¸ù¾ÝÏÂÁÐÐÅÏ¢£ºÒÔA flood hit BeijingΪÌâдһƪºéË®ÔÖº¦µÄÎÄÕ¡£

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A flood hit Beijing

A storm hit Beijing around 1:00 pm on July 21, 2012. My classmates and I were learning DIY course, and the teacher told us to go home as soon as possible. We held together an umbrella, but the rain kept going around us. Unluckily, we lost the umbrella in the wind, and both of us almost fell down; Finally we arrived at my uncle's house. What a terrible flood! It washed away small villages and bridges. Houses were collapsed, at least 79 people were killed and many people became homeless. People began to rebuild their homes, and the government has actively taken measures to help people in trouble.

When flood hits our city, we should follow the adults¡¯ advice. Don¡¯t run away or be scared. The electricity and gas should be cut off at once if the flood goes into your house. Keep calm. You can make a difference.



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Watching Movies for Your Summer

Carfield: A Tale of Two KittiesSuperman ReturnsPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Hello, Carfield will meet you again on the screen. This time, America's favorite cat Carfield travels to London. Carfield gets lost on the way. However, he enjoys his new life in his new home. But danger is near him... How exciting to see Superman on the screen again. Like before, he is again saving the world. But his enemy (µÐÈË) , Lex Luthor, is still planning to kill him so that he can control the world. Captain Jack Sparrow again appears on the screen. This time, he finds himself in a heavy debt (¸ºÕ®)to Davey Jones. The only way to get out of it is to find the Dead Man's Chest He asks his old friends for help and they start out to the sea.

1.The story of Carfield in this movie happens in _______.

A. America B. London C. the sea D. the world

2.Why does Lex Luthor plan to kill Superman?

A. Because he tries to save the world.

B. Because he never sees Superman on the screen.

C. Because he finds it hard to like the story.

D. Because he wants to control the world.

3.What is the trouble for Captain Jack Sparrow this time?

A. He again appears on the screen.

B. He turns to his friends for help.

C. He is in a heavy debt to Davey Jones.

D He finds the Dead Man's Chest.



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Wen Genying was born in 1987 in South Korea. She is a very f _1._ actress. She has many fans all over the w _2._. She likes to p _3.__ the piano and read comic books when she is f _4.__. And she is good at swimming and dancing. She has a h _5.__ family. Her grandmother helps her a lot w_6._ her acting and teaches her Japanese. She often helps p __7.__ people and gives away some m _8._ to the people in n __9.__. She also sets up a Wen Genying Scholarship(½±Ñ§½ð) for s __10.__. I think we should learn from her.



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We must hurry up. There are few minutes _______.

A. to leaveB. leavingC. leftD. leave



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¡ª Is Jim coming by train?

¡ª I¡¯m not sure. He_____ drive his car.

A. must B. need C. may D. will



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Little Mike¡¯s grandma died weeks ago. He missed her very much. One afternoon Mike went to the city park where his grandma used to go. There he saw an old lady. She looked very kind. She was sitting there, watching pigeons(¸ë×Ó).Little Mike went up and sat next to her. He took out his food and drinks and gave some to her. She smiled at him. Her smile was so sweet that Mike wanted to see it again. She seemed to understand him, so once again she smiled. Mike was very glad.

They sat there all the afternoon, eating and talking. As it grew dark, Mike got up to leave. Before he left, he hugged the old lady and she gave her sweetest smile.

When Mike got home, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. ¡°I met a granny in the park. Her smile was like the kind of smile I had seen on grandma¡¯s face.¡±

The old lady also returned to her home happily. She told her son that she had food and drinks with a little boy. ¡°He was as lovely as Brittany.¡± She said. Her son was surprised, because he had never seen her so happy since Brittany, her grandson, died weeks ago.

1.Little Mike went to the park and ________.

A. played with pigeons

B. fed pigeons

C. met an old lady

D. saw a friend of his grandma¡¯s

2.The old lady¡¯s smile showed that _______.

A. he had hoped to meet the boy

B. she wanted to get some drinks

C. she missed her grandson

D. she liked the little boy

3.Mike felt very glad because_______.

A. he gave the granny food and drinks

B. the old lady was as kind as his grandma

C. he had seen his grandma

D. she liked the little boy

4.Mike and the old lady________.

A. were good to each other

B. knew each other well

C. often met in the park

D. did nothing that afternoon

5.What can we learn from the story?

A. When one feels unhappy, he must go to a park

B. Old people are always kind and happy

C. Children and old people should get on well with each other

D. When people are kind to each other, they will feel happy



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On our way home, our bikes______, so we had to walk home.

A. is broken B. was broke C. broke down D. breaks down



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Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to join the Animal Society.







Yours sincerely,

Zhang Hua



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--- Do you have any money with you?

--- Sorry, I have ________ left.

A. nothing B. no one C. everything D. none


