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(   ) 1. When I woke up,the sun was shining in       the window.

   A. across   B. cross

   C. through   D. from


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  1. 照料我们比做一份全职工作还要辛苦。

  2.             us was            a full-time job.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 我们必须采取行动来制止污染,使我们的家乡更加美丽。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


提示:1. 随着经济的发展,人们的生活已发生变化;

2. 我的家乡与过去相比发生的变化;

3. 自己的愿望。

要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,内容完整;

2. 内容包含所有提示,可适当发挥;

3. 80词左右。

参考词汇rapid development of China's economy中国经济的迅速发展;take place发生;used to 过去常常;live a better life过着更好的生活Changes in my life


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 你们不许太靠近山路的边缘走,因为你们可能会掉下去并伤了自己。

You mustn't walk                   the edge of the hill path,because you might fall and            .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Today,it is a big problem for young graduates to get satisfying jobs. 1       that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world. Choosing the right one itself is not easy.

"Finding a job" is not 2        as "choosing a job". Many young people end up in a job because they are not 3        for it. Sometimes "chance" may 4       a more important part than "decision".

Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs 5        you might enjoy doing after school or university. First,it is important 6        what kind of person you are,which special qualities 7        you outstanding among people and what you are interested in. There is a difference 8        an interest and a skill. If you like 9        and enjoy looking at pictures,that is an interest. But if you can 10       a horse that looks like a horse not a big dog,that is a11      

Then ask yourself a question, "In the following three areas skills with people,skills with informa?tion and skills with things,which are your 12        skills?"

After 13        your skills,the next step is re?search. To 14        as many different kinds of jobs as possible,go to the library and read books,maga?zines and newspapers for information. Ask your friends 15        the work they do.

Finally,trust your own ideas and your own thinking!It is your own life,just find the job you really enjoy doing.

(   ) 1. A. It's saying   B. It's say

   C. It is said   D. It says

(   ) 2. A. same   B. as same

   C. so good   D. the same

(   ) 3. A. suitable   B. fitted

   C. able   D. like

(   ) 4. A. take   B. play   C. have   D. choose

(   ) 5. A. which   B. what

   C. if   D. whether

(   ) 6. A. feel   B. realise

   C. to feel   D. to realise

(   ) 7. A. helps   B. makes   C. make   D. help

(   ) 8. A. both   B. between

   C. from   D. either

(   ) 9. A. art   B. music   C. sports   D. acting

(   ) 10. A. ride   B. feed   C. draw   D. treat

(   ) 11. A. success   B. skill

   C. hobby   D. fact

(   ) 12. A. good   B. the best

   C. better   D. best

(   ) 13. A. examine   B. have examined

   C. examining   D. examined

(   ) 14. A. find   B. find out

   C. look out   D. look at

(   ) 15. A. what do they think of

   B. how do they think of

   C. what they think of

   D. how they think of


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. You should be careful of       (fall) stones.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. Maria       at 6:30 every morning by her mother to get ready for school.

   A. was woken up   B. woke up   C. wakes up   D. is woken up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. [2015 • 德州]—Mr Wang,must I come again to clean the classroom on Sunday?

―No,you      . I have asked Kate to do it.

   A. can't   B. mustn't

   C. needn't   D. shouldn't

