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It was December 25. Marie, a 13-year-old Australian girl, was happy. It was Christmas, and Marie's mother was making a special cake. She put four small coins into the cake,  and then she baked (烤) it. The four coins were for good luck. After dinner Marie and her family ate the cake. They found three coins in the cake and put them on the table. Where was the fourth coin? It was missing, but Marie's mother didn't notice.
After Christmas, Marie got sick. She coughed, and she couldn’t speak. After six weeks she felt better, but she still couldn't speak. Marie's parents took her to hospital. Doctors at the hospital looked her over, and then said, "We are sorry, but we can't help her." For 12 years Marie didn't speak. She grew up, she got a job, and she got married. But she never spoke. One day,  when Marie was 25 years old,  she got a sore throat ( 嗓子疼 ) at work. She began to cough. She coughed up something small and black. What was it? Marie didn't know. She took it to the hospital. A doctor at the hospital said, "This is a coin!" The doctor told Marie, "I think you can speak again." Marie went to a special doctor, and soon she could talk.
【小题1】What did Marie's mother make at Christmas?
【小题2】What did Marie's mother put some coins in the cake for? 
【小题3】 How many coins did Marie's family find after eating the Cake?
【小题4】How long didn’t Marie speak?
【小题5】Could Marie speak at last?

【小题1】She made a special cake. / A special cake.
【小题2】For good luck. / Good luck.
【小题3】Three/3 (coins)
【小题4】For 12years
【小题5】Yes, she could

【小题1】细节理解题。问题:玛丽的妈妈在圣诞节做了什么?分析原文: It was Christmas, and Marie's mother was making a special cake.句意: 这是圣诞节,玛丽的妈妈做了一个特别的蛋糕。明确答案是做蛋糕。故填:She made a special cake. / A special cake.
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:玛丽的妈妈为什么放硬币在蛋糕上?分析原文:She put four small coins into the cake,  and then she baked (烤) it. The four coins were for good luck.句意:她把四个小硬币放到蛋糕中。四个硬币是代表好运。结合原文明确硬币代表好运。故填:For good luck. / Good luck.
【小题3】细节理解题。问题:玛丽的家人吃过蛋糕之后找到了多少个硬币?分析原文:After dinner Marie and her family ate the cake. They found three coins in the cake. 句意:全家人吃过蛋糕之后,发现只有三个硬币在蛋糕中。故填:Three/3 (coins)
【小题4】细节理解题。问题:玛丽有多长时间不能说话?分析原文:For 12 years Marie didn't speak. 句意:长达十二年,玛丽不能说话。因此时间为12年。故填:For 12years
【小题5】细节理解题。问题:最后玛丽能说话了吗?分析原文:Marie went to a special doctor, and soon she could talk.句意:玛丽去看了一位特殊的医生,不久就能说话了。因此本题肯定形式来回答。故填:Yes, she could


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sixteen years ago a boy gave me an important gift. It was a smile.
It was the early autumn of my first year at a middle school,and my old school was far away. As a result,no one knew who I was. I was very lonely,and afraid to speak to anyone.
Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing,I felt my heart break. I couldn't talk with anyone about my problems.
Then one day,when my classmates were talking happily with their friends,I was sitting at my desk unhappily as usual. At that moment,a boy entered the classroom. I didn't know who he was. He passed by me and then turned back. He looked at me,with a smile.
Suddenly,I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day,I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now.
One day I asked him why he had smiled,but he couldn't remember doing so!
It doesn't matter because all the dark days have gone. I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think it is lonely,you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will smile back.
【小题1】 Why didn't the writer talk to anyone in her new school about her problems?

A.Because she was always unhappy.
B.Because she didn't know anyone at the time.
C.Because she was in the first year at the junior high school.
D.Because she didn't want her parents to worry about her.
【小题2】Where does she now think her feeling of unhappiness came from?
A.From her old school.
B.From her parents.
C.From herself.
D.From her classmates at the new school.
【小题3】 What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A Surprising Gift B.An Exciting Birthday Gift
C.An Important Gift—Smile D.A Boring Gift


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most people of a country. A fashion usually keeps popular for 1-3 years and then is replaced by another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily hope for the changes.
Nowadays more and more young people prefer following the fashion. On this phenomenon(现象), different people have different opinions. It is held that one should follow the fashion so as not to be looked down or seem strange. But it is also held that one should have his or her own judgement(判断).
Those who hold the first opinion think that society is progessing and one should get used to the changes. In their opinions, if everyone always follows the old fashion, there won’t be any change and naturally there won’t be much progress. However, those who hold the second view think that one shouldn’t follow the fashion without having his or her own judgement and characters.
As for me, I agree with the second opinion. Of course, it’s good for people to keep up with the fashion, but this is not to say that people should follow the fashion blindly(盲目地). If all the people follow the same fashion, there will be no variety and the whole society will be boring.
【小题1】. The second paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A.what the fashon is about
B.different people have different opinions about the fashion
C.whether one should follow the fashion or not
D.more and more young people prefer following the fashion
【小题2】 According to those who hold the first view, why should one follow the fashion?
A.One should follow the fashion so that they won’t be looked down.
B.One should follow the fashion so that society is progressing.
C.One should follow the fashion so that people will have their own judgement.
D.One should follow the fashion so that society will be boring.
【小题3】.We can tell from the story that the writer thinks we should _________.
A.keep up with the same fashion
B.be against the fashion
C.say nothing about the fashion
D.follow the fashion by our own judgement
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Hope For Fashion B.Have Your Own Judgement
C.How to follow the fashion D.Two ideas about the fashion


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sarah ran in, shouting, “Look what I found!”  Over the top of the paper I was reading; came a terrible thing that caused me to jump. It was a snake skin found in our garden.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” said my seven-year-old daughter.
I opened my eyes widely and looked at the snake skin in fear(恐惧地). I didn’t think it was beautiful, but I learned never to appear nonchalant(冷漠的)with children. Everything they see for the first time is important to their sense of beauty; they see only excellence in the world.
“Why does it do this?”  Sarah asked.
“Snakes shed(蜕) their skins because they need to renew themselves,”  I explained.
“Why do they need to renew(使更新) themselves?” Sarah asked.
“We often need to shed our skins, those coatings that we cover ourselves with,” I said to my daughter. “We leave some things and find other thing unwanted or unnecessary. This snake no longer needs this skin. It is probably too little for him, and he probably doesn’t think he looks as smart in it as he once did. ”
As we talked, I knew that she began to understand. Although she couldn’t understand clearly, she would know that renewal is part of progress; that we need to take a good look at ourselves, our rooms, schoolwork and spirit, and see what we need to keep and what we need to leave.  I was careful to tell that this is a natural way, not one to be forced.
“Snakes don’t peel off their skins when they like them. “I explained. “It happens as a natural thing of their growth. ”
“I see, Dad,” said Sarah as she held the snake skin, and then ran off.
I hoped she would remember this; we need to throw some away because they are worthless or unnecessary. Then we can store them as memories in our deep hearts.
【小题1】Father jumped up when her daughter came to him with a snake skin because ______.

A.he didn’t want to read any more
B.he was in great fear of it
C.he wanted to praised her daughter
D.he hated snakes
【小题2】Father’s patient explanation shows that ______.
A.his daughter didn’t want to listen to him at all
B.he knew children saw only excellence in the world
C.his daughter couldn’t follow him at all
D.he wanted to teach everything to her
【小题3】We learn from the reading that______.
A.the girl seemed to understand what her father said
B.the girl wasn’t interested in the explanation
C.the father was good at raising snakes
D.the father liked the snake skin better


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever things weren’t going my way. “Don’t worry, one day your luck will change.” Mother was right, as I discovered after I had finished my college education. I had decided to find a job in radio. One day, I wanted to host(主持) a sports program. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But I got turned down every time.
In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadn’t got enough experience. “ Get some work with a small station and work your way up,” she said.
I went back home. I couldn’t get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him. But again, I didn’t get the job.
I felt really down. “ Your luck will change,” Mom said to me. Dad lent me the car to help me to look for my job. I tried another radio station in Iowa. But the owner, a nice man, told me he had already had someone.
As I left his office, I asked, “How can someone be a sports announcer(播音员) if he can’t get a job in a radio station?”
I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man call. “ What did you mean? Do you know anything about football?” He put me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imagine that I was giving my opinion on a football game, I succeeded.
On my way home, Mom’s words came back to me, “One day your luck will change, Son. And when it happens, it’ll feel doubly(加倍的) good because of all the hard work you’ve had.” At that moment I knew what just what she meant.
【小题1】What’s the writer’s ideal job?

A.A sportsman. B.A shop assistant. C.A sports announcer. D.A businessman. 
【小题2】Why didn’t the writer get the job in Chicago? Because             .
A.he was too young 
B.he didn’t get college education 
C.he’s not a good-looking person 
D.he hadn’t got enough experience 
【小题3】Which of the following is True according to the article?
A.You just need wait for some time, then luck will come. 
B.Luck will come if you try your best to do everything. 
C.It’s important for you to wait for luck. 
D.You should trust your mother. 
【小题4】The sentence “But I got turned down every time.” means “            .”
A.But I was refused every time 
B.But I was successful every time 
C.But I lost my way every time 
D.But the door of every station was always closed 
【小题5】What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Mother’s Words. 
B.Everything Happens For The Best. 
C.No One Is Always Lucky . 
D.To Find A Job In Radio Is Difficult. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Once my father asked me to hold his hammer while he repaired something, so we could have some time to talk to each other.
For 22 years, after I left home for college, he called me every Sunday at 9 am. He was always interested in my life and how my family was doing, and I never once heard him complain about his own life.
Nine years ago when I bought my first house, my father, 67 years old, spent eight hours a day painting it for three days. He would not allow me to pay someone to have it done. All he asked for was a glass of iced tea and for me to hold a paint brush for him and talk to him. But I was too busy.
Five years ago, at age 71, my father spent five hours putting together a swingset (秋千组) for my daughter. Again, all he asked was that I get him a glass of iced tea and talk to him. But again, I was too busy.
Four years ago, my father drove all the way from Denver to Topeka, with an eight-foot Colorado blue spruce (蓝叶云杉) in his trunk, so that my husband and I could have a part of Colorado growing on our land. I was preparing for a trip that weekend and couldn’t spend much time with him.
Then, one day, my father telephoned me as usual, this time from my sister’s home in Florida. We talked about the tree he had brought me, “Fat Albert”, but that morning he called it “Fat Oscar”, and he seemed to have forgotten some things. I had to get to church, so I cut the conversation short.
The call came at 4:40 pm that day: my father was in hospital in Florida with an aneurysm (动脉瘤). I got on a plane immediately, and on the way I thought of all the times I had not taken the time to talk to my father. I realized that I had no idea who he was or what his deepest thoughts were. I promised that when I arrived, I would make up for lost time.
I arrived in Florida at 1 am. My father had passed away at 9:12 pm. This time it was he who did not have time to talk to me.
【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The writer arrived in Florida before her father passed away. 
B.The writer didn’t find enough time to talk to her father all these years. 
C.The writer noticed nothing unusual about her father’s health before he was put in the hospital. 
D.The writer’s father brought them the Colorado blue spruce because it is an expensive kind of tree. 
【小题2】How did the writer feel when she was rushing to the hospital where her father was staying?
A.Hopeless.  B.Sorry.  
C.Frightened.  D.Disappointed. 
【小题3】Which words best describe the writer’s father?
A.Honest and modest.  
B.Strict and demanding (要求高的). 
C.Talkative and positive (积极乐观的).  
D.Caring and thoughtful. 
【小题4】What’s the best title of this passage?
A.What a good father! B.How busy I am. 
C.Time keeps going. D.My father and our family. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was looking forward to a quiet view (观察) of the art works.
A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me chatted non-stop between themselves. I watched them a moment and decided the wife was doing all the talk. I admired the husband’s patience for putting up with her continuous talk. Distracted by their noise, I moved on.
I met with them several times as I moved through the different rooms of art. Each time I heard her constant burst of words, I moved away quickly.
I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase when the couple came near to the exit. Before they left, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He extended it into a long stick and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wife’s jacket.
“He’s a brave man.” The clerk at the counter said, “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery he made a promise that his life wouldn’t change. So, as before, he and his wife come in whenever there’s a new art show.”
“But what does he get out of the art?” I asked, “He can’t see.”
“Can’t see? You’re wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or I do.” The clerk said, “His wife describes each painting so he can see it in his head.”
I learned something about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.
【小题1】The young couple were at an art museum _______.

A.to show their love B.to appreciate art
C.to discuss paintings D.to describe paintings
【小题2】“…I moved away quickly.” in Paragraph 3 shows that the writer _______.
A.was in the hope of visiting more rooms
B.was in a hurry to buy some gifts
C.was tired of the non-stop talking
D.was not interested in the art show
【小题3】We can infer (推断) from the passage that the husband _______.
A.was not born blind
B.couldn’t stand his wife
C.knew nothing about art
D.completely depended on his wife
【小题4】After hearing what the clerk had said about the couple, the writer was _______.
A.encouraged B.excited C.touched D.annoyed
【小题5】The passage is mainly about _______.
A.the importance of art B.good manners in public
C.patience of a husband D.love between a couple


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tommy buys a ticket(票) and goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out. He buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes after that, he comes out a third time and asks for another ticket. Then the girl selling tickets says to him, “Why are you buying all these? Are you meeting friends in the cinema all the time?”
“No, I’m not doing that.” the small boy says, “But a big woman always stops me at the door and tears (撕掉) my tickets up.” 
【小题1】Tommy goes to the cinema to       .

A.see a filmB.buy ticketsC.meet his friendsD.sell tickets
【小题2】Tommy wants to buy the       ticket when the girl asks him.
【小题3】The big woman is      .
A.Tommy’s friend
B.the girl’s mother
C.a worker in the cinema
D.a shopkeeper near the cinema
【小题4】What can we guess(猜) from the story?
A.Tommy is the first time to go to a cinema.
B.Tommy doesn’t like the small boy.
C.The girl likes the small boy.
D.The girl asks the woman to do so.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A jobless man wanted very much to have the position of “office boy” at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. “You have passed the test,” he said. “Give me your e-mail address and I’ll send you the form to fill in and the date when you may start.” The man replied, “But I don’t have a computer, neither an e-mail.” “I’m sorry,” said the HR manager. “If you don’t have an e-mail, that means you are not living. And anyone who isn’t living cannot have the job.”
The man left with no hope at all. He didn’t know what to do with only $10 in his pocket. He thought and thought. Then he went to the supermarket and bought 10 kilos of tomatoes. He sold the tomatoes from door to door. In less than two hours, he had 20 dollars. He repeated the operation three times, and started to go early every day, and returned home late. Shortly, he bought a cart , then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles(运货车队). Five years later, the man was one of the biggest food retailers (零售商)  in the US.
 One day, one of his friends asked him for his e-mail. He said, “I haven’t got one.” His friend couldn’t believe his ears. “Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?” The man thought for a while and replied, “Yes, I’d be an office boy at Microsoft!”
【小题1】What did the man do for the test?

A.He sent e-mails.B.He did the cleaning
C.He sold computers.D.He filled in forms.
【小题2】The man didn’t get the job because he_____________.
A.disliked such a jobB.didn’t pass the test
C.didn’t have an e-mailD.knew nothing about computers
【小题3】The man ______after he left Microsoft.
A.went to look for another job
B.asked for food from door to door
C.thought of an idea to make monkey
D.bought a computer and got an e-mail
【小题4】Why could the man become one of the biggest food retailers in the US?
A.Because he had many friends to help him.
B.Because he was smart and worked very hard.
C.Because he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.
D.Because he wanted to show Microsoft he was living.
【小题5】What does the story want to tell us?
A.Computers are very important in our daily life.
B.Everyone can make a lot of money with only$10.
C.The HR manager didn’t find the ability of the man.
D.Nothing in the world is impossible if we work hard.

