.

4From the passage we can know ________.

A.the old man doesn't care who the winner is

B.the woman pays no attention to the steps

C.the old man learns something from the woman

5What is the best title of the passage?

A.An Old Go Player.B.A Strange Woman.C.Winning or Playing?









1细节理解题。根据第一段“One of the players is an old man…by becoming a machine herself,”可知,一位老者几乎花了他的一生来下棋,一个年轻女士,在这之前是一个电脑游戏专家,她下围棋跟她玩电脑的方式一样。由以上的信息可得知,这两位都是围棋的狂热者。故选B

2细节理解题。根据第一段“Before this, the woman was an expert at playing computer games,”可知,在这个之前,这个女人是一个玩电脑游戏的专家。故选A

3推理判断题。根据“He wins the first three games. She wins the next game,”可知,老人赢了前三场比赛,输了第四场给这位年轻女士,所以AB选项是错误的。根据"The way I think about the game," says the woman, "is that it is steps for getting what I want. "“我认为比赛的方法,”这位女士说,“就是步步接近我想要的。”及Now she plays Go the same way she played computer games“现在她下围棋的方式就跟玩电脑游戏的方式一样”,可知,这个女人下围棋有自己的方式,所以C选项是正确的。故选C

4推理判断题。根据"The way I think about the game," says the woman, "is that it is steps for getting what I want. " Again, the old man is surprised. For him, the game is a way of life itself, and not a model of life“我认为比赛的方式,”这个女士说,“就是步步接近我想要的。”这位老人再次惊讶了。对于他来说,比赛本身就是他生活的方式,而不是一个生活的模式。可知,这位女士比赛的方式让这位老人学到不一样的东西。故选C

5最佳标题。根据"There is no more beauty any longer. Everything is science and rules. Everything is about winning. Nothing is about playing. " he says,可知,老人认为每一样事物都是技术和规则,一切都是为了胜利。没有什么是关于玩的。根据Playing is as important as winning,可知,这位女士认为玩和赢一样重要。由此可知,本文从两个围棋狂热者开始围下棋,而引出了两个人对于下围棋的输赢有不同的看法,所以最适合本文的标题是“赢还是玩”。故选C


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The other day Roy Price went "home" to his sister's house. It's her home now, but it's also the house he was born in. Pat, his sister kissed him and said, "You haven't changed much, Roy. ___自从上次见面后,我们有很多年没见了。Let me see now. When did we meet last?"

"Twenty-five years ago," he answered. "I was here for a week. Do you remember?" He added.___"You haven't changed much, either." It was polite for Roy to say so, but it wasn't true. Pat seemed almost an old lady.

___The next morning, Roy walked through the village alone. The place looked very different. There were lots of traffic signs on that roads and beside the roads, there was a new car park, a new post office and a new bus stop. He remembered suddenly that the bus used to stop anywhere-you just put up your hand and it stopped. One surprise followed another. The railway station was gone! The school was gone. A lot of farm machinery stood in the playground!

___But Roy's biggest surprise was the people. He didn't recognize anybody at all, perhaps because everyone seemed old. He went into the post office and bought some stamps. "Where are all the children and young people?" he asked the postmaster.

The old fellow looked up from his book of stamps. "Children?" he said, "They are in school, of course. There are three or four young families here. The children go to school by bus-to Horham."

At lunch Pat said, "The village looks nice, doesn't it?"

"It's all different, Pat. It used to be an exciting place. ___但是现在村子里满是老年人。I don't understand..."

"There are few newcomers, but the ones we knew are still here. You're also not young, Roy, are you?"







科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 We can’t always meet lucky things in our life. Sometimes some bad things are good for our life. They can help us learn to be brave. No matter what happens in our life, we should learn to face it bravely.

Helen was a wonderful dancer. One day, when Helen was playing with her 10—month—old son at home, the building began to shake. “I carried my son in my arms and wanted to go downstairs, but when my husband opened the door, the building fell down, ” sad Helen.

Helen was saved the next day, but her husband and her baby son died .1 said that her legs had to be cut off from the knees.

2“At first I thought I wouldn't be able to dance any more, and my life would become very hard.3But when I saw that my family and friends cared so much about me, I decided that I would not 1et them down,” Helen said4 Later, when she felt better, she began practicing dancing on the bed.

5She smiled and said to her mother, “Tomorrow I will be able to walk. and before 1ong I can dance again”.

The earthquake has taken away a lot of things. but it has never taken away the hope of life.


A.She wanted to die with her husband and baby.

B.I was very sad at that time.

C.What did this mean for a dancer?

D.And her legs were badly in jured.

E.She first learned to turn over in bed without help.

F.Months later Helen received artificial limbs (假肢).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Long long ago, in a small, lonely village, there was a place known as the House of 1,000 Mirrors. A happy little dog heard of this place and decided to pay a ______ there. He ran all the way with a happy heart. When he ______ the place, he jumped happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. There was a hole in the door. He looked through the hole with his ears lifting high and his tail ______ as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself looking at 1,000 other happy little dogs ______ their tails shaking just as fast as he did. He smiled, and was answered with 1,000 great smiles just as warm and ______ as his. As he left the house, he said to himself, "This is a ______ place. I will come back and visit it often."

In the same village, ______ little dog, who was sad and in blue all the day, decided to visit the house, too. He ______ climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the hole in the door. To his great ______, he saw 1,000 unfriendly dogs looking at him, so he barked at them right away. Then he was ______ to see 1,000 little dogs barking back at him. As he left, he said to himself, "This is a terrible place, and I will never come back and visit it."

All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?







7A.the otherB.otherC.another





科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】B) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。并将答案填写在下面相应题号的位置上。

Many American schools are closed during the summer. Most children in the United States have a summer holiday for almost three months. This traditional school schedule was designed long ago when many Americans lived on farms. Children were needed at home during the summer to help their families with harvesting crops and feeding animals. Schools later continued the tradition, mostly because it was difficult to hold classes in the hot summer weather.

American schools began to do an experiment by changing this system in the early 1900s. One idea was for children to attend school all year round. But the idea didn't become popular until about twenty-five years ago. Studies done at the time showed that American students were not performing as well as students in other countries.

Students who attend year-round schools in the United States do not go to class every day. They spend the same number of days in class as other students do. But the time is organized differently. For example, some students attend school five days a week for nine weeks. Then they have three weeks off before going back to school for another nine weeks. In summer, they have a five-week holiday.

Supporters of year round schooling say it improves students’ learning. They say students in the traditional system often forget what they have learnt after a long summer holiday. They think that schools can offer special classes during short holidays for students who need extra help. They also think that it saves money, because the school buildings are used throughout the year.

People who oppose year-round schooling say the research has not showed that it can improve students’ learning. Families report problems in organizing activities and travel when their children in different schools have different holidays. Some parents want their children to have a long summer away from the pressures of school. People who start summer camps for children don’t agree with the idea. So do businessmen that employ teenagers in summer.

American Year—Round Schools

The history of year-round


Students had a three-month summer holiday to help their families with harvesting crops and feeding animals, because many Americans were 1 long ago.

Schools later continued the tradition 2 the hot weather.

Year-round schools began in the early 1900s, but it didn't 3 until about twenty-five years ago.

Students who attend year-round schools spend the same number of days in class. But the time is organized differently.

The reasons for supporting year-round schools

It improves students’ learning, because students can easily forget what they have learnt after a long summer holiday.

It saves money by using the school buildings throughout the year.

The reasons 4

year-round schools

It's hard for families to organize activities and travel.

Parents want their children to stay away from the pressures of school.

Both summer camp organizers and businessmen oppose the idea for their own 5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where is the new library?

A.On New Street.B.On Red Street.C.On Green Street.

2When did John go to the new library?

A.Last Wednesday.B.Last Tuesday.C.Last Monday.

3What can they do in the video reading room?

A.Buy books.B.Search the Internet.C.Borrow books.

4When can they see a free movie?

A.On Mondays.B.On Saturdays.C.On Sundays.

5Who will go to the new library this weekend?

A.Only Mary.B.Mary and John.C.Only John.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】the, can, hopes, live a happy life, people, girl



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Where is it possible to drive from Rome to Moscow, Madrid, Paris, Vienna and Stockholm without going to Europe? The answer is in the state of Maine!

Throughout the United States there are many towns and cities that have been named after not only European cities but other countries as well, such as China, Poland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Just how many New World place names are recycled from the Old World names has never been tallied, but one researcher found forty-one Londons, fifty-six Berlins, twenty-four Dublins, thirty-two Athenses, and twenty-seven Moscows, among others!

Reasons for European place names differ. Some were in memory of settlers' former homes, others in honor of historic events. Founded in 1818 by John coffee, Robert Beauty, John D. Carroll and John Read, Athens is one of the oldest incorporated cities in the State of Alabama. The town was first called Athenson, and the name was then shortened to Athens, after the ancient city in Greece. More interestingly, some names were given by mistake. For instance, the people of Moscow, Kansas, wanted their city to follow the name of the explorer Moscoso. They shortened his name to Mosco, and an official in Washington, thinking the Kansans couldn't spell, added a "w".

1What might have made the official in Washington change Mosco into Moscow?

A.Moscow is a world-famous city name.

B.He thought Moscoso would prefer Moscow.

C.He believed Moscow was a far better name.

D.He couldn't spell very well and made a mistake.

2The underlined word "tallied"? In Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to"________".


3The best title for the passage is ________.

A.The Story of Moscow, Kansas

B.American Cities and Their Names

C.Interesting Names

D.Old World Place Names in America


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Good news! We can take high-speed trains from Yangzhou to Shanghai next year.

—We will have a new________ for holidays by then.


